Troubleshoot installation issues


If you encounter any of the common installation problems, you may be able to resolve the issue by following the steps indicated for that issue.

Common installation problems

Spaces in the TEMP or TMP environment variables (Windows only)


A space in the path of the TMP or TEMP environment variables in Windows causes the installer to stop after extracting from the archive.


Change the TEMP or TMP environment variable so it does not include spaces.

Incomplete download


InstallAnywhere displays a message to choose another install location. No matter what location you choose, the install doesn't succeed.


Ensure that you downloaded the complete installation file; if not, download the file again.


When you try to download the ColdFusion installation file on an Apple Macintosh, the download stops before it is complete, but the browser indicates that the download is complete.


If you are using Safari:

  1. Start the download.
  2. Open the download window (Option-Command-L).
  3. When the download looks like it has stalled, click the Stop (X) button.
  4. Click the Resume button.Safari continues the download from where it stalled.
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as necessary

Server error


When trying to access any CFM page either from the server itself, or remotely, the following error appears:

Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.


Run the Web Server Configuration Tool to unconfigure and reconfigure your web server connectors, as described in Configuring web servers at Configuring your System.

Cannot start ColdFusion Server


After installing Windows SP2 firewall, you cannot start ColdFusion services.


After installing Windows XP Service Pack 2, the Windows Firewall is enabled by default. This prevents ColdFusion from functioning correctly. 

Errors displaying Flash forms


When you try to browse a ColdFusion page that contains a Flash form, the following errors appear:

Error /CFIDE/gettingstarted/community/webroot/index.cfm:-1
Error /CFIDE/gettingstarted/community/webroot/inde.mxml:381
The class 'mx.rpc.RemoteClassRelayResponder' could not be loaded.


If you are using an external web server, such as Apache or IIS, run the Web Server Configuration Tool by selecting Start > Programs > Adobe > ColdFusion 2016 > Web Server Configuration Tool; also, try using the built-in server, using port 8500. For more information, see Configuring web servers at Configuring your System.

Browsing a ColdFusion page displays a download window


In earlier versions of ColdFusion, you used IIS to map the filename extension .cfm to ICSF.dll. In ColdFusion, you have not mapped the .cfm filename extension to any .dll file. As a result, ColdFusion pages do not execute running under IIS 5.0, but display a download window instead.


Run the Web Server Configuration Tool by selecting Start > Programs > Adobe > ColdFusion 2016 > Web Server Configuration Tool. For more information, see Configuring web servers at Configuring your System.

ColdFusion Administrator displays as an encrypted page


After you install ColdFusion, you install Windows XP SP2. When you start ColdFusion Administrator, the Administrator displays as an encrypted page.


The Windows XP SP2 update may have undone the IIS mapping for ColdFusion. Run the batch scripts to uninstall, and then reinstall the IIS connectors. For more information, see Configuring web servers at Configuring your System.

ColdFusion doesn't start


ColdFusion doesn't start when you have McAfee Privacy Service installed on system.


Remove McAfee Privacy Service.----

Data source problems

Unable to add a Microsoft Access data source


When you try to add a Microsoft Access data source, an error appears:


Install and start up the ODBC service, or use the Microsoft Access with Unicode driver.

ODBC services do not install properly


ODBC services do not install properly.


Remove the existing ODBC services using the following code:

writeOutput("Installing ODBC Services...<br>");
returnValue = myObj.installODBCservice();
writeOutput("ODBC Services installed");

You then reinstall the ODBC services using the following code:

writeOutput("Removing ODBC Services...<br>");
returnValue = myObj.removeODBCservice();
writeOutput("ODBC Services removed");

Unable to INSERT or UPDATE an Oracle 11 database when there is a CLOB field


Columns have a 4 KB size limit in Oracle. If a column is larger that the 4 KB size limit, when you try to use either the cfinsert or cfupdate tag, the following error is generated:

ORA-01704: string literal too long


To avoid this error, use either the cfquery or cfqueryparam tag.----

Migration problems

Data sources not recognized


When you migrate from an earlier version of ColdFusion to ColdFusion (2016 release), your application does not recognize data sources.


Redefine the data sources.

CFCs not recognized in Dreamweaver


When you migrate from an earlier version of ColdFusion to ColdFusion (2016 release), the CFCs do not appear in the Components panel of Dreamweaver.


Check the mappings and update them as necessary.

Installation fails


On UNIX and Linux systems, when you try to install ColdFusion on systems where the /tmp partition is mounted noexec, the installation fails.


This is because the install attempts to use the /tmp directory for unpacking and running the installer runtime. To avoid this issue, set the IATEMPDIR environment variable to a directory on the system that has execute permissions before running the installer.


When you try to install ColdFusion, the installation fails and generate the error:

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)"


You must clean up the directory to which the installer is trying to extract the JRE, for example, /tmp.----

J2EE configuration problems


When you install ColdFusion on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, the installation script incorrectly report a warning regarding the C++ compatibility pack.


If you plan to use C++ based custom CFX tags, you should interrogate your system for compat-libstdc++ and glibc packages and install them if necessary. Either query all packages and use the grep command as a filter or query the exact package name. For example, the command rpm -qa | grep compat-libstdc+ queries all packages and filters or greps on the string compat-libstdc. This command might produce two results, compat-libstdc-33-3.2.3-47.3 and compat-libstdc+-296-2.96-132.7.2. ----

Postinstallation problems

CLOB and data corruption


You are using the Japanese version of ColdFusion and Oracle 8/9 with NLS_Characterset JA16SJJS, and encounter CLOB corruption and data corruption.


Set codepageoverride=MS932 in the JDBC URL.

Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters


You are running ColdFusion on WebSphere 5.1 on IBM JVM 1.4.1 and encounter an "Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters" exception.


Install unlimited jurisdiction policy files, as follows:

  1. Download and install Unrestricted JCE Policy files for IBM SDK 1.4.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Copy files unzipped from this link to the jre/lib/security directory.
  4. Restart WebSphere.

Virtual mapping resource path of /* does not work


You add a virtual mapping resource path of /* which does not work{{.}}


Do not map any directories to wildcard resource paths that contain WEB-INF as a virtual mapping. In ColdFusion MX 6.1, the fact that this worked was a side-effect of the particular way the classloader was configured. For ColdFusion MX 7 and later, the classloader is consistent across all editions; the ColdFusion classloader is no longer blended with the application server's classloader. This change was made to ensure that ColdFusion MX 7 worked consistently in stand-alone server as well as deployed as an EAR/WAR to any certified J2EE application server.----

Uninstall problems

COM disabled


You have an earlier version of ColdFusion on the system. When you uninstall ColdFusion, COM is disabled.


Re-register the typeviewer.dll file associated with the earlier version of ColdFusion.


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