Support Services | Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: Mar 15, 2022

The following provisions detail Adobe’s provision of support services to an eligible entity (“Customer”) for the applicable On-premise Software, On-demand Services, and Managed Services (each a "Product" and collectively “Products”).  These support services (or portions thereof) (“Support Services”) may have been previously referred to as Gold, Platinum, or Enterprise Support Services.  More information regarding eligibility and applicability of these Support Services may be obtained by contacting Adobe Customer Care.

Adobe will provide live technical support services to individuals designated by Customer as support admins on the admin console on a 24x7x365 basis.  Local language support, if offered, is available from 9:00 am through 5:00 pm Monday through Friday local time, excluding national holidays and Adobe designated holidays.  Outside these hours, support is available in English language only.  Upon enrollment, Adobe will provide Customer with appropriate telephone numbers to be used for support, and the support sites to be accessed for unlimited online support, depending on the geographical location of Customer and Adobe Products licensed.

Customer may request support services via remote computer access.  If so requested, Customer agrees to allow Adobe permission to remotely access any and all Customer systems on which the Adobe Products depend, via an external computer controlled by Adobe, for the sole purpose of providing support services to Customer. 

If available for a Product, Customer’s designated technical support contacts may schedule expert services appointments consisting of up to 30 minutes of telephone advice regarding product workflows and best practices. Customer may contact Adobe Customer Care to inquire if such appointments are available for a specific Product.

To initiate a request for support services from Adobe, Customer’s designated individual must identify the failure of the applicable Product to perform in accordance with the applicable published product documentation (“Service Request”).  After receipt of a Service Request, Adobe will (a) define the priority of the Service Request, and (b) undertake reasonable efforts to acknowledge receipt of such Service Request within the identified timeframe (“Targeted Response Time”) via the same medium of communication by which the Service Request was reported. 

The priority of each Service Request will be addressed as follows:



Targeted Response Time

Level 1 - Critical

  • Problem results in extremely serious interruptions to a production system
  • Tasks that should be executed immediately cannot be executed due to complete crash of a production system or interruptions in main functions of a production system
  • Problem results in compromised data integrity which could result in financial losses
  • Problem has affected or could affect entire user community

30 minutes

(Service Request must be initiated telephonically)

Level 2 - Urgent

  • Problem results in serious interruptions to normal operations and could negatively impact an enterprise-wide installation or urgent deadlines in a production system
  • Data processing continues but in a restricted manner and data integrity may be at risk which may cause serious interruptions to critical processes
  • Problem hinders the deployment of an enterprise installation of a pre-production system

1 hour

Level 3 - Important

  • Problem causes interruptions in normal operations or minor degradation in performance
  • Problem is attributed to malfunctioning or incorrect behavior of the Product

4 hours

Level 4 - Minor

  • Problem results in minimal or no interruptions to normal operations but no business impact
  • Problem typically consists of installation and configuration inquiries

1 business day

Adobe will use reasonable efforts to acknowledge receipt of the Service Request within the Targeted Response Time.  Adobe will use commercially reasonable efforts to diagnose the problem and provide a remedy that could take the form of eliminating the defect, providing updates, or demonstrating how to avoid the effects of the defect using a commercially reasonable level of effort.  Despite Adobe’s exercise of reasonable efforts, not all problems may be solvable. The processing time will start from the date and time when Adobe’s Customer Care team acknowledges receipt of the Service Request. If the Service Request cannot be solved within a commercially reasonable timeframe, the Service Request may be escalated within the Adobe Customer Care organization.  Customer’s designated technical contact must be available to work with Adobe Customer Care while Adobe is in the process of resolving the Service Request.

Adobe reserves the right to alter the Targeted Response Times, from time to time, using reasonable discretion but in no event may such alterations result in:  (a) diminished support from the level of support described herein; (b) materially diminished obligations for Adobe; or (c) materially diminished rights of Customer.  Adobe will provide Customer with 60 days prior written notice of any material changes to the Targeted Response Times identified herein.

In its sole discretion, Adobe may provide Customer with an update to a Product which may consist of code corrections, bug fixes, and minor modifications or enhancements to the Product in order to bring the Product into substantial conformity with the applicable published product documentation.  Updates will only be provided to Customer for the current version of the Product.  All updates are provided to Customer on a license-exchange basis.  Adobe’s issuance of an update to a Product is intended as a replacement of the copy of the Product previously licensed to Customer and are not provided as additional copies.

The following provision applies to: purchases of On-premise term licenses, On-demand Services, and Managed Services and purchases of On-premise perpetual licenses, only if Customer is enrolled in a maintenance and support program.  As used herein, “Upgrades” means an upgrade to a Product consisting of a new version release of the Product, or a generally available modification or enhancement to the performance or functionality of the Product that exists in the then-current release of such Product. In its sole discretion, Adobe may provide Customer with an Upgrade to a Product. All Upgrades are provided to Customer on a license-exchange basis. Adobe’s issuance of such Upgrade to a Product is intended as a replacement of the copies of the Product previously licensed to Customer and are not provided as additional copies. Copies of the Products that are replaced must be destroyed. Customer’s use of any Upgrade provided by Adobe is to be governed by the updated license use and restriction terms in the applicable end-user license agreement, if any. 

