Data Source Management for ColdFusion

A data source is a complete database configuration that uses a JDBC driver to communicate with a specific database. In Adobe ColdFusion, you configure a data source for each database that you want to use. After you configure a data source, ColdFusion can then communicate with that data source through JDBC.

For basic information on data sources and connecting to databases, click Resources in the ColdFusion Administrator, and then select Getting Started Experience.

About JDBC

The following table describes the four types of JDBC drivers:





JDBC-ODBC bridge

Translates JDBC calls to ODBC calls, and sends them to the ODBC driver. Advantages: Allows access to many different databases.Disadvantages: The ODBC driver, and possibly the client database libraries, must reside on the ColdFusion server computer. Performance is slower than other JDBC driver types.Adobe does not recommend this driver type unless your application requires DBMS-specific features.


Native-API/partly Java driver

Converts JDBC calls to database-specific calls.Advantages: Better performance than Type 1 driver.Disadvantages: The client database libraries of the vendor must reside on the same computer as ColdFusion. ColdFusion includes a Type 2 driver for use with Microsoft Access Unicode databases.


JDBC-Net pure Java driver

Translates JDBC calls to the middle-tier server, which then translates the request to the database-specific native-connectivity interface.Advantages: The database libraries of vendors are not required client computer. Can be tailored for small size (faster loading).Disadvantages: Database-specific code must be executed in the middle tier. ColdFusion includes an ODBC socket Type 3 driver for use with Microsoft Access databases and ODBC data sources.


Native-protocol/all-Java driver

Converts JDBC calls to the network protocol used directly by the database.Advantages: Fast performance. No special software needed on the computer on which you run ColdFusion.Disadvantages: Many of these protocols are proprietary, requiring a different driver for each database. ColdFusion includes Type 4 drivers for many DBMSs; however, not all DBMSs are supported in ColdFusion Standard Edition. 

JDBC drivers are stored in JAR files. For example, the JDBC drivers that are supplied with ColdFusion are in the drivers.jar file. If you are using another JDBC driver, you must store it in the ColdFusion classpath. For example, _cf_root/cfusion/lib (server configuration) or cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib (JEE configuration).

Supplied drivers

The following table lists the database drivers supplied with ColdFusion and where you can find more information about them:



For more information

Apache Derby Client


Connecting to Apache Derby Client

Apache Derby Embedded


Connecting to Apache Derby Embedded

DB2 Universal Database


Connecting to DB2 Universal Database

DB2 OS/390


Connecting to other data sources

Microsoft Access


Connecting to Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access with Unicode support


Connecting to Microsoft Access with Unicode

Microsoft SQL Server


Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server



Connecting to MySQL

ODBC Socket


Connecting to ODBC Socket



Connecting to Oracle



Connecting to other data sources



Connecting to Sybase

To see a list of database versions that ColdFusion supports, go to

When running in the JEE configuration, the ColdFusion Administrator also lets you configure a data source that connects to a JNDI data source. A Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data source is equivalent to a ColdFusion data source, except you define it by using your J2EE application server. After it's defined, ColdFusion applications use it as they would any data source. For information on defining a JNDI data source, see Connecting to JNDI data sources.

Adding data sources

The ColdFusion Administrator organizes information about all ColdFusion server database connections in a single location. In addition to adding data sources, you can use the Administrator to specify changes to your database configuration, such as relocation, renaming, or changes in security permissions.

Adding data sources in the Administrator

You use the ColdFusion Administrator to quickly add a data source for use in your ColdFusion applications. When you add a data source, you assign it a data source name (DSN) and set all information required to establish a connection.

ColdFusion includes data sources that are configured by default. You do not need the following procedure to work with these data sources.

  1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, select Data & Services > Data Sources.
  2. Under Add New Data Source, enter a data source name; for example, MyTestDSN. The following names are reserved; you cannot use them for data source names:
    • service
    • jms_provider
    • comp
    • jms
  3. Select a driver from the drop-down list; for example, Microsoft SQL Server.
  4. Click Add.A form for additional DSN information appears. The available fields in this form depend on the driver that you selected.
  5. In the Database field, enter the name of the database.
  6. In the Server field, enter the network name or IP address of the server that hosts the database, and enter any required Port value. For example, the bullwinkle server on the default port.
  7. If your database requires login information, enter your user name and password.

