

Used with the cfgrid tag in a cfform. Formats a column and optionally populates the column from a query. The font and alignment attributes used in cfgridcolumn override global font or alignment settings defined in cfgrid.


Forms tags


autoExpand = "yes|no"
name = "column name"
bgColor = "web color|expression"
bold = "yes|no"
dataAlign = "left|right|center"
display = "yes|no"
font = "column font"
fontSize = "size"
header = "header"
headerAlign = "left|right|center"
headerBold = "yes|no"
headerFont = "font name"
headerFontSize = "size"
headerIcon = "icon path"
headerItalic = "yes|no"
headerMenu = "yes|no"
headerTextColor = "web color"
href = "URL"
hrefKey = "column name"
italic = "yes|no"
mask= "format mask"
numberFormat = "format"
select = "yes|no"
target = "URL target"
textColor = "web color|expression"
type = "type"
values = "comma-separated strings and/or numeric range"
valuesDelimiter = "delimiter character"
valuesDisplay = "comma-separated strings and/or numeric range"
width = "column width">

Note: You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also



ColdFusion 9.0.1: Added the attributes autoExpand and headerMenu supported only in HTML grids.

ColdFusion 9: Added boolean, date, numeric, and string_noCase to the type attribute values supported in HTML grids.

ColdFusion MX 7: Added the mask attribute, and the currency type attribute value.ColdFusion MX: Changed behavior if select="no": a user cannot select and edit the cell data, regardless of the cfgrid selectmode attribute value. When clicked, the cell border (and, depending on the selectColor value, the cell background) changes color, but the cell data cannot be edited.


Note: In XML format, ColdFusion passes all attributes to the XML. The supplied XSLT skins do not handle or display XML format grids, but do display applet and Flash format grids.


Req/Opt; formats





yes for first column and no for remaining columns

On a particular column, it lets you expand
the specified column.
Setting autoExpand="yes" for multiple columns
results in error.
Also, if the attribute display is set to no, then autoExpand
cannot be yes; else, it results in error.




Name of the grid column element.
If the grid uses a query, this attribute must be the
name of the query column that populates the grid column.




Color of background of grid column.

  • Options: same as for the textColor attribute.



As specified by cfgrid

  • yes: displays grid control text in bold.
  • no


Optional;applet, Flash, HTML

As specified by cfgrid

Column data alignment:

  • left
  • right
  • center




  • yes
  • no: hides the column.



As specified by cfgrid

Font of data in column.



As specified by cfgrid

Size of text in column.




Text for the column header.
Used only if the cfgrid colHeaders attribute is yes.
The default value is yes.



As specified by cfgrid

Column header text alignment:

  • left
  • right
  • center


Optional;HTML, applet

As specified by cfgrid

  • yes: displays header in bold.
  • no


Optional;HTML, applet

As specified by cfgrid

Font for the column header.


Optional;HTML, applet

As specified by cfgrid

Size of text for the column header, in pixels.




Location of an image file to use as the icon for
header column of the grid.

{{headerMenu}}Added in ColdFusion 9.0.1



Lets you turn on/off the header menu of the grid column.
Header menu is the drop-down list that appears on grid
header columns on mouse hover.
The attribute is helpful when you have images
for grid headers.


Optional;HTML, applet

As specified by cfgrid

  • yes: displays column header in italic.
  • no


Optional;HTML, applet


Color of grid control column header text.

  • Options: same as for the textColor attribute.


Optional;HTML, applet


URL or query column name that contains a URL to
hyperlink each grid column with.


Optional;HTML, applet


The query column to use for the value appended to the href
URL of each column, instead of the column's value.



As specified by cfgrid

  • yes: displays grid control text in italic.
  • no


Optional;Flash, HTML


A mask pattern that controls the character pattern that the form displays or allows users to input and sends to ColdFusion.
For columns with the currency type attribute, the mask specifies the currency symbol. ColdFusion automatically inserts the character before the numeric value.
For columns with text or numeric values, mask specifies the format to display or allow users to input, as follows:

  • A = A-Za-z
  • X = A-Za-z0-9
  • 9 = 0-9
  • ? = Any character
  • All other characters = ColdFusion inserts the literal character.
    If the column values are dates or timestamps,
    ColdFusion uses the mask pattern to format the selected date.
    For details of the date/time mask format, see the section date/time formats in mask attribute.Masking supports HTML grids.
    The default format is m/d/y, for example 05/06/75.
    where m is month with leading zeros, d is day with leading zeros, and y is two-digit representation of year.
    For further details, go to the following URL:!/api/Date




Format for displaying numeric data in the grid. See the following table of numberFormat attribute mask characters.




Determines selection behavior if the cfgrid selectmode attribute value