Adobe Connect | Product description

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Effective Date: June 26, 2023

What is Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect allows for online collaboration and e-learning using a Web browser, Adobe Flash, and an internet connection.

Products or Service

License Metric


Adobe Connect Meeting

Per-Named Host OR Per-Concurrent User

Managed Services OR On-demand Service OR On-Premise

Adobe Connect Meeting

Per-Education Bundle Tier OR Per-Education Bundle Add-on

On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Learning

Per-Named Virtual Classroom Manager OR Per-Concurrent Learner

Managed Services OR On-demand Service OR On-Premise

Adobe Connect Events

Per-Named Events Manager

Managed Services OR On-demand Service OR On-Premise

Adobe Connect Webinars

Per-Named Webinar Manager OR Per-Shared Webinar Room

Managed Services OR On-demand Service OR On-Premise

Adobe Connect Server Component


On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Edge Server

Per-Computer with maximum capacity of 500 ports per Computer

On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Standard Webinars

Pre Named Webinar with up to 100 total attendees and 5GB per host, storage

On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Premium Webinars

Pre-Named Webinar with up-to 100 total attendees and premium customization features. 10GB per host, storage

On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Enterprise Webinars

Pre-Named Webinar with up-to 300 total attendees and premium customization features.

On-demand Service

Adobe Connect Standard Training

Pre-Named Webinar with up-to 100 total attendees and premium customization features. 5GB per host, storage

On-demand Service

*Adobe Connect On-demand Services, and Managed Services are not designed or licensed for use in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls.

Product Description and limitations


1. Adobe Connect Meetings

  • Under the per-Named Host License Metric, Customer may create an unlimited number of Meeting rooms with up to the number of seats purchased for Meeting Attendees; however, each Named Host can use only one Meeting room at any one time, and Meeting rooms may not be accessed by Meeting Attendees unless a Named Host is present. A Named Host license cannot be shared between more than one individual. A Named Host license may be reassigned from one individual to another only if the employment or independent contractor relationship of a licensed individual terminates, otherwise written permission from Adobe is required.
  • Under the per-Concurrent User License Metric, Customer may create an unlimited number of Meeting rooms and run several active Meetings simultaneously, but the number of Meeting Attendees across all of those active Meetings may not exceed the number of Concurrent Users licensed.
  • Under the per-Education Bundle Tier License Metric, Customer may create Shared Webinar Rooms and Meetings as described herein. Customer may create an unlimited number of Shared Webinar Rooms from the Seminars tab and an unlimited number of Seminar Hosts may administer such Shared Webinar Rooms, but only one Meeting can take place at any given time, and a Seminar Host must be present in the room for the room to be accessed. Additionally, Customer may create an unlimited number of Meeting Rooms and run several active Meetings simultaneously, but the number of Active Concurrent Users across all of those active Meetings may not exceed the hard-cap set for the relevant tier of Active Concurrent Users licensed. The tier of Active Concurrent Users licensed for any renewal terms under this License Metric is set by the average of the 3 highest months of Active Concurrent Users during the License Term preceding the renewal. For example, Customer may license a tier of Active Concurrent Users that includes a default of 250 seats with a hard-cap of 500 seats; this means that Customer may hold Meetings with as many as 500 Meeting Attendees across the active Meetings during that License Term. If Customer’s 3 months of peak usage during that License Term are 300, 400 and 500 Active Concurrent Users, then Customer’s renewal tier for Active Concurrent Users must include at least 400 seats as a default (i.e. (300+400+500 ) / 3 = 400). For clarity, Customer’s use of the Shared Webinar Room does not impact the number of Active Concurrent Users or the peak usage used to determine the renewal tier. Customer must be deemed an educational institution at Adobe’s discretion in order to license under the per-Active Concurrent User License Metric.
  • Under the Per-Education Bundle Add-on License Metric, Customer may license an additional number of Active Concurrent Users to be added to soft-cap of the Education Bundle Tier licensed by Customer. The Education Bundle Add-on may be licensed only by Customers who have licensed an Education Bundle Tier.