    The omission of required user name and password information is a common reason why a data source fails to verify.


  8. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  9. (Optional) Click Show Advanced Settings to specify any ColdFusion specific settings; for example, to configure which SQL commands can interact with this data source.
  10. Click Submit to create the data source. ColdFusion automatically verifies that it can connect to the data source.
  11. (Optional) To verify this data source later, click the verify icon in the Actions column.

    To check the status of all data sources available to ColdFusion, click Verify All Connections.

Specifying connection string arguments

The ColdFusion Administrator lets you specify connection-string arguments for data sources. In the Advanced Settings page, use the Connection String field to enter name-value pairs separated by a semicolon. For more information, see the documentation for your database driver.

The cfquery connectstring attribute is no longer supported.

Guidelines for data sources

When you add data sources to ColdFusion, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Data source names must be all one word.
  • Data source names can contain only letters, numbers, hyphens, and the underscore character (_).
  • Data source names must not contain special characters or spaces.
  • Although data source names are not case sensitive, use a consistent capitalization scheme.
  • Depending on the JDBC driver, connection strings and JDBC URLs might be case sensitive.
  • Use the Administrator to verify that ColdFusion can connect to the data source.
  • A data source must exist in the ColdFusion Administrator before you use it on an application page to retrieve data.

Connection Issues

Provide validationQuery (to validate the connection) before executing the query in the Advanced Settings page.

validationQuery has to be used with caution as it can result in performance issues.

Connecting to Apache Derby Client

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Apache Derby Client:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The name of the database.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag). The user name must have CREATE PACKAGE privileges for the database, or the database administrator must create a package. Consult the database administrator when configuring this type of data source.


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Returns the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting. For UDB 7.1 and 7.2, a 32K limit on CLOBs exists.


Returns the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting. BLOBs are not supported on UDB 7.1 and 7.2.

LongText Buffer (chr)

The default buffer size, used if the CLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer (bytes)

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation Query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Connecting to Apache Derby Embedded

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Apache Derby Embedded:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.

Database folder

The folder where the database is located.

Create Database

Select this option to create a database. The new database exists in the path specified in the Database Folder. If the database exists, an SQL warning is generated, and a connection to the existing database is established.


(Optional) A description for this connection.

ColdFusion user name

The user name you use to log in to the ColdFusion Administrator.

ColdFusion Password

The password you use to log in to the ColdFusion Administrator.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Max Pooled Statements

Select this option to reuse prepared statements (that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag). Although you tune this setting based on your application, start by setting it to the sum of the following:

·         Unique cfquery tags that use the cfqueryparam tag

·         Unique cfstoredproc tags

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Returns the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting. For UDB 7.1 and 7.2, a 32K limit on CLOBs exits.


Returns the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting. BLOBs are not supported on UDB 7.1 and 7.2.

LongText Buffer (chr)

The default buffer size, used if the CLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer (bytes)

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated.Specify the validation query just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

When you add an Apache Derby Embedded data source, ensure that the specified directory does not exist

Connecting to DB2 Universal Database

For information on defining data sources that work with DB2 for OS/390 or iSeries, see Connecting to other data sources. To see a list of DB2 versions that ColdFusion supports, go to

DB2 Universal Database (UDB) refers to all versions of DB2 running on Windows, UNIX, and Linux/s390 platforms.

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to DB2:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The name of the database.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses.


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag). The user name must have CREATE PACKAGE privileges for the database, or the database administrator must create a package. Consult the database administrator when configuring this type of data source.


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Max Pooled Statements

Enables reuse of prepared statements (that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag). Although you tune this setting based on your application, start by setting it to the sum of the following:

·         Unique cfquery tags that use the cfqueryparam tag

·         Unique cfstoredproc tags

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Returns the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting. For UDB 7.1 and 7.2, a 32K limit on CLOBs exits.


Returns the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting. BLOBs are not supported on UDB 7.1 and 7.2.