Support Services for any Product is limited to the hardware, platform and operating systems detailed in the Products' applicable system requirements documentation. Adobe has the right to alter, or discontinue the manufacture and development of any of the Products and the support available for those Products, at any time in its sole discretion, provided that Adobe agrees not to discontinue Support Services for a Product during Customer’s then-current, paid for, support term, subject to the termination provisions in the applicable end-user license agreement between Customer and Adobe, or these terms and conditions. In no event will such alterations made to support during Customer’s then-current support term result in: (a) diminished support from the level of support set forth herein; (b) materially diminished obligations for Adobe; or (c) materially diminished rights of Customer. Adobe will provide Customer with sixty (60) days prior written notice of any material changes to the support services contemplated herein. 

Renewal Fees

If Adobe makes renewals for support available to its customers generally, Adobe will provide Customer with a renewal notice in advance of expiration of the then-current term for support services, so that Customer can order an additional one year term for support. If Customer desires to renew, Adobe will invoice Customer for the renewal term. If Customer allows its support services on its perpetual license to the On-premise Software to lapse, Customer may be subject to additional fees, to cover the lapsed period, prior to the reinstatement of support services. If Customer elects to renew support services for an additional term following the purchase of the On-premise license, the renewal annual support fee is determined as follows:  (a) for the first renewal term, the initial annual fee may be increased by three percent (3%); (b) for the second through the fourth renewal terms, the annual support fee for the immediately preceding renewal term may be increased by three percent (3%); and (c) for the fifth and subsequent renewal terms, the annual support fee will be the lesser of twenty percent (20%) of the then-current list price for the On-premise Software or the annual support fee for the immediately preceding renewal term increased by the applicable Consumer Price Index (CPI), for the twelve-month period preceding the renewal date, however, in no event shall the amount be less than the annual support fee charged for the prior year for the On-premise Software covered by the applicable renewal.  


If Customer has purchased multiple perpetual licenses of an On-premise Software and Customer chooses to renew support services, Customer must purchase support services on all of the perpetual licenses of the On-premise Software unless otherwise agreed by Adobe and which would be subject to Adobe’s policies on documenting decommissioned On-premise Software licenses. 

Extended Support

If the version of an On-premise Software product licensed by Customer reaches end of life, Customer may elect to purchase extended support (“Extended Support”) for a maximum period of another two (2) years from the end of life date, provided that Extended Support is available for that version of the On-premise Software.  The Support Lifecycle Policy identifies the availability of Extended Support and its associated cost.

In Adobe’s sole discretion, Adobe may make available a resource (“Customer Success Engineer”) that will answer questions from a maximum of 10 named Customer technical support contacts regarding the initial implementation of the Managed or On-demand Services, the upgrade process, and Managed or On-demand Services best practices.  
The Customer Success Engineer will be available from 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday in the time zone where the Customer's Success Engineer is located. Adobe provides no specific response times in association with a Customer Success Engineer.

For Adobe Commerce: Managed Services products licensed or renewed by Customer with a License Term Start Date on or after September 20, 2021, the Targeted Response Time for Level 3 – Important Service Requests related to Adobe Commerce: Managed Services will be 2 hours during Adobe’s normal business hours, which will supersede the Targeted Response Time for Level 3 – Important Service Requests as indicated in the table above. All other remaining Support terms remain unchanged.


  • “Bank of Funds” means the total credits issued by Adobe in connection with an On-premise License.
  • “Commitment Period” means the total license term commitment for an On-premise License commencing upon the applicable License Term Start Date and continuing until the final License Term End Date identified for such On-premise License in the applicable Sales Order.
  • “On-premise License” means a term-based (but not perpetual) license to: (i) Adobe Substance 3D, and/or (ii) any Adobe Product and Service that is comprised solely of On-premise Software components and does not include access to any On-demand Services or Managed Services. For clarity, any licenses obtained through VIP are not deemed “On-premise Licenses” for purposes of this section and those VIP licenses are not eligible for this Special offer specific to On-premise Software licenses.
  • “Partner” means, if Customer did not pay Adobe directly, the partner that paid or pays Adobe directly for Customer’s On-premise License.
  • “Support Terms and Conditions” means those terms and conditions located at whether linked dynamically within a Sales Order or statically attached to a Sales Order.


By providing notice in accordance with the “Auto-Renewal” section below, Customer may apply this “Special Offer Specific to On-premise Software Licenses” to any Sales Order for the purchase of an On-premise License(s) that incorporates by reference the Support Terms and Conditions, excluding specifically Sales Orders entered into by the U.S. Federal Government (Sales Orders with state and local governments are not excluded) and Sales Orders under which Customer or Partner, as applicable, is purchasing an On-premise License for deployment within the People’s Republic of China.  If a Sales Order does not include the Support Terms and Conditions, but is otherwise not excluded as set forth in this section, Customer may still apply this “Special Provision Specific to On-premise Software Licenses” by providing Adobe notice in accordance with the “Auto-Renewal” section below.

Successive Monthly Terms

For each On-premise License, the license period is monthly. The Commitment Period is comprised of successive monthly license terms. For example, a three-year Commitment Period with a License Term Start Date of February 10th is comprised of 36 successive monthly terms, each monthly term commencing on the 10th of the month.


