

Sends an e-mail message that optionally contains query output, using an SMTP server.



from = "e-mail address" 
to = "comma-delimited list" 
bcc = "comma-delimited list" 
cc = "comma-delimited list" 
charset = "character encoding" 
debug = "yes|no" 
failto = "e-mail address" 
group = "query column" 
groupcasesensitive = "yes|no" 
idnaversion="IDNA encoding"
mailerid = "header id" 
maxrows = "integer" 
mimeattach = "path" 
password = "string" 
port = "integer" 
priority = "integer or string priority level" 
query = "query name" 
remove = "yes|no" 
replyto = "e-mail address" 
server = "SMTP server address" 
spoolenable = "yes|no" 
startrow = "query row number" 
subject = "string" 
timeout = "number of seconds" 
type = "mime type" 
username = "SMTP user ID" 
useSSL = "yes|no" 
useTLS = "yes|no" 
wraptext = "column number" 
sign = "true|false" 
keystore = "location of keystore" 
keystorepassword = "password of keystore" 
keyalias = "alias of key" 
keypassword = "password for private key"
encrypt "true|false"
recipientcert = <path to the public key cert>
encryptionalgorithm = "DES_EDE3_CBC, RC2_CBC, AES128_CBC, AES192_CBC, AES256_CBC"> 

(Optional) Mail message body and/or cfmailparam tags 


You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also

cfmailparamcfmailpartcfpopcfftpcfhttpcfldapWrapUsing ColdFusion with mail servers in Sending and Receiving E-Mail in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


ColdFusion (2018 release): Added the attribute idnaversion.

ColdFusion 11: Added the attributes, encrypt, recipientcert , and encryptionalgorithm .

ColdFusion 8.0.1: Added the attribute Remove.

ColdFusion 8: Added priority, useSSL, and useTLS attributes.

ColdFusion MX 7:

  • The  cfmail  tag no longer lets you send multipart mail by embedding the entire MIME-encoded message in the tag body. Use the  cfmailpart  tag, instead.
  • The  cfmail  tag renders non-proportional fonts proportionately. This is a behavior change from ColdFusion 5. ColdFusion MX 7 uses UTF-8 and sends this in the mail header (Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8). ColdFusion 5 uses ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1). To avoid this behavior, add the charset= " ISO-8859-1" attribute to restore the default ColdFusion 5 encoding. Alternatively, you can change the encoding on the Mail page in the ColdFusion Administrator.
    ColdFusion MX 6.1:
  • Added the following attributes: charset,  failto ,  replyto , username, password  and   wraptext .
  • Added support for multiple mail servers in the server attribute.
  • Added several configuration options to the ColdFusion Administrator Mail Settings page.
    ColdFusion MX: Added the SpoolEnable attribute.ColdFusion 9: Added support for digitally signing the mail. The following are the relevant attributes that are newly added: sign,  keystore ,  keystorepassword ,  keyalias ,  keypassword  and remove.









Addresses to which to copy the message, without listing them in the message header. To specify multiple addresses, separate the addresses with commas.




Addresses to which to copy the message. To specify multiple addresses, separate the address with commas.



Character encoding selected in ColdFusion Administrator Mail page; utf-8

Character encoding of the mail message, including the headers. The following list includes commonly used values:

  • utf-8
  • iso-8859-1
  • windows-1252
  • us-ascii
  • shift_jis
  • iso-2022-jp
  • euc-jp
  • euc-kr
  • big5
  • hz-gb-2312
  • euc-cn
  • utf-16
    For more information on character encodings, see




  • yes: sends debugging output to standard output. By default, if the console window is unavailable, ColdFusion sends output to cf_root\runtime\logs\coldfusion-out.log on server configurations.
  • no: does not generate debugging output.




Address to which mailing systems must send delivery failure notifications. Sets the mail envelope reverse-path value.




E-mail message sender:

  • A static string; for example, ""
  • A variable; for example, "#GetUser.EMailAddress#".
    This attribute does not have to be a valid Internet address; it can be any text string without white spaces.




Message recipient e-mail addresses:

  • Static address, for example, "".
  • Variable that contains an address, for example, "#Form.Email#".
  • Name of a query column that contains an address, for example, "#EMail#". An e-mail message is sent for each returned row.
    To specify multiple addresses, separate the addresses with commas.




Message subject. Can be dynamically generated. For example, to send messages that give customers status updates: "Status of Order Number #Order_ID#".