LongText Buffer (chr)

The default buffer size, used if the CLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer (bytes)

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Client Hostname

The host name from where the query is executed.

Client Username

The user name if the user is logged in using the <cflogin> tag.

Application Name

The application name specified in the application.cfc.


If specified, the value is prefixed with the application name specified in application.cfc.

Enable connection validation

Check if to validate the connection.

Connecting to Microsoft Access

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Microsoft Access data sources:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) used by ColdFusion to connect to the data source.

Database File

The file that contains the database.

System Database File

To secure access to the specified database file, click Browse Server to locate and enter a database that contains database security information. By default, the system database is located in the same directory as the MDB file or in the windows\system32\system.mdw directory.

Use Default User name

If selected, ColdFusion does not pass a user name or password when requesting a connection. The Microsoft Access driver uses the default user name and password.

ColdFusion User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).

ColdFusion Password

The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Page Timeout

The number of milliseconds before a request for a ColdFusion page times out. The default is 600. If you observe excessive network activity when using this driver, increase the page time-out value.

Max Buffer Size

The size of the internal buffer, in kilobytes, that Access uses to transfer data to and from the disk. The default buffer size is 2048 KB. Specify an integer value divisible by 256.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Default User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).

Default Password

The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).

Return Timestamp as String

Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then reuses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime).

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.


Returns the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Returns the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If deselected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size, used if the CLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Connecting to Microsoft Access with Unicode

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Microsoft Access with Unicode data sources (this is a Type 2 driver):



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.

Database File

The file that contains the database.


(Optional) A description for this connection.

ColdFusion User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).

ColdFusion Password

The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).

Page Timeout

The time (in tenths of a second) before a request for a ColdFusion page times out.

Max Buffer Size

The size of the internal buffer, in kilobytes, used by Microsoft Access to transfer data to and from the disk. Can be any integer value divisible by 256.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size, used if the CLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

This driver uses the Microsoft Jet list of reserved words, including the word Last. For a complete list, see

Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server

To see a list of SQL Server versions that ColdFusion supports, go to Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to SQL Server:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The database to which this data source connects.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses. If you are running SQL Server locally (or using MSDE), specify for theserver name instead of the actual instance name.


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Select Method

Determines whether server cursors are used for SQL queries.

·         The Direct method provides more efficient retrieval of data when you retrieve recordsets in a forward-only direction and you limit your SQL Server connection to a single open SQL statement at a time. This is typical for ColdFusion applications.

·         The Cursor method lets you have multiple open SQL statements on a connection. This is not typical for ColdFusion applications, unless you use pooled statements.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

String Format

Enable this option if your application uses Unicode data in DBMS-specific Unicode data types, such as National Character or nchar.

Max Pooled Statements

Enables reuse of prepared statements (that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag). Although you tune this setting based on your application, start by setting it to the sum of the following:

·         Unique cfquery tags that use the cfqueryparam tag

·         Unique cfstoredproc tags

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Query Timeout (seconds) The timeout (in seconds) for all the query statements created by the connection. 
ApplicationIntemt Specifies whether the driver connects to read-write databases or requests read-only routing to connect to read-only database replicas.
Log Activity Enable this option to create logs for all database activities. You can also specify a location for the log file.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size, used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size, used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Disable Autogenerated Keys Enable or disable the option. Auto-generated keys feature provides a way to retrieve values from columns that are part of an index or have a default value assigned. 

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation Connection

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Configure the validation query just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Client Hostname

The host name from where the query is executed.

Client Username

The user name if the user is logged in using the <cflogin> tag.

Application Name

The application name specified in the application.cfc.


If specified, the value is prefixed with the application name specified in application.cfc.

Enable connection validation

Check if to validate the connection.

Set up the database in the SQL Server Enterprise manager

  1. Expand the server group.
  2. Expand the server.
  3. Under the Security folder, right-click on Logins.
  4. Select New Login.
  5. Select Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication settings.
  6. Select the database, and specify the language.
  7. Ensure that the database server is using mixed authentication. While in Enterprise Manager, right-click the server, select Properties > Security and then select the Security tab. Ensure that the SQL Server and Windows options are clicked.
  8. Click OK.