During the Commitment Period, On-premise Licenses will automatically renew month to month unless Customer, or Partner if applicable, provides 10 days prior written notice of its intent not to renew.  Customer’s or Partner’s exercise of this option not to renew (thereby acceptance of this offer) will automatically result in termination of the On-premise License at the end of the applicable monthly period (the “Termination Date”).

Bank of Funds

Upon the Termination Date, Customer or Partner, as applicable, will have a Bank of Funds balance in an amount equal to the remaining prepaid and unused fees received by Adobe directly or through a Partner for the applicable On-premise License. Such bank of funds will be held for the Customer’s benefit in accordance with these terms.

Customer’s and, if applicable, Partner’s obligation to pay the total fees for the entire Commitment Period shall survive such termination (each remaining payment a “Surviving Payment”).

Adobe will credit any Surviving Payment made to Adobe by Customer or Partner, as applicable, after the Termination Date to the applicable Bank of Funds.

Customer or Partner, as applicable, may apply its Bank of Funds to any “net new,” separate, mutually agreeable Sales Order for Adobe Products and Services for Customer.

Customer or Partner, as applicable, may not apply its Bank of Funds toward any outstanding or upcoming payment due on a Sales Order executed prior to the applicable Termination Date.

Customer or Partner, as applicable, may not apply its Bank of Funds toward payment of any fees due on a renewal of Products and Services purchased prior to the applicable Termination Date.

Each unused Bank of Funds shall expire without any refund 120 days after the final License Term End Date for the relevant On-premise License identified in the applicable Sales Order.

For clarity, nothing in this paragraph relieves Customer or Partner, if applicable, of its payment obligations as scheduled under any Sales Order under which Customer terminates an On-premise License that gives rise to a Bank of Funds.

Termination of any On-Premise License

Upon termination of any On-premise License hereunder, Customer will discontinue all further use and deployment of the On-premise License, immediately uninstall and destroy all copies of such Products and Services and provide written evidence of such destruction.

For Creative Cloud Products, Support Services  vary based on the version of the On-premise Software, operating systems (e.g., iOS, Android) used by Customer, and other factors. Support Services may not be available for older versions. For more information, please refer to the Creative Cloud Support Policy.

If Customer has purchased Adobe Experience Cloud Enterprise Support Services (“Enterprise Support”) pursuant to an executed Sales Order, Adobe will provide Customer with additional or enhanced support services for eligible AEC Products as described below. These additional or enhanced services are supplementary to or replace the Support Services terms described above, when applicable. For clarity, the above terms and conditions for Support Services will apply to the support services provided by Adobe to Customer, except where such terms and conditions are supplemented or replaced by the following Enterprise Support terms. Adobe’s obligation to deliver Enterprise Support is limited to the applicable AEC Product for which Enterprise Support was purchased. “AEC Product” means Adobe Experience Cloud On-premise Software, On-demand Services, and/or Managed Services set forth on the respective Sales Order(s) between Adobe and Customer.

Enterprise Support: Response Times

The priority of each Service Request for Enterprise Support customers will be addressed as follows:




Targeted Initial Response Time

Customer Requirements

Level 1 - Critical


Critical Business Impact:

Customer's production business functions are down or have significant data loss or service degradation and immediate attention is required to restore functionality and usability.

30 minutes

Customer commits to continuous, 24x7 engagement with Adobe support until mitigation. If Adobe support is unable to obtain critical information for managing the support response from Named Support Contacts, Adobe may decrease a P1 Service Request to a lower priority level.

Level 2 - Urgent


Major Business Impact:

Customer's business functions have major degradation of services or potential of data loss, or a major feature is impacted.

1 hour during Adobe’s regional business hours*

Adobe support will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s regional business hours only. If Adobe support is unable to obtain critical information for managing a support response from Named Support Contacts, Adobe may decrease a P2 Service Request to a lower priority level.

Level 3 – Important


Minimal Business Impact:

Customer's business functions have minor to no degradation of services with a solution/workaround allowing business functions to continue.

2 hours during Adobe’s regional business hours*

Adobe support will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s regional business hours only.

Level 4 - Minor


No business impact:

General question regarding current product functionality or an enhancement request.

1 business day*

Adobe will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s regional business hours only.

*Japanese language support for P2-P4 Service Requests is available during regional business hours in Japan.

“Named Support Contact” means a support admin designated by Customer in the admin console.

Named Support Engineer

Adobe will provide one designated named support engineer (the “NSE” or “Named Support Engineer”) that is dedicated to supporting a single AEC Product. The Named Support Engineer will become familiar with Customer’s solution environment and business goals to assist Customer’s receipt of Enterprise Support.

Escalation Management

Customer may escalate Service Requests through the Support portal by liaising with Customer’s designated support contact. Service Request escalations, where applicable, will be managed through cross-department escalation collaborations to Adobe’s engineering, management, and support teams. Customer’s designated support contact will provide Customer with recurring reviews and updates on the escalated Service Requests.

Service Reviews

Adobe will provide Customer with a bi-annual comprehensive review of support metrics and root cause analyses for selected critical-level service issues (limited to P1 and other mutually-selected Service Requests).

