Cache functions

Function Description
CacheGet Gets an object that is stored in a cache.
CacheGetAllIds Gets the IDs of all objects stored in the cache.
CacheGetEngineProperties Returns the properties of the current caching engine used.
CacheGetMetadata Gets the metadata values for a cached object and template caches.
CacheGetProperties Gets the cache properties for the object cache, the page cache, or both.
CacheGetSession Retrieves the underlying cache object to access additional cache functionality that is not implemented in the tag  cfcache .
CacheIdExists Determines if a cached object exists in the cache region.
CachePut Stores an object in the cache.
CacheRegionExists Checks if a cache region exists.
CacheRegionNew Creates a cache region.
CacheRegionRemove Removes a specified cache region.
CacheRemove Removes an object from a cache.
CacheRemoveAll Removes all stored objects in a cache region.
CacheSetProperties Sets the cache properties for the object cache, the page cache, or both.

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