Troubleshooting SQL Server connections

If you are having trouble establishing a connection to SQL Server, review the following considerations:

  • If you installed SQL Server using a server name other than the default, use your chosen domain\servername wherever there is reference to (local). The following situations can cause a Connection Refused error:
    • If you specified authentication information in SQL Server, ensure that you have not defined a user name and password in the ColdFusion data source.
    • You are running a connection-limited version of SQL Server and the request exceeds the limit for TCP/IP connections.
      You can prevent this exception by setting the Limit Connections and Restrict Connections To options in ColdFusion Administrator on the Advanced Settings page for the data sources, and specifying a number less than the SQL Server maximum.
  • SQL Server does not enable the TCP/IP protocol. This problem can happen when SQL Server is on the same computer as ColdFusion. To fix this problem, perform the following steps:
    1. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, right-click on the name of your SQL Server and click Properties.
    2. Click Network Configuration and the General Tab.
    3. Move TCP/IP from the Disabled Protocols section to the Enabled Protocols section.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Restart the SQL Server services.
    6. Verify your data source.
  • If you have are having trouble connecting, consider using mixed-mode authentication for SQL Server (Windows and SQL) and removing the user name and password from the ColdFusion data source.

Connecting to MySQL

To see a list of MySQL versions that ColdFusion supports, go to

By default, queries to MySQL data sources return isCaseSensitive = NO for each column in the return structure from the GetMetaData function. Set the system property -Dcoldfusion.mysql.enableiscasesensitive=true to turn on the calls to isCaseSensitive.

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to MySQL data sources:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The database to which this data source connects.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses.


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source, if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source, if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, you must enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Query Timeout (seconds)

The default query timeout values for a DSN. This settings is only applicable for MySQL DataDirect driver. A new argument qtimeout has been added to the following methods in the Administrator API:
  • setDB2()
  • setMySQL_DD()
  • setOracle()
  • setSybase()
  • setInformix()
  • setMSSQL

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. You should specify this just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

DataDirect Connect JDBC Support

ColdFusion supports the latest version of DataDirect drivers for database operations. These drivers improve performance and provide support for additional databases.

DataDirect driver features

ColdFusion supports DataDirect driver version 4.2, which provides the following features to enhance database operations:

  • Support for MySQL (Enterprise and Commercial), Oracle11g, DB2v9.5, Informix 11, SQL Server 2008

    For Oracle databases, if you want to filter the retrieval of column names or indexes for a particular schema, then the schema name must be provided along with the table name in the table attribute. In this case, the format of the table attribute value is: schemaname.tablename.

  • Improved performance
  • IPv6 Address Support
  • Querytimeout connection option to set default query timeout value. For details, see New querytimeout connection option.
Note: Timestamp Milliseconds are rounded off during insert on SQL Server 2008 and using Connect for JDBC driver version 4.2. This is a known issue. Read this article. As a workaround, specify the parameter DateTimeInputParameterType=dateTime in the connection string.

Creating a data source in MySQL

To create a MySQL Enterprise ColdFusion data source, select the driver type as MySQL(Datadirect) from the drivers pop up menu in ColdFusion Administrator.

The MySQL5 Enterprise database sometimes requires access permission for all users who try to connect to it, if the access permission is not specified during configuration.

To grant the required permission, you can use the command: grant all on . to 'root'@'%' identified by 'admin';.
Replace root and admin by MYSQL username and MYSQL password, respectively.
A new admin API method, setMySQL_DD has been added, which lets you create a MySQL DataDirect data source.

New querytimeout connection option

Following is the description of querytimeout and pagetimeout from the DataDirect documentation: 
"When the page time-out is much higher and the query times out, an exception is thrown to indicate that the query has timed out. Similarly, if the query timeout is much higher and page times out, an exception is thrown to indicate the page has timed out. However, when a page times out while a query is executing, the page times out only after the query's execution is complete."
A new argument qtimeout has been added to the following methods in the Administrator API:

  • setDB2()
  • setMySQL_DD()
  • setOracle()
  • setSybase()
  • setInformix()
  • setMSSQL()

    The qtimeout option is not supported by all databases.

