Customize Acrobat experience in Microsoft Teams

Organizations with an active Adobe subscription can customize the end-user experience in Acrobat for Microsoft Teams through the Admin configuration portal. Available customizations are:

  • Disable paid features for users who are free or not signed in.
  • Mandate sign-in with the email address corresponding to the user's Microsoft Teams account.
  • Enforce sign-in using a Company or School account instead of a personal one.
  • Remove social login choices.
  • Remove the Create an account option on the sign-in page.
  • Disable the Acrobat welcome bot notification.
  • Provide entry points to the organization’s internal software licensing portal.

Microsoft admins can manage access to the Admin configuration portal through the Access Management portal

Steps to customize Acrobat experience for Microsoft Teams

  1. If you’re the Adobe admin of the org, go to Acrobat for Microsoft Teams.

  2. Select your profile avatar on the upper-right corner of the window, then select Admin settings.

    Admin settings

    Alternatively, go to the Admin configuration portal directly.

  3. Sign in using your Adobe admin credentials when prompted.

If you are also the Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Teams admin of the organization

  1. Select Sign in as Microsoft admin if you’re also the Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Teams admin of the organization.

  2. Choose your desired settings in the Adobe Acrobat Integration Settings window.

  3. Once you’re done with the changes, save your preferences. The end users will see the updated Acrobat experience for Microsoft Teams upon refreshing the app.

If you are not the Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Teams admin of the organization

If you aren't the admin of the Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Teams admin of the organization, you must obtain consent from the Microsoft admin for configuration changes.

  1. Select Sign in and request access and sign in with your Microsoft 365 credentials.

  2. Select Create request link, then select Copy link.

  3. Send the copied link to your Microsoft 365 or Teams admin.


    If the shared link expires, create a new link from the Admin settings page and reshare. For more information, see steps to follow if the request link expires.

  4. When the Microsoft 365 or Teams admin clicks the link, a dialog box with a request to authorize the Adobe admin's access appears.

    If the Microsoft Team's admin doesn't have the rights to authorize Adobe Admin's access, the following error is displayed.

    Microsoft Teams admin authorization error

    In such a case, do any of the following:

    • Send the link to your organization's Microsoft 365 or Teams Global admin for approval.
    • The Global admin can also adjust the Microsoft 365 or Teams admin account settings to grant authorization access. For more information, refer to the User and admin consent in Microsoft Entra ID.
  5. Upon authorization, go to the Admin configuration page to sign in and set your preferences.

Steps to follow if the request link expires

If the link has expired, the Microsoft 365 or Teams admin will view a Request link expired dialog box.

Request link expired dialog box

You’ll have to re-create the request link by going to the Adobe Acrobat integration settings page and select Create request link. A new link is created which you can send to the Microsoft 365 or Teams admin.

Overview of Acrobat customization settings 

Disable paid tools

Enabling this setting grays out paid tools in the Acrobat viewer for Microsoft Teams for non-signed-in and free users.

Disable paid tools

Paid tools are also not displayed on the Acrobat Home screen.

Paid tools hidden in Acrobat Home

If this option is deselected, all users, regardless of sign-in status or account type, will see paid tools. Non-signed-in users are asked to log in upon clicking, while free account users are prompted to seek paid tool access from the organization admin.

Require users to sign in with the same email address used to sign into Microsoft Teams

When you enable this option, the email address used for signing into Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Teams automatically populates and locks for editing in the sign-in screen when a non-signed-in user selects Sign in. This ensures users can’t sign in to Acrobat for Microsoft Teams using personal credentials.

Require users to sign in with the same email address used to sign into Microsoft Teams

Require users to sign in with their Company or School account

When you enable this setting, users with an email ID linked to both personal and work/school accounts must always sign in with their work/school account, as the personal account option becomes unavailable.

Hide social login options

When you enable the Hide social login options setting, the sign-in with Google, Facebook, Apple, or Microsoft don't appear during the sign-in process.

Social login options are enabled
Social login options are enabled.

Social login options are disabled
Social login options are disabled.

Prevent users from creating an account from the sign-in screen

With this setting enabled, users won’t have the Create an account option visible to them on the sign-in window.

Create an account option is enabled
Create an account option is enabled.

Create an account option is disabled
Create an account option is disabled.

Suppress welcome bot notification

Currently, the Acrobat bot automatically sends a chat message to end users upon the Acrobat app's installation. 

You can turn off this message using this setting.

Add a custom link to the company’s internal licensing portal

Use this preference if you want your free users to apply for a paid Acrobat license following your organization's established license procurement process. You can add a link to your internal licensing portal at the following places in Acrobat:

For non-signed-in users

Under the tool tab, in the Acrobat PDF viewer.

In the Acrobat Home tab.

For free signed in users

In the Tools pane of the Acrobat viewer.

Request a license from the Tools pane

If paid tools are visible, and a free user clicks them.

Paid tools are visible and user requests a license to use the tool

In the Acrobat Home tab.

If paid tools are visible in the Home tab and a free user clicks them.


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