Query column to use when you group sets of records to send as a message. For example, to send a set of billing statements to a customer, group on "Customer_ID." Case-sensitive. Eliminates adjacent duplicates when data is sorted by the specified field.




Boolean. Whether to consider case when using the group attribute. To group on case-sensitive records, set this attribute to Yes.

idnaversion Optional 2008 Choose the IDNA encoding to be applied. If no IDNAversion attribute is specified, then the encoding specified in the JVM flag will be applied. If idnaversion is specified, then the respective encoding will be applied.




Alias of the key with which the certificate and private key are stored in the keystore. If it is not specified, the first entry in the keystore is chosen as the alias.




Password for your private key. If not specified, the keystorepassword is used.




The location of the keystore file, for example, C:\OpenSSL\bin\keystore.jks.




The password of the keystore. This is stored in ColdFusion configuration files.



ColdFusion Application Server

Mailer ID to be passed in X-Mailer SMTP header, which identifies the mailer application.




Maximum number of messages to send when looping over a query.




Path of the on-disk or in-memory file to attach to message. Attached file is MIME-encoded. ColdFusion attempts to determine the MIME type of the file; use the cfmailparam tag to send an attachment and specify the MIME type.




A password to send to SMTP servers that require authentication. Requires a username attribute.




TCP/IP port on which SMTP server listens for requests (normally 25). A value here overrides the Administrator.




The message priority level. Can be one of the following values:

  • An integer in the range 1-5; 1 represents the highest priority.
  • One of the following string values, which correspond to the numeric values: highest or urgent, high, normal, low, and lowest or non-urgent.




Name of cfquery from which to draw data for messages. Use this attribute to send more than one message, or to send query results within a message.




If yes, ColdFusion removes attachment files (if any) after the mail is successfully delivered.




Addresses to which the recipient is directed to send replies.




SMTP server address, or (Enterprise edition only) a comma-delimited list of server addresses, to use for sending messages. At least one server must be specified here or in the ColdFusion Administrator. A value here overrides the Administrator. A value that includes a port specification overrides the port attribute. For details, see Usage.




Digitally signs the mail. If set to true, all messages that you send will have digital signature.




Whether to spool mail or always send it Immediately. Overrides the ColdFusion Administrator Spool mail messages to disk for delivery setting.

  • yes: saves a copy of the message until the sending operation is complete. Pages that use this option might run slower than the ones that use the No option.
  • no: queues the message for sending, without storing a copy until the operation is complete. If a delivery error occurs when this option is No, ColdFusion generates an Application exception and logs the error to the mail.log file.




Row in a query to start from.




Number of seconds to wait before timing out connection to SMTP server. A value here overrides the Administrator.




MIME type of the message. Can be a valid MIME media type or one of the following:

  • text: specifies text/plain type.
  • plain: specifies text/plain type.
  • html: specifies text/html type.
    For a list of all registered MIME media types, see




A user name to send to SMTP servers that require authentication. Requires a password attribute.




Whether to use Secure Sockets Layer.




Whether to use Transport Level Security.



Do not wrap text

The maximum line length, in characters of the mail text. If a line has more than the specified number of characters, replaces the last white space character, such as a tab or space, preceding the specified position with a line break. If there are no white space characters, inserts a line break at the specified position. A common value for this attribute is 72.

encrypt Optional false

If the Email should be encrypted.

recipientcert Optional false

The path to the public key certificate of the recipient.

encryptionalgorithm Optional  

The encryption algorithm to use.

The valid algorithms are:

  • RC2_CBC
  • AES128_CBC
  • AES192_CBC
  • AES256_CBC

The encryption support is provided through S/MIME.


Sends a mail message to the specified address. Mail messages can include attachments. The tag body can include CFML code to generate mail output. The cfmailparam and cfmailpart tags can only be used in the cfmail tag body. Mail messages can be single or multipart. If you send a multi-part mail message, all message content must be in cfmailpart tags; ColdFusion ignores multipart message text that is not in cfmailpart tags.


The cfmail tag does not make copies of attachments when spooling mail to disk. If you use the cfmail tag to send a message with an attachment with spooling enabled and you use the cffile tag to delete the attachment file, ColdFusion might not send the mail because the mailing process might execute after the file was deleted. (When this happens, the mail log includes a FileNotFound exception and the e-mail is not sent.) You can prevent this problem by setting SpoolEnable="No" in the attribute or disabling spooling in the ColdFusion Administrator. Disabling spooling causes the e-mail to be delivered immediately.