Case Reviews

  • The NSE will perform check-ins periodically with Customer to review any open Service Requests.
  • Adobe will provide regularly-scheduled reviews of Customer’s open Service Requests to align on case description, business impact, status, priority, and next steps.

Technical Support Expert Sessions

  • Adobe will provide up to two 60-minute sessions per year focusing on a specific AEC Product feature and how it may address common business problems. These expert sessions can be scheduled by appointment with the NSE for a mutually agreeable time. Customer acknowledges that these expert sessions may be facilitated through screen-sharing software, if needed, that allows an AEC Product expert to share new workflows.
  • If available for an AEC Product, a Named Support Contact may schedule expert services appointments with Adobe which consists of up to 60 minutes of telephone advice regarding AEC Product workflows and best practices. Customer may contact Adobe to inquire if such appointments are available for a specific AEC Product.

Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud Service Feature Adoption

For Customers who have licensed Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud Service (“AEM Cloud Service”), Cloud Subject Matter Experts (“CSMEs”) will be available to provide such Customers with applicable guidance for AEM Cloud Service, including technical and operational governance, customization best practices, and solution adoption and optimization.

Enterprise Support: Named Support Contacts

Under Enterprise Support, Customer will be entitled to an expanded capacity of up to 10 Named Support Contacts per AEC Product. Named Support Contacts can submit issues through all available channels and interact as needed with Adobe’s technical support team on behalf Customer. One such Named Support Contact can also be designated as Customer’s account administrator, allowing self-service updates to the list of Named Support Contacts, as well as limited permission settings, via the Adobe-provided support portal.

Enterprise Support: Live Telephone Support

Customer can submit a support case via phone for all P1 through P4 issues during Adobe’s regional support hours. There are no upper limits on the number of phone calls Customer’s Named Support Contacts can make. Customer can also request a call back from support or request a meeting to demonstrate or work through an issue using a shared remote desktop session.

Field Services

Field Services are activities that are focused on facilitating customer success and accelerating time-to-value. Under Enterprise Support, Field Services resources are available to Customer for selected and eligible AEC Products to provide Technical Track, Strategic Track, or Launch Advisory activities (described below). Field Services are limited to the total number of Field Service activities specified in the executed Sales Order and Field Services are not interchangeable with any other Adobe Professional Services engagement(s).

Field Services Activities:

  • Technical Track. Field Service activities within the Technical Track can help ensure Customer is following best practices and maximizing their tool adoption. Specifically, Technical Track activities may include recommendations related to platform configurations, integrations, and troubleshooting.
  • Strategic Track. Field Service activities within the Strategic Track locate opportunities to help ensure value is being realized from Customer’s AEC Products. Specifically, Strategic Track activities may include recommendations related to strategy, measurement, and maturity to drive value realization across one or more AEC Products.
  • Launch Advisory. Field Service activities within Launch Advisory are a core set of activities and recommendations that are proven to support successful deployments and accelerate time-to-value.

For customers implementing an AEC Product for the first time, the first year of Field Services available to the Customer will be comprised of Launch Advisory activities only. Adobe’s Launch Advisory services team will work with the Customer's solution implementation team to guide, assess, and make recommendations for the implementation of newly licensed AEC Products. Launch Advisory will include recommendations for configuration, setup, and launch, and other expert guidance to assist the Customer with aligning the new AEC Product to best practices.

Adobe will designate a Field Services lead to provide oversight during the Field Services engagement. A mutually agreed project collaboration plan will be created by Adobe and Customer at the start of the Field Services engagement detailing the activities to be addressed by Field Services. Field Service activities are outcome based and may be limited to 40 hours per activity.


  • Customer will provide a resource contact to coordinate Customer’s responsibilities, including, if applicable, any activities, due dates, resources, and internal development for Customer’s team. If any information, resources, work requirements, or decisions to be made by Customer are delayed (e.g., Customer platform owner not being available), Adobe will not be responsible for any consequences of such delays.

Customer acknowledges that there is no express or implied commitment from Adobe that all Field Services activities listed will be completed within the Enterprise Support term.

  • Field Services may be performed using off-shore and/or on-shore resources. Field Services activities may be performed outside of the Customer’s main business hour time zone. Field Services performed using off-shore resources will be provided in the English language.
  • Customizations to AEC Products are not in scope for Adobe support services. Customer is solely responsible for the creation and deployment of customizations to an AEC Product (including scripts, components, templates, etc.) and any impacts resulting from such customizations.
  • Availability of Adobe resources (e.g., Named Support Engineer, Field Services personnel, Launch Advisory personnel, etc.) are subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Enterprise Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability.
  • Any support-level issues or questions that are discovered via diagnosis as part of a Field Services engagement, but are not specific to Customer’s implementation or configuration, will be deemed out of scope for the Field Services engagement and will be referred to the Named Support Engineer.

If Customer has purchased Adobe Experience Cloud Elite Support Services (“Elite Support”) pursuant to an executed Sales Order, Adobe will provide Customer with additional or enhanced support obligations for eligible AEC Products as described below. These additional or enhanced obligations are supplementary to or replace the Support Services terms described above, when applicable. For the avoidance of doubt, the above terms and conditions for Support Services will apply to the support provided by Adobe to Customer, except to the extent such terms and conditions are supplemented or replaced by the below Elite Support terms. Adobe’s obligation to deliver Elite Support is limited to the applicable AEC Product for which Elite Support was purchased. “AEC Product” means Adobe Experience Cloud On-premise Software, On-demand Services, and/or Managed Services set forth on the respective Sales Order(s) between Adobe and Customer.

