Adobe receives no data or information from client machines using Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline applications. However, if an app is used in an online environment (Internet-connected), the following DNS request is logged with the DNS server:
<NPDID>-<timestamp> (where NPDID stands for NGL Preconditioning Data ID).
The request does not include any information. The DNS lookup only contains the NPDID and timestamps. The application will continue to work. However, Adobe will be informed that the corresponding package was used in an online environment.
NPDID is a unique entitlement identifier corresponding to an Adobe license that is unique to Adobe. It is not a device ID, IP Address, domain, host name, or machine name.
Here's a sample NPDID:
Base 64 decode value = b000f7a5-07e5-400a-9aa9-328c40804f93