    For more information about DataDirect JDBC Connect, see DataDirect Connect for JDBC documentation

Enabling SSL Connection

Do the following to enable SSL connection:

  1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Data & Services > Data Sources.
  2. Select the data source to enable SSL Connection.
  3. In the data source page, click Show Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Connection String text box, specify the connection properties as per the SSL requirements.

Connection properties

The following table provides details of the connection properties and specifies which database the properties apply to:




Applies to


Applies only if client authentication is enabled on database server

The directory of the keystore file to be used

DB2, Oracle


Applies only if client authentication is enabled on database server

The password to access the keystore file

DB2, Oracle


OptionalUsed if keys in keystore file have a different password than the keystore file

The password to access the individual keys in the keystore file

DB2, Oracle


Required. Values are noEncryption and SSL. If EncryptionMethod is set to SSL, the data is encrypted using the SSL encryption method.

Determines if SSL encryption encrypts and decrypts data transmitted between the driver and the database server.

DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and MySQL.


Ignored if ValidateServerCertificate=false

The directory of the truststore file

DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase


Ignored if ValidateServerCertificate=false

The password to access the truststore file

DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase



true or false Determines whether the driver validates the certificate sent by the database server

DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase


OptionalApplies if EncryptionMethod=SSL and ValidateServerCertificate=true

{{host_name | #SERVERNAME#}}Host name for certificate validation

DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase


Required for enabling SSL

true or false Use SSL when communicating with the server




true or false Require SSL connection if useSSL=true




true or false Determines whether to validates the certificate sent by the database server



Applies only if client authentication is enabled on the database server

URL to the client certificate KeyStore. If not specified, use defaults.



OptionalDepends on the keystore type supported by your JVM

KeyStore type for client certificates. NULL or empty means use default. Standard keystore types supported by the JVM are "JKS" and "PKCS12". Your environment might have more types available depending on the security products available to the JVM.



Applies only if client authentication is enabled on database server

Password for the client certificate KeyStore

MySQL (4/5)


Applies only if verifyServerCertificate=true

URL to the trusted root certificate KeyStore. If not specified, use defaults.

MySQL (4/5)


OptionalDepends on the keystore type supported by your JVM

KeyStore type for trusted root certificates. NULL or empty means use default. Standard keystore types supported by the JVM are "JKS" and "PKCS12". Your environment might have more types available depending on the security products available to the JVM.

MySQL (4/5)


Required if verifyServerCertificate=true

Password for the trusted root certificate KeyStore

MySQL (4/5)

Specifying connection properties

The following table details the connection properties that you must specify for each database driver to enable SSL connection. The table provides all possible values for each driver. Specify the optional values (see the table in the section Enabling SSL Connection) as per your requirements.


Database Driver

Connection Property


DB2 Universal Database

EncryptionMethod=SSL; KeyStore=path to keystore; KeyStorePassword=
keystore Password; KeyPassword=
key Password; TrustStore=path to keystore; TrustStorePassword=trustStorePassword;
true|false; HostNameInCertificate=host_name|#SERVERNAME#};

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server

EncryptionMethod=SSL; TrustStore=path to keystore; TrustStorePassword=
ValidateServerCertificate=true|false; HostNameInCertificate=host_name|



EncryptionMethod=SSL; KeyStore=path to keystore; KeyStorePassword=
keystore Password; KeyPassword=
key Password; TrustStore=path to keystore; TrustStorePassword=
trustStorePassword; ValidateServerCertificate=
true|false; HostNameInCertificate=host_name|#SERVERNAME#};



EncryptionMethod=SSL;TrustStore=path to keystore; TrustStorePassword=
ValidateServerCertificate=true|false; HostNameInCertificate=host_name|


MySQL (4/5)

useSSL=true&requireSSL=true|false& verifyServerCertificate=true|false&clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl=
URLToRootCertificate&trustCertificateKeyStoreType= KeyStoreType&trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=trustedRootCertificatePassword

Not all MySQL (4/5) properties listed are supported by all MySQL versions. See MySQL documentation for details of the supported properties for your version.