Elite Support: Response Times

The priority of each Service Request for Elite Support customers will be addressed as follows:




Targeted Initial Response Time

Customer Requirements

Level 1 - Critical


Critical Business Impact:

Customer's production business functions are down or have significant data loss or service degradation and immediate attention is required to restore functionality and usability.

15 minutes

Customer commits to continuous, 24x7 engagement with Adobe support until mitigation. If Adobe support is unable to obtain critical information for managing the support response from Named Support Contacts, Adobe may decrease a P1 Service Request to a lower priority level.

Level 2 - Urgent


Major Business Impact:

Customer's business functions have major degradation of services or potential of data loss, or a major feature is impacted.

30 minutes during Adobe’s regional business hours*

Adobe support will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s business hours only. If Adobe support is unable to obtain critical information for managing a support response from Named Support Contacts, Adobe may decrease a P2 Service Request to a lower priority level

Level 3 – Important


Minimal Business Impact:

Customer's business functions have minor to no degradation of services with a solution/workaround allowing business functions to continue.

1 hour during Adobe’s regional business hours*

Adobe support will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s regional hours only.

Level 4 - Minor


No business impact:

General question regarding current product functionality or an enhancement request.

1 business day*

Adobe will contact Named Support Contacts during Adobe’s regional hours only.

*Japanese language support for P2-P4 Service Requests is available during regional business hours in Japan.

“Named Support Contact” means a support admin designated by Customer in the admin console.

Named Support Engineer

Adobe will provide one designated named support engineer (the “NSE” or “Named Support Engineer”) that is dedicated to supporting a single AEC Product. The Named Support Engineer will become familiar with Customer’s solution environment and business goals to assist Customer’s receipt of Elite Support.

Escalation Management

Customer may escalate Service Requests through the Support portal by liaising with Customer’s designated support contact. Service Request escalations, where applicable, will be managed through cross-department escalation collaborations to Adobe’s engineering, management, and support teams. Customer’s designated support contact will provide Customer with recurring reviews and updates on the escalated Service Requests.

Service Reviews

Adobe will provide Customer with a regular review of Elite program services, support metrics, and work product, including a forward-looking delivery plan.

Case Reviews

  • NSE will perform check-ins periodically with Customer to review any open Service Requests.
  • Adobe will provide regularly scheduled reviews of Customer’s open Service Requests to align on case description, business impact, status, priority, and next steps.

Technical Support Expert Sessions

  • Adobe shall provide up to four 60-minute sessions per year focusing on a specific AEC product feature and how it may address common business problems. These expert sessions may be scheduled by appointment with Customer’s Named Support Engineer for a mutually agreeable time.
  • Customer acknowledges that the expert sessions may be facilitated through screen sharing software, if needed, that allows an AEC Product solution expert to share new workflows.
  • If available for an AEC Product, a Named Support Contact may schedule expert services appointments with Adobe which consists of up to 60 minutes of telephone advice regarding AEC Product workflows and best practices. Customer may contact Adobe to inquire if such appointments are available for a specific AEC Product.

Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud Service Feature Adoption

For Customers who have licensed Adobe Experience Manager: Cloud Service (“AEM Cloud Service”), Cloud Subject Matter Experts (“CSMEs”) will be available to provide such Customers with applicable guidance for AEM Cloud Service, including technical and operational governance, customization best practices, and solution adoption and optimization.

Elite Support: Named Support Contacts

Under Elite Support, Customer shall be entitled to an expanded capacity of up to 15 Named Support Contacts per AEC Product. Named Support Contacts can submit issues through all available channels and interact as needed with Adobe’s technical support team on behalf Customer. One such Named Support Contact can also be designated as Customer’s account administrator, allowing self-service updates to the list of Named Support Contacts, as well as limited permission settings, via the Adobe-provided support portal.

Elite Support: Live Telephone Support

Customer can submit a support case via phone for all P1 through P4 issues during regional support hours. There are no upper limits on the number of phone calls Customer’s Named Support Contacts can make. Customer can also request a call back from support or request a meeting to demonstrate or work through an issue using a shared remote desktop session.

Field Services

Field Services are activities that are focused on facilitating customer success and accelerating time-to-value. Under Elite Support, Field Services resources are available to Customer for selected and eligible AEC Products to provide Technical Track, Strategic Track, or Launch Advisory activities (described below). Field Services are limited to the total number of Field Service activities specified in the executed Sales Order and Field Services are not interchangeable with any other Adobe Professional Services engagement(s).

Field Services Activities:

Technical Track. Field Service activities within the Technical Track can help ensure Customer is following best practices and maximizing their tool adoption. Specifically, Technical Track activities may include recommendations related to platform configurations, integrations, and troubleshooting.

Strategic Track. Field Service activities within the Strategic Track locate opportunities to help ensure value is being realized from Customer’s AEC Products. Specifically, Strategic Track activities may include recommendations related to strategy, measurement, and maturity to drive value realization across one or more AEC Products.