If you set type="text", sometimes whitespace might be compressed in the messages that you send. To resolve this, in the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Server Settings > Settings and then deselect the option Enable Whitespace Management.

Mail addressing

Mail addresses can have any of the following forms:



user (server)



DisplayName <user@server>

Rob Smith <>

"DisplayName" <user@server>

"Rob Smith" <>

user@server (DisplayName) (Rob Smith)

Specifying mail servers

The server attribute can specify one or more mail servers.


If you specify multiple mail servers in ColdFusion Standard, the cfmail tag uses only the first server in the specification. ColdFusion logs a warning message to the mail log file and ignores the additional servers.

For each server, you can optionally specify a user name, password, and port. These values override the corresponding attributes, if any. The server attribute has the following format:


For example, the following line specifies one server, that uses the default port and no user or password, and a second server with a user, password, and specific port:,

When you specify multiple mail servers in ColdFusion Enterprise, ColdFusion tries the available servers in the order they are listed until it connects to a server. ColdFusion does not try to connect to a server that was unavailable in the last 60 seconds.

Digital Signature

To add digital signature to your mail, specify the attributes sign, keystore, keystorepassword, keyalias, and keypassword as provided in the following example:

<cfmail from="" server="" sign="true" keystore="C:\OpenSSL\bin\hello.jks" keystorepassword="digital" to="" keyalias="crypto" keypassword="signature" subject="Mail with Digital Signature">

To add digital signature to all the mails you send, instead of adding the attributes to the tag, specify the settings in the Server Settings > Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.

If you do not specify the attributes in the tag, the Administrator settings are applied. Also, in the tag, if you set sign = "true" and do not specify the attributes keystore, keystorepassword, keyalias, and keypassword, then the values for these attributes specified using ColdFusion Administrator are applied.


<h3>cfmail Example</h3> 

<!--- Delete the surrounding comments to use this example. 

<cfif IsDefined("form.mailto")> 
<cfif form.mailto is not "" AND form.mailfrom is not "" AND form.Subject is not ""> 
<cfmail to = "#form.mailto#" from = "#form.mailFrom#" subject = "#form.subject#"> 
This message was sent by an automatic mailer built with cfmail: 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
<h3>Thank you</h3> 
<p>Thank you, <cfoutput>#mailfrom#: your message, #subject#, has been sent to 
<form action = "cfmail.cfm" method="POST"> 
TO: <input type = "Text" name = "MailTo"> 
FROM: <input type = "Text" name = "MailFrom"> 
SUBJECT: <input type = "Text" name = "Subject"> 
<textarea name ="body" cols="40" rows="5" wrap="virtual"></textarea> 
<!--- Establish required fields. ---> 
<input type = "hidden" name = "MailTo_required" value = "You must enter a recipient"> 
<input type = "hidden" name = "MailFrom_required" value = "You must enter a sender"> 
<input type = "hidden" name = "Subject_required" value = "You must enter a subject"> 
<input type = "hidden" name = "Body_required" value = "You must enter some text"> 
<p><input type = "Submit" name = ""></p> 

In ColdFusion 11, you can encrypt your mails using the following procedure:

  1. Get the certificate of the user for whom you wanted to send the mail (.p7c format).
  2. Specify the path to the generated certificate for the recipientcert attribute. For instance: 

    <cfmail ... encrypt="true" ENCRYPTIONALGORITHM = "DES_EDE3_CBC" recipientcert="#path#cert.p7c" >

  3. Configure the mail server from your ColdFusion Administrator.
  4. Download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files from the Oracle website for the JRE version that ColdFusion is configured with (if you are using an encryption algorithm whose key size is greater than 128).
  5. Send the mail. See the following example.
<cfset path = GetDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())>

<cfset algorithms = "DES_EDE3_CBC,RC2_CBC,AES128_CBC,AES192_CBC,AES256_CBC">

<cfloop index="algo" list="#algorithms#">

<cfmail to="" from="" 
subject="Sending a mail with the encryption algo : #algo#" 
sign ="false" 
recipientcert="#path#cert.p7c" > 
This message is encrypted using the algorithm : #algo#. 


Example using attribute idnaversion

<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">
<cfmail to="" 
    Hello World !


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