Feature summary | Photoshop desktop (November 2024 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the November 2024 release (version 26.1) of Photoshop on desktop.

Try out the latest features and enhancements.

Gradients Contextual Task Bar

Quickly work with gradient-specific options directly from the Contextual Task Bar that appears on selecting the Gradient tool.

The gradients Contextual Task Bar lets you toggle between gradient presets, modify the gradient type (like Linear, Reflected, and Diamond), and change the color and opacity. 

Select gradient Presets, edit gradient type, reverse gradient preset color, and change color and opacity from the Contextual Task Bar when the Gradients tool is active
Select gradient Presets, edit gradient type, and change color and opacity from the Contextual Task Bar when the Gradients tool is active

Check out Photoshop tools, options, and task bars to learn more about the Contextual Task Bar.

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