Launch Advisory. Field Service activities within Launch Advisory are a core set of activities and recommendations that are proven to support successful deployments and accelerate time-to-value.

For customers implementing an AEC Product for the first time, the first year of Field Services available to the Customer will be comprised of Launch Advisory activities only. Adobe’s Launch Advisory services team will work with the Customer's solution implementation team to guide, assess, and make recommendations for the implementation of newly licensed AEC Products. Launch Advisory will include recommendations for configuration, setup, and launch, and other expert guidance to assist the Customer with aligning the new AEC Product to best practices.

Adobe will designate a Field Services lead to provide oversight during the Field Services engagement. A mutually agreed project collaboration plan will be created by Adobe and Customer at the start of the Field Services engagement detailing the activities to be addressed by Field Services. Field Service activities are outcome based and may be limited to 40 hours per activity.

Technical Account Management For Elite Support

Under Elite Support, Customer will be entitled to Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) services to provide proactive guidance on the selected AEC Product(s) for the selected Customer business units. TAM services will be limited to the number of AEC Products and Customer business units specified in the executed Sales Order. A mutually agreed service delivery plan will be created by Adobe and Customer at the start of the Elite Support services detailing the AEC Product(s), Customer business units, activities, and objectives, to be addressed by TAM services. TAM services will be available during Adobe’s regional business hours. The following are descriptions of typical activities for TAM services.

Environment Review: High-level environment review (does not include custom code).

  • Review solution deployment, configuration, integrations, and overall architecture.
  • Analyze solution capability, tool utilization, and performance.
  • Assess operational processes and procedures.
  • Capture current support and performance benchmarks.
  • Identify risks and mitigations for solution deployment.
  • Establish and review standards for optimal use and performance.

Solution Roadmap Review

  • Review Customer’s project roadmap.
  • Share Adobe solution roadmap (including EOL, key features, etc.)
  • Identify gaps and opportunities to make recommendations for alignment.
  • Capture business goals and risks for alignment.

Maintenance & Monitoring

  • Review available updates and provide any recommendations.
  • Advise and guide on regular system maintenance tasks.
  • Check and provide guidance on AEC Product solution health and performance monitoring.
  • Simulate environments to expedite issue resolution.
  • Inform Customer about any service packs and security patches.
  • Review business-critical workflows, reports, and testing plans to coordinate action to mitigate potential delays and errors.
  • Provide guidance on campaign, test, or personalization results.
  • Establish testing protocols for more optimal investigation and potential resolution of issues.

Release Preparation and Review

  • Subscribe the Customer to ongoing release notes.
  • Provide tailored release information based on Customer’s AEC Product configuration and use case(s).
  • Review and understand maintenance release schedules.
  • Perform focused sessions to demonstrate new features.
  • Provide release impact analysis and guidance.
  • Review Customer release and deployment plan.

Knowledge Transfer

Ongoing knowledge transfer from Adobe personnel to provide structured guidance and improve the capability of the Customer’s team.

Upgrade/Migration Planning

  • Qualify upgrade/migration path and options.
  • Capture requirements for migration or solution upgrade.
  • Review upgrade/migration plan.
  • Make recommendations to assist with planned upgrade/migration.

Event Management

Manage key events (e.g., product launches, enrollment activities, go-live or migration events, global marketing events) to provide support, coverage, and mitigation plans during those key business and project milestones.

  • Event Management consists of preparation and monitoring activities, and may include the following:
    • Capture event roadmap (e.g., go-live, campaigns, product launches, roll-outs)
    • Support and guidance during event preparation phase
    • Review volume/load forecasting
    • Review event action plan, including resource requirements and coverage
    • Create support plan for the event, which will include defining and agreeing on the monitoring requirements, highlighting critical time segments and key AEC Product metrics to be monitored during the event period (not to exceed 5 calendar days).
    • Notify and coordinate Adobe internal teams relative to the support plan.
    • Enhanced monitoring of customer critical data and activities during the event phase, sharing operational updates and progress
    • Share event summary and key learnings
  • Under Elite Support, Event Management is limited to one event per quarter during the Support term with a minimum of one month prior written notice to Adobe in advance of the actual event date.

Additional Conditions Applicable to Elite Support

  • Customer will provide a resource contact to coordinate Customer’s responsibilities, including, if applicable, any activities, due dates, resources, and internal development for Customer’s team. If any information, resources, work requirements or decisions to be made by Customer are delayed (e.g., Customer platform owner not being available), Adobe will not be responsible for the consequences of such delays.
  • Customer acknowledges that there is no express or implied commitment from Adobe that all activities listed as recommended or typical can or will be completed in the duration of their Elite Support program term.
  • Field Services may be performed using off-shore and/or on-shore. Field Services activities may be performed outside of the Customer’s main business hour time zone. Field Services performed using off-shore resources will be provided in English language.
  • Customizations to AEC Products are not in scope for Adobe support services. Customer is solely responsible for the creation and deployment of customizations to an AEC Product (including scripts, components, templates, etc.) and any impacts resulting from such customizations.
  • Availability of Adobe resources (e.g., Named Support Engineer, Field Services personnel, Launch Advisory personnel, TAM, etc.) are subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Elite Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability.
  • Any support-level issues or questions that are discovered via diagnosis as part of a Field Services engagement, but are not specific to Customer’s implementation or configuration, will be deemed out of scope for the Field Services engagement and will be referred to the Named Support Engineer.