If the database driver attempts to connect to a database server that does not support SSL, connection might hang. You can avoid issues when connecting to a server that does not support SSL by setting a login timeout.

For more information on enabling SSL for DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase, see the DataDirect documentation
For more information on enabling SSL for MySQL, see MySQL documentation available at the following URL:

Connecting to ODBC Socket

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to ODBC Socket data sources (this is a Type 3 driver):



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


Select the ODBC DSN to connect to ColdFusion.

Trusted Connection

Specifies whether to use domain user account access to the database. Only valid for SQL Server.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Return Timestamp as String

Enable this option if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then reuses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime).

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB /Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Configure this just before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Connecting to Oracle

To see a list of Oracle versions that ColdFusion supports, go to Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Oracle data sources:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.

SID Name

The Oracle System Identifier (SID) that refers to the instance of the Oracle database software running on the server. The default value is ORCL.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses.


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Max Pooled Statements

Enables reuse of prepared statements (that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag). Although you tune this setting based on your application, start by setting it to the sum of the following:

·         Unique cfquery tags that use the cfqueryparam tag

·         Unique cfstoredproc tags
The default value is 300.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Client Hostname

The host name from where the query is executed.

Client Username

The user name if the user is logged in using the <cflogin> tag.

Application Name

The application name specified in the application.cfc.


If specified, the value is prefixed with the application name specified in application.cfc.

Enable connection validation

Check if to validate the connection.

You can also use this option to create a datasource for Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC). Specify the following settings:

  • JDBC URL - jdbc:macromedia:oracle://hostname:port;ServiceName=servicename;AlternateServers=(alternatehostname:port);ConnectionRetryCount=2;ConnectionRetryDelay=5 (servicename,a name that is typically composed of the database name and domain name, is used to specify connections to Oracle RAC because the nodes in a RAC system share a common service name. AlternateServers is a comma separated list of servers and port names.)
  • Driver class - macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver
  • Username - A user defined to the database
  • Password - The password for the username

Connecting to other data sources

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to data sources through JDBC drivers that do not appear in the drop-down list of drivers:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The JDBC connection URL for this data source.

Driver Class

The fully qualified class name of the driver. For example, com.inet.tds.TdsDriver. The JAR file that contains this class must be in a directory defined in the ColdFusion classpath.

Driver Name

(Optional) The name of the driver.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

For example, you can use the Other Data Sources option to define a data source for DB2 OS/390 or iSeries, using the following settings:

  • JDBC URL jdbc:datadirect:db2://dbserver:portnumber
  • Driver class .jdbc.Driver
  • Driver name DB2
  • User name A user defined to the database
  • Password The password for the user name
  • Connection stringSpecify one connection string for the first connection, and then modify it for use in subsequent connections, as follows:
    1. On the initial connection, specify LocationName, CollectionId, CreateDefaultPackage, and sendStringParametersAsUnicode (with no spaces) as the following example shows:


      If the database uses Unicode, specify true for the sendStringParametersAsUnicode_ parameter._

    2. On subsequent connections, specify LocationName, CollectionId, and sendStringParametersAsUnicode, as the following example shows:


      DB2 OS/390 refers to all supported versions of DB2 on OS/390 and z/OS platforms. DB2 iSeries refers to all supported versions of DB2 on iSeries and AS/400.

      For more information on DB2, see Connecting to DB2 Universal Database.

Connecting to PostgreSQL

To see a list of PostgreSQL versions that ColdFusion supports, go to Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to PostgreSQL data sources:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The database to which this data source connects.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses. This name must be either a fully qualified domain name (resolvable through DNS) or an IP address. It cannot be a netbios name (even if you are running NBT), or an alias you set up using the client connectivity wizard (both of these approaches worked in earlier ColdFusion versions).


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Connecting to Sybase

To see a list of Sybase versions that ColdFusion supports, go to Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to Sybase data sources:



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The database to which this data source connects.


The name of the server that hosts the database that you want to use. If the database is local, enclose the word local in parentheses. This name must be either a fully qualified domain name (resolvable through DNS) or an IP address. It cannot be a netbios name (even if you are running NBT), or an alias you set up using the client connectivity wizard (both of these approaches worked in earlier ColdFusion versions).


