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Retrain your custom models with Firefly Image 3 Model

Learn how to retrain your existing custom models using Adobe Firefly Image 3 Model and experience enhanced image quality and styling capabilities.


To keep using your custom models trained before September 5, 2024, you must retrain them with Image 3 Model by December 4, 2024.

Custom models trained on the new Firefly Image 3 Model bring a significant boost in image generation quality, greater accuracy, new levels of detail, and enhanced styling capabilities. By upgrading, you can achieve production efficiency gains and consistency with your campaigns and brand. 

  1. On the Firefly website homepage, select Custom models from the top menu bar. 

  2. On the Your models page, select a custom model in Ready or Published status.


    All trained custom models have a badge showing the Firefly Image Model used for the training.

    To quickly identify the Firefly Model, switch to the list view, select Firefly Model, and sort the list in descending or ascending order.

    The Firefly page features a section titled ‘Your models’ and includes a table listing various models. The table has columns for ‘Name’, ‘Status’, and ‘Created’. The statuses shown are ‘Published’ and ‘Ready’, along with their creation dates. There’s an option to sort the items, currently set to ‘Sort by Modified’, which organizes models labeled ‘Image 2’ and ‘Image 3’.
    Identify custom models trained using Image 2 Model and retrain them to experience enhanced image quality and styling capabilities.

  3. In the retrain notification, choose one of the following options:

    • Duplicate and simplify captions
    • Duplicate and keep captions
  4. Selecting Duplicate and simplify captions will duplicate your training data and overwrite the existing image captions with simplified ones. 

    The image shows a pop-up window titled “Retrain.” It provides instructions about retraining an AI model on “Firefly Image 3” by December 4, 2024. The pop-up mentions that custom models perform best with simplified captions. There are options to duplicate the model and simplify captions, duplicate and keep captions, or continue the model.
    You have the option to duplicate the existing model with or without recaptioning.

    Custom models trained on Firefly Image 3 Model perform best with simplified captions with fewer than 15-18 words. When you select Duplicate and simplify captions, Firefly will simplify your captions, overwriting the existing ones. However, you can still review and edit the simplified captions before the model is retrained.

  5. Select Duplicate to start the duplication and recaptioning process.

  6. Once the model is duplicated, it will be available on the Your models page in Draft status.

  7. Open the new draft model, review the captions, add or remove images, and adjust the model name.

  8. Select Train to start the training. While the training is in progress, you can leave this page or return to the model inventory page.

  9. Once the training is complete, it will reflect on the Your models page with a Ready status. 

View trained custom models inventory

The Your models page displays a complete inventory of all the custom models you have created or made available for your Firefly account.
Your models page lists all the custom models you have created or shared with other key details.

A. Firefly Image Model used B. Training mode selected C. Custom model status 

Preview and test custom models

After you train a custom model, you can test if it matches your intention before publishing it for use by content generators. If you'd like to make modifications, you can duplicate your training data and add or remove images or change the captions before training. Explore tips and best practices to train effective Firefly custom models. 

  1. On the Firefly website homepage, select Custom models.

  2. Select   icon for a model and select Preview and Test.

  3. Your model will open in the Preview and Test mode with the sample prompt entered into the prompt field.

  4. Under the General settings section, ensure that the right model is selected from the Model dropdown menu.

  5. Adjust the Aspect ratio, Content type, Composition and Style references, and Effects if necessary.

  6. Enter a detailed prompt and select Generate.


    When testing a subject model, make sure to add the keyword in the Concept field as the main subject of your prompt. 

  7. Reword your prompt or try other prompts to test your custom model.

  8. Once you are done testing the model and happy with the results, you can publish the custom model so that it's available for entitled users to use and generate image variations. If you aren't happy with the results, you can duplicate and make additional tweaks to the images or captions. 

  9. Remember to unpublish the version of the model that was trained on Image 2 Model.

All users within your organization entitled to generate assets using custom models can access and use the published models using the Text to image feature on the Firefly website. 


Custom models trained on Firefly Image 2 will expire on December 4, 2024. All custom models trained on Image 2 model should be unpublished by this date.  

Given that generated content may look different using custom models trained on Image 3 Model, we recommend you work with your team to ensure they have adequate time to transition before unpublishing custom models trained on Image 2 Model.   

To continue using custom models trained or published on Image 2 Model, upgrade your models to Image 3 by December 4, 2024. 

Try it in the app

Utilize the features of Firefly Image 3 Model and start retraining your custom models.

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