If Customer has purchased a Business Support Plan for applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Products and Services* (“Business Support”) pursuant to an executed Sales Order, Adobe will provide Customer with additional or enhanced support services for eligible Adobe Products and Services as described below. These additional or enhanced services are supplementary to or replace the Support Services terms described above, when applicable. Standard terms and conditions for Support Services will apply except where they are supplemented or replaced. Adobe’s obligation to deliver Business Support is limited to the applicable Adobe Products and Services for which Business Support was purchased.

*Applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Products and Services include Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Document Cloud apps including Adobe Acrobat, and Acrobat Sign. Adobe Stock is eligible for Business Support, but only when licensed as part of CCE Pro. Adobe Substance, 3rd Party Add-Ons for Sign, and are currently excluded from Business Support eligibility.

Account Support Lead

Adobe will provide Customer with one designated support lead (the “Account Support Lead”). The Account Support Lead will be responsible for monitoring case progress and functioning as Customer’s designated escalation point within Adobe’s support organization. From time to time, Adobe may, in its sole discretion, change the Account Support Lead. However, Adobe will inform Customer of any changes to its Account Support Lead. The initial assignment of Account Support Leads is subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Business Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability.

Escalation Management

Customer should follow standard escalation process in the admin console but may escalate Service Requests by liaising with Customer’s designated support contact (e.g., Account Support Lead). Service Request escalations, where applicable, will be managed through cross-department escalation collaborations to Adobe’s engineering, management, and support teams. Customer’s designated support contact will provide Customer with recurring reviews and updates on the escalated Service Requests.

Additional Conditions Applicable to Business Support

  • Customer will provide a resource contact to coordinate Customer’s responsibilities, including, if applicable, any activities, due dates, resources, and internal development for Customer’s team. If any information, resources, work requirements or decisions to be made by Customer are delayed (e.g., Customer platform owner not being available), Adobe will not be responsible for the consequences of such delays.
  • Customizations to Adobe Products are not in scope for Adobe support services. Customer is solely responsible for any customizations to the Adobe Product (including scripts, components, templates, etc.) and any impacts resulting from such customizations.

If Customer has purchased an Enterprise Support Plan for applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Products and Services* (“Enterprise Support”) pursuant to an executed Sales Order, Adobe will provide Customer with additional or enhanced support services for eligible Adobe Products and Services as described below. These additional or enhanced services are supplementary to or replace the Support Services terms described above, when applicable. Standard terms and conditions for Support Services will apply except where they are supplemented or replaced. Adobe’s obligation to deliver Enterprise Support is limited to the applicable Adobe Products and Services for which Enterprise Support was purchased

*Applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Products and Services include Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Document Cloud apps including Adobe Acrobat, and Acrobat Sign.  Adobe Stock is eligible for Enterpise Support but only when licensed as part of CCE Pro.  Adobe Substance, 3rd Party Add-Ons for Sign, and are currently excluded from Enterprise Support eligibility.

Named Support Engineer

Adobe will provide Customer with one designated support engineer (the “NSE” or “Named Support Engineer”) that is dedicated to supporting the applicable Adobe Products and Services.  The Named Support Engineer will become familiar with Customer’s solution environment and business goals to assist Customer’s receipt of Enterprise Support. From time to time, Adobe may, in its sole discretion, change the Named Support Engineer. However, Adobe will inform Customer of any changes to its Named Support Engineer. The initial assignment of Named Support Engineer is subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Enterprise Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability.

Escalation Management

Customer should follow standard escalation process in the admin console but may escalate Service Requests by liaising with Customer’s designated support contact (e.g., Named Support Engineer). Service Request escalations, where applicable, will be managed through cross-department escalation collaborations to Adobe’s engineering, management, and support teams. Customer’s designated support contact will provide Customer with recurring reviews and updates on the escalated Service Requests.

Service Reviews

Adobe will provide Customer with a bi-annual review of support metrics and root cause analyses for selected critical-level service issues (limited to P1 and other mutually-selected Service Requests), which may be combined with other strategic business reviews held with Adobe.

Case Reviews

The Named Support Engineer will perform check-ins up to once per month with Customer to review any open Service Requests. In these sessions, Adobe will provide reviews of Customer’s open Service Requests to align on case description, business impact, status, priority, and next steps.

Additional Conditions Applicable to Enterprise Support

  • Customer will provide a resource contact to coordinate Customer’s responsibilities, including, if applicable, any activities, due dates, resources, and internal development for Customer’s team. If any information, resources, work requirements or decisions to be made by Customer are delayed (e.g., Customer platform owner not being available), Adobe will not be responsible for the consequences of such delays.
  • Customizations to Adobe Products are not in scope for Adobe support services.  Customer is solely responsible for any customizations to the Adobe Product (including scripts, components, templates, etc.) and any impacts resulting from such customizations.