2. Adobe Connect Learning

  • Under the per-Named Virtual Classroom Manager License Metric, Customer may create an unlimited number of Meeting rooms with up to the number of seats purchased; however, each Named Virtual Classroom Manager can only use one Meeting room at any one time, and Meeting rooms may not be accessed by Meeting Attendees unless a Named Virtual Classroom Manager is present. A Named Virtual Classroom Manager license cannot be shared between more than one individual. A Named Virtual Classroom Manager license may be reassigned from one individual to another only if the employment or independent contractor relationship of a licensed individual terminates, otherwise written permission from Adobe is required.
  • Under the per-Concurrent Learner License Metric, Customer may permit individuals to access training curricular or courses. The number of individuals accessing trainings concurrently may not exceed the number of Concurrent Learners licensed by Customer.

3. Adobe Connect Events

Under the Named Events Manager License Metric, the Named Events Manager must be an individual. A Named Events Manager license cannot be shared between more than one individual. A Named Events Manager license may be reassigned from one individual to another only if the employment or independent contractor relationship of a licensed individual terminates, otherwise written permission from Adobe is required.

4. Adobe Connect Webinars

  • Under the per-Named Webinar Manager License Metric, Customer may create an unlimited number of Meeting rooms from the Seminars tab; however, each Named Webinar Manager can only use one Meeting room at any one time, and Meeting rooms may not be accessed by Meeting Attendees unless a Named Webinar Manager is present. A Named Webinar Manager, and must be an individual. A Named Webinar Manager license cannot be shared between more than one individual. A Named Webinar Manager license may be reassigned from one individual to another only if the employment or independent contractor relationship of a licensed individual terminates, otherwise written permission from Adobe is required.
  • Under the per-Shared Webinar Room License Metric, Customer may create an unlimited number of Shared Webinar Rooms from the Seminars tab and an unlimited number of Seminar Hosts may administer such Shared Webinar Rooms, but only one Meeting can take place at any given time for each Shared Webinar Room license purchased. A Seminar Host must be present in the room for the room to be accessed.