The number of the TCP/IP port that the server monitors for connections.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a cfquery tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to the JDBC driver to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a cfquery tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

Connection String

A field that passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.

Select Method

Determines whether server cursors are used for SQL queries.

·         The Direct method provides more efficient retrieval of data when you retrieve recordsets in a forward-only direction and you limit your Sybase connection to a single open SQL statement at a time. This is typical for ColdFusion applications.

·         The Cursor method lets you have multiple open SQL statements on a connection. This is not typical for ColdFusion applications, unless you use pooled statements.

Limit Connections

Specifies whether ColdFusion limits the number of database connections for the data source. If you enable this option, use the Restrict Connections To field to specify the maximum.

Restrict Connections To

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for the data source. To use this restriction, enable the Limit Connections option.

Maintain Connections

ColdFusion establishes a connection to a data source for every operation that requires one. Enable this option to improve performance by caching the data source connection.

Max Pooled Statements

Enables reuse of prepared statements (that is, stored procedures and queries that use the cfqueryparam tag). Although you tune this setting based on your application, start by setting it to the sum of the following:

·         Unique cfquery tags that use the cfqueryparam tag

·         Unique cfstoredproc tags

Timeout (min)

The number of minutes that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.

Interval (min)

The time (in minutes) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.

Disable Connections

If selected, suspends all client connections.

Login Timeout (sec)

The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the attempt to log in to the data source connection.


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

Validation query

Called when a connection from the pool is resued. This can slow query response time because an additional query is generated. Specify the validation query before restarting the database to verify all connections, but remove the validation query after restarting the database to avoid any performance loss.

Client Hostname

The host name from where the query is executed.

Client Username

The user name if the user is logged in using the <cflogin> tag.

Application Name

The application name specified in the application.cfc.


If specified, the value is prefixed with the application name specified in application.cfc.

Enable connection validation

Check if to validate the connection.

Connecting to JNDI data sources

Use the settings in the following table to connect ColdFusion to JNDI data sources that are defined for a JEE application server (J2EE configurations only):



CF Data Source Name

The data source name (DSN) that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.


The JNDI location in which the J2EE application server stores the data source.

User name

The user name that ColdFusion passes to JNDI to connect to JNDI if a ColdFusion application does not supply a user name (for example, in a  cfquery  tag).


The password that ColdFusion passes to JNDI to connect to the data source if a ColdFusion application does not supply a password (for example, in a  cfquery  tag).


(Optional) A description for this connection.

JNDI Environment Settings

Specifies additional JNDI environment settings, if necessary by the JNDI data source. Use comma-separated list of name-value pair. For example if you must specify a user name and password to connect to JNDI, specify the following: SECURITY_PRINCIPAL=" myusername ",SECURITY_CREDENTIALS=" mypassword "


Select to return the entire contents of any CLOB/ Text columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the Long Text Buffer setting.


Select to return the entire contents of any BLOB/ Image columns in the database for this data source. If not selected, ColdFusion retrieves the number of characters specified in the BLOB Buffer setting.

LongText Buffer

The default buffer size; used if Enable Long Text Retrieval (CLOB) is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

BLOB Buffer

The default buffer size; used if the BLOB option is not selected. The default value is 64000 bytes.

Allowed SQL

The SQL operations that can interact with the current data source.

The ColdFusion Administrator does not display the JNDI data source option when running in the server configuration.

Connecting to an external JDBC Type 4 data source

To use a JDBC driver that is not included with ColdFusion (such as SQLAnywhere) configure the JDBC driver and add a data source for it.

Connect to an external JDBC data source:

  1. Copy the database driver .jar file to one of the following directories:
    • (server configuration only) cf_root/lib
    • (JEE configuration) cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib
  2. Restart ColdFusion.

    In Windows, ensure that you restart all of the ColdFusion services.

  3. In the ColdFusion Administrator, add the other JDBC Type 4 data source, selecting Other from the Driver drop-down list.For more information, see the chapter on data source management in Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.
    You can now connect to an external JDBC Type 4 data source.


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