If Customer has purchased an Elite Support Plan for applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Adobe Products and Services* (“Elite Support”) pursuant to an executed Sales Order, Adobe will provide Customer with additional or enhanced support services for eligible Adobe Products and Services as described below. These additional or enhanced services are supplementary to or replace the Support Services terms described above, when applicable. Standard terms and conditions for Support Services will apply except where they are supplemented or replaced. Adobe’s obligation to deliver Elite Support is limited to the applicable Adobe Products and Services for which Elite Support was purchased.

*Applicable Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud Products and Services include Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Document Cloud apps including Adobe Acrobat, and Acrobat Sign. Adobe Stock is eligible for Elite Support but only when licensed as part of CCE Pro. Adobe Substance, 3rd Party Add-Ons for Sign, and are currently excluded from Elite Support.

Named Support Engineer

Adobe will provide Customer with one designated support engineer (the “NSE” or “Named Support Engineer”) that is dedicated to supporting the applicable Adobe Products and Services. The Named Support Engineer will become familiar with Customer’s solution environment and business goals to assist Customer’s receipt of Enterprise Support. From time to time, Adobe may, in its sole discretion, change the Named Support Engineer. However, Adobe will inform Customer of any changes to its Named Support Engineer. The initial assignment of Named Support Engineer is subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Elite Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability.

Escalation Management

Customer should follow standard escalation process in the admin console but may escalate Service Requests by liaising with Customer’s designated support contact (e.g., Named Support Engineer or Technical Account Manager). Service Request escalations, where applicable, will be managed through cross-department escalation collaborations to Adobe’s engineering, management, and support teams. Customer’s designated support contact will provide Customer with recurring reviews and updates on the escalated Service Requests

Service Reviews

Adobe will provide Customer with a quarterly review of support metrics and root cause analyses for selected critical-level service issues (limited to P1 and other mutually-selected Service Requests), which may be combined with other strategic business reviews held with Adobe.

Case Reviews

The Customer’s designated support contact (e.g., Named Support Engineer or Technical Account Manager) will perform check-ins up to twice per month with Customer to review any open Service Requests. In these sessions, Adobe will provide reviews of Customer’s open Service Requests to align on case description, business impact, status, priority, and next steps.

Additional Named Support Contacts

Under Elite Support, Customer shall be entitled to an expanded capacity of up to 10 Named Support Contacts per applicable Adobe Products and Services. Named Support Contacts can submit issues through all available channels and interact as needed with Adobe’s technical support team on behalf Customer. One such Named Support Contact can also be designated as Customer’s account administrator, allowing self-service updates to the list of Named Support Contacts, as well as limited permission settings, via the Adobe-provided support portal.

Technical Account Management for Elite Support

Under Elite Support, Customer will be entitled to Technical Account Manager (“TAM”) services to provide proactive guidance on the applicable Adobe Products and Services for the selected Customer business units. TAM services will be limited to the specified Adobe Products and Services and as applicable, number of Customer business units, specified in the executed Sales Order. Customer and Adobe will mutually agree on a service delivery plan at the start of the Elite Support services detailing the Products, services, Customer business units, and objectives to be addressed by TAM services. The initial assignment of a Technical Account Manager is subject to a four-week scheduling lead time from the date Elite Support was purchased by Customer. Such lead time may be expedited but is dependent on resource availability. TAM services will be available during Adobe’s regional business hours. The following are descriptions of the type of activities the TAM might perform.

Solution Review:

  • High-level environment review (does not include custom code).
  • Review solution deployment, configuration, integrations, and overall architecture.
  • Analyze solution capability and utilization.
  • Assess operational processes and procedures.
  • Capture current support benchmarks.
  • Identify risks and mitigations for solution deployment.
  • Establish and review standards for optimal use and best practices for solution.
  • Advise and guide on regular system maintenance tasks.

Roadmap Review:

  • Review Customer’s project roadmap.
  • Share Adobe solution roadmap (including EOL, key features, etc.)
  • Identify gaps and opportunities to make recommendations for alignment.
  • Capture business goals and risks for alignment.

Release Preparation and Review:

  • Subscribe the Customer to ongoing release notes.
    Provide tailored release information based on Customer’s Product configuration and use case(s).
  • Review and understand release schedules.
  • Perform focused sessions to demonstrate new features.
  • Provide release impact analysis and guidance.
  • Review Customer release and deployment plan.

Knowledge Transfer:

  • Ongoing knowledge transfer from Adobe personnel to provide structured guidance and improve the capability of the Customer’s team.

Upgrade/Migration Planning:

  • Qualify upgrade/migration path and options.
  • Capture requirements for migration or solution upgrade.
  • Review upgrade/migration plan.
  • Make recommendations to assist with planned upgrade/migration.

Additional Conditions Applicable to Elite Support

  • Customer will provide a resource contact to coordinate Customer’s responsibilities, including, if applicable, any activities, due dates, resources, and internal development for Customer’s team. If any information, resources, work requirements or decisions to be made by Customer are delayed (e.g., Customer platform owner not being available), Adobe will not be responsible for the consequences of such delays.
  • Customizations to Adobe Products are not in scope for Adobe support services. Customer is solely responsible for any customizations to the Adobe Product (including scripts, components, templates, etc.) and any impacts resulting from such customizations.




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