1. Base Plans

  • Base plans are structured to offer differential capabilities at different price points for different customer wallet sizes, market segments and use case.
  • There will be a total of 8 base plans - four base plans for Training use case and four for Webinar use case.
    • For Government, Commercial and Non-Profit market segments
      • Standard Training Host
      • Premium Training Host
      • Enterprise Training Host
      • Standard Webinar Host
      • Premium Webinar Host
    • Enterprise Webinar Host
      • For Education market segments
      • Education Training Host
  • Education Webinar Host
  • A customer account can only have one base plan (out of the 8), but a customer can have multiple accounts if they so wish.
  • Base plans are named licenses and allow registered named users to create room and run sessions.
  • The registered named user can run unlimited number of sessions for the license duration.
  • The registered named user needs to be present in the room for the training/webinar session to start (i.e., if the registered named user is not in the room, then everyone else will get demoted to participant role after 5 mins)
  • At most 2 sessions can be opened in parallel by the registered named user. However, only one of them gets the full license capacity. The other room will be in standby mode with limited capacity.
  • Standard Base Plans gives a lower starting price with some capability restriction.
    • A customer needing 1 to 5 named licenses can buy a Standard plan.
    • These plans do not offer customization capability. If a customer wants customization, then they will need to buy a pro-pack. The pro-pack are named licenses and tied to a single named host (base plan). Buying a single pro pack will enable customization, custom url and sso for the entire account.
    • Base plans allow the licensed named hosts to create and run Adobe Connect rooms with up to 100 attendee capacity.
    • These plans come with 5GB/license storage. Storage allocated at account level. If the customer needs more storage, they will need to buy additional storage.
    • A ‘Standard Base Plan’ customer can buy appropriate Add-ons or Upgrades depending on their needs.
    • For now, these are only available in Annual billing cycles.
  • Premium Base Plans gives additional differentiated capabilities for medium sized businesses or business with slightly more advanced needs.
    • A customer needing 6 to 49 named licenses can buy a Premium plan.
    • Customers buying Premium Training plan will get Training pro pack (Training module) for all licensed named hosts in their account. This also gives them ‘Virtual Classroom’ capabilities.
    • Customers buying Premium Webinar plan will get Webinar pro pack (Events module) for all licensed named hosts in their account.
    • Allows the licensed named hosts to create and run Adobe Connect rooms with up to 100 attendee capacity.
    • Comes with 10GB/license storage. Storage allocated at account level. If the customer needs more storage, they will need to buy additional storage.
    • A ‘Premium Base Plan’ customer can buy appropriate Add-ons or Upgrades depending on their needs.
    • Available in only Annual billing cycles.
  • Enterprise Base Plans will be suitable for large enterprises with large number hosts.
    • A customer needing 25 or more named licenses can buy an Enterprise plan.
    • Customers buying Enterprise Training plan will get Training pro pack (Training module) for all licensed named hosts in their account. This also gives them ‘Virtual Classroom’ capabilities.
    • Customers buying Enterprise Webinar plan will get Webinar pro pack (Events module) for all licensed named hosts in their account.
    • Allows the licensed named hosts to create and run Adobe Connect rooms with up to 300 attendee capacity.
    • Comes with unlimited storage capacity. Storage allocated at account level and governed by a fair usage policy.
    • A ‘Enterprise Base Plan’ customer can buy appropriate Add-ons or Upgrades depending on their needs.
    • Available in only Annual billing cycles.
  • Education Base Plans will be available only for customers in Education market segment.
    • An education market segment customer needing 50 or more named licenses can buy an ‘Education Base plan’.
    • Customers buying Education Training plan will get Training pro pack (Training module) for all licensed named hosts in their account. This also gives them ‘Virtual Classroom’ capabilities.
    • Customers buying Education Webinar plan will get Webinar pro pack (Events module) for all licensed named hosts in their account.
    • Allows the licensed named hosts to create and run Adobe Connect rooms with up to 300 attendee capacity.
    • Comes with unlimited storage capacity. Storage allocated at account level and governed by a fair usage policy.
    • A ‘Education Base Plan’ customer can buy appropriate Add-ons or Upgrades depending on their needs.
    • Available in only Annual billing cycles

2. Pro Packs

  • The pro packs will bundle pre session and post session capabilities for covering end-to-end Trainings and Webinars workflows.
    In addition to that some of the advanced features which are not available in the Standard base plans, viz. SSO support, custom branding and custom account url.
  • There are two pro packs - Training pro pack and Webinar pro pack.
  • These are named licenses.
  • These licenses cannot be purchased standalone. For a customer to purchase pro packs they need to have either a base license or a shared license or a concurrent license.
  • Customers can buy both Training and Webinar pro pack in same account.
  • Training Pro Pack
    • This will enable Training module (Training creation, Training Catalog, Course & Curriculum creation, Enrolling trainees to Training programs, virtual classrooms etc.)
    • Buyers of Premium Training plan, Enterprise Training Plan and Education Training Plan get Training pro pack as part of their base license.
  • Webinar Pro Pack
    • This will enable Events module (Event microsite, Event registration form, Event Catalog, Event Email design and scheduling etc.)
    • Buyers of Premium Webinar plan, Enterprise Webinar Plan and Education Webinar Plan get Webinar pro pack as part of their base license.
    • Buyers of large capacity named upgrades (see immediately below) and buyers of Shared licenses (Shared rooms, Shared Event packs – see below) also get webinar pro pack.
  • Both packs are available in annual billing cycles.
  • Even buying a single pro pack license in the account will make custom branding, custom domain and SSO available to the entire account.
  • Pro packs do not have a storage capacity associated with them.

3. Large Capacity Upgrade - Named

  • Large capacity upgrade licenses will allow hosts to run sessions with a larger capacity.
  • These are named licenses and are available to any customer who has one of the 8 base licenses as ‘upgrade’ licenses.
  • The registered named user can run unlimited number of sessions for the license duration.
  • The registered named user needs to be present in the room for the training/webinar session to start (i.e., if the registered named user is not the room, then everyone else will get demoted to participant role)
  • At most 2 sessions can be opened in parallel by the registered named user
  • These cannot be bought standalone, and a customer needs to have a base license in the account. Also, these need to be co-terminus with the base licenses, so any mid-term purchases will be pro-rated to have these aligned with base license end date.
  • The number of large capacity upgrade licenses in an account should be equal to or lower than the number of base licenses in the account.
  • The large capacity upgrade license comes bundled with Webinar pro pack. Any user who gets assigned the large capacity upgrade license also gets Webinar pro pack.
  • Three large capacity upgrade licenses are available - 500, 1000, 1500. Note the 500/1000/1500 is the total capacity of the room (and is not an increment to the base license capacity). Example, a Standard Webinar base license + a large capacity upgrade 500 will give net 500 room capacity and not 100+500 = 600.
  • These licenses do not give an additional storage capacity.
  • Available per host in annual billing cycles.

4. Shared Rooms

  • The existing Seminar room licenses are renamed as Shared Rooms licenses and created as new SKUs.
  • The capabilities are not changed because of this renaming exercise.
  • These licenses will be available in 200, 500, 1000 and 1500 room capacities.
  • The Shared Rooms license is a 'shared license' and allows any number of registered named users in the account to create and run larger capacity rooms.
  • There are no limits on sequential events/sessions that can be run for the license duration. However, only one session can be run (with full capacity) at a time with each license.
  • For supporting setup, rehearsals in up to 5 parallel sessions can be run at any time per license but will allow only up to 10 attendees in the room (in standby mode).
  • By default, the rooms will always open in standby mode (allowing up to 10 attendees) outside the scheduled time.
  • Hosts can convert the standby session into an instance large capacity session (up to 600 capacity based on license). See below for exact details.
  • 200 & 500 capacity sessions can be scheduled at any time in advance with up to a minute before the session.
  • 1000 & 1500 capacity sessions need to be scheduled at least 45 mins in advance. The instant sessions for these licenses will cap out at 600 seats.
  • If a customer wants to run more than 1 large capacity sessions in parallel, then they will need to buy additional licenses.
  • This license is billable on annual basis.

5. Shared Event Packs

  • Instead of paying for a Shared Room license (which are costly and allow unlimited number of sequential sessions) customers can also buy a Shared Event pack allowing a limited number of sessions but at a lower price.
  • All other capabilities available are similar to Shared Rooms license.
  • The Shared Event licenses are available for 500, 1000 and 1500 capacity sessions and in packs of 3 or 6 Events (Sessions).
  • One unit of the pack (1 Event) when used in more than 1 sequential session held in a 24-hr window (from the start of the first session) is still counted as a single event.
  • Shared Event 3 pack will additionally give 3GB storage quota and Shared Event 6 pack will additionally give 6GB storage quota.
  • The Shared Events license is a 'shared license' and allows any number of registered named users to be setup in Account to create and run larger capacity rooms.
  • Only one session can be run (with full capacity) at a time with each type of license. A customer buying Shared Event licenses for 500 capacity (1 or more packs) will be able to run only one 500 capacity session at a time. If they additionally buy 1000 capacity Shared Event licenses only then they can run one 500 capacity session and one 1000 capacity session at a time. If they also buy a 1500 capacity Shared Event licenses also (in addition to 500 and 1000 capacity Shared Event license) then they can run one 500 capacity session, one 1000 capacity session and one 1500 capacity session at a time. A maximum of 3 sessions at a time. Buying more than one pack for same session capacity only results in increase in pack capacity and does not allow concurrency of sessions.
  • For supporting setup, rehearsals up to 5 parallel sessions can be run at any time per license but will allow only up to 3 attendees in the room (in standby mode).
  • By default, the rooms will always open in standby mode (allowing up to 3 attendees) outside the scheduled time.
  • Hosts can convert the standby session into an instance large capacity session (up to 600 capacity based on license). See below for exact details.
  • 500 capacity sessions can be scheduled at any time in advance with up to a minute before the session.
  • 1000 & 1500 capacity sessions need to be scheduled at least 45 mins in advance. The instant sessions for these licenses will cap out at 600 seats.

6. Concurrent Users

  • The existing Concurrent Users licenses are retained but created as new SKUs with Training as product code (instead of Meeting)
  • The capabilities have not been changed owing to this new SKU creation exercise.
  • The total number of concurrent user licenses a customer purchase will be the total number of users that can be online in a live session at any given time, either hosting or attending a session or presenting.
  • Under Concurrent user license customer can create multiple rooms and run multiple sessions at the same time. There are no restrictions on number of named registered hosts that can be set in the account to create and run Connect room sessions.
  • There are no limits on number of sessions that can be run in parallel or sequentially. However, the total number of attendees across all active sessions are limited by the number of Concurrent Users licensed.
  • The maximum available room capacity varies with the number of users online in different live session. It is the lower of the number of ‘concurrent user’ licenses not in use or 1500.

7. Concurrent Learners

  • The existing ‘Concurrent Learners’ licenses are retained but created as new SKUs.
  • The capabilities have not been changed owing to this new SKU creation exercise.
  • ‘Concurrent Learner license allow a customer access to Training module with the ability to manage training courses and curricula, and track results across courses and individuals when delivered in on-demand format.
  • With ‘Concurrent Learner’ licensing, usage is limited based on the total number of individual learners that access training (on-demand courses) on a concurrent basis. For example, an organization buys 100 Concurrent Learner licenses, and at 10:00am on Tuesday has 50 people accessing an on-demand course, 10 people accessing another on-demand course. At that time, there would be a total of 60 concurrent learner licenses in use. They could have up to another 40 users access any on-demand course at the same time before reaching their license quota limit of 100.
  • This license can be sold standalone and does not need any other license for it to work.
  • A ‘Concurrent Learner’ license is in use when a user opens content that is designated as a “course” in Adobe Connect. A ‘Concurrent Learner’ license is in use for an individual from the time they open a course until they close it. Closing the course releases the license for that individual.
  • There are no restrictions on number of named registered learners that can be setup in the Connect account.
  • This license does not give access to setting up rooms or running rooms.

8. Storage and other Miscellaneous SKU types


  • Since the new pricing and packaging is introducing storage limits for certain licenses, the new storage SKUs are created for allowing customers to buy additional storage when they have consumed available storage.
  • Customers will be able to buy additional storage in packs of 10GB, 100GB & 1TB
  • The Storage consumption is calculated and tracked at account level and not at individual licensed user.
  • These are going to be enforced once all customers are migrated to newer SKUs structure. Customers on existing licenses should not experience and disruptions even if their storage limit has been breached. Account Admins for such accounts will be shown alerts messages. Also, a notification will be sent to the partner/salesperson informing the customer accounts breach of the storage limit.
  • Also initially, if an account has a single license that gives unlimited storage, then the account will be setup with unlimited storage access.
  • Only the user uploaded/created content uploaded to Connect Central and uploaded in Connect rooms and recordings will be counted towards the storage limits.
  • These are add-on licenses and cannot be purchased standalone. The customer needs to have purchased a Standard or Premium base plan or Shared Events license in order to purchase additional Storage.

Content Publishers

  • The existing Content Publisher licenses are retained but created as new SKUs.
  • These licenses allow anyone placed in the Authors System Group the ability to publish Content to Connect for on-demand access.
  • These licenses can be sold standalone.

Burst Pack

  • The existing Burst Pack licenses are retained.
  • A Burst Pack (a credit of prepaid meeting minutes) is a licensing model option that allows customers to temporarily exceed licensed capacity when attendance rate in a Connect room is higher than usual. This enables extra attendees to join (instead of them being blocked) and deduct incremental traffic from prepaid quota, on a per-user per-minute basis. Burst Packs are available only on hosted accounts. For example, if you have a license limit of 10 users, and 20 users join the room for 30 minutes, then the calculation for minutes used is as follows: (Total attendance minus License Limit) times Minutes, or (20 – 10) * 30 = 300 Burst Pack Minutes Used.
  • Burst pack allows you to have attendees in your room up to five times your licensed limit (up to a max of 1500 user count).
  • Once the Burst pack quota is exhausted a customer will no longer be able to exceed the licensed capacity. Extra attendees (i.e. attendees above the licensed limit) will be denied from joining rooms. However, existing attendees beyond the quota will not be removed from the room when a session is in progress.
  • Burst packs do not have an expiry date.
  • Bursts packs will now be available for all named licenses and concurrent user licenses. Bursts pack will not be available for Shared licenses.


Active Concurrent User means an individual licensed by an educational institution on a concurrent basis that may attend or host a Meeting, and is a type of User

Adobe Platinum Maintenance and Support means the Platinum Support terms described at

Concurrent Learner means an individual learner that Customer licenses on a concurrent basis that may access training curriculum or courses, and is a type of User.

Concurrent User means an individual licensed on a concurrent basis that may attend or host a Meeting, and is a type of User.

Meeting means an Adobe Connect meeting, webinar, virtual classroom or webcast, as applicable.

Meeting Attendees means individuals who attend a Meeting enabled by the Managed Services, and is a type of User.

Named Events Manager means an individual (not a group or generic login) that has the ability to manage advanced registration for Events, branded Event pages, additional email options, and absentee/attendee reporting for meetings, courses, curriculums, presentations and other content, and is a type of User.

Named Host means an individual (not a group or generic login) that has the ability to host a Meeting and is a type of User.

Named Virtual Classroom Manager means an individual (not a group or generic login) that has the ability to host a Meeting in a Virtual Classroom, track user completion and course results for Meeting Attendees in Virtual Classrooms, and manage advanced registration, branded event pages, and email options. A Named Virtual Classroom Manager is a type of User.

Named Webinar Manager means an individual (not a group or generic login) that has the ability to host a Meeting in a Shared Webinar Room with Meeting Attendees up to the number of seats purchased for the Shared Webinar Room, as well as manage advanced registration, branded event pages, email options, and reporting. A Named Webinar Manager is a type of User.

Participant means a third party, including a Meeting Attendee, who interacts with Adobe Connect On-demand Service or Adobe Connect Managed Services as a result of such party’s relationship with (or connection to) Customer, and is a type of User.

Seminar Host means an individual employed or otherwise hired by Customer to administer a Shared Webinar Room on behalf of Customer, and is a type of User.

Shared Webinar Room means a Meeting room with a size that is set based on the number of seats purchased for Meeting Attendees.

Virtual Classroom means a Meeting room in which course results for Meeting Attendees may be tracked and the number of seats in the Virtual Classroom is capped by the number of seats purchased for Meeting Attendees.

Webcast means Meetings with up to 70,000 Participants.

Webinar Admin means an individual employed or otherwise hired by Customer to administer a Shared Webinar Room license on behalf of Customer, and is a type of User. A Webinar Admin may also be referred to as a Seminar Admin.

Webinar Host means an individual employed or otherwise hired by Customer to host a Meeting for a Named Webinar Manager or a Shared Webinar Manager on behalf of Customer, and is a type of User. A Webinar Host may also be referred to as a Seminar Host. A Webinar Host is not authorized to administer any types of licenses, including but not limited to Named Webinar Manager Licenses or Shared Webinar Manager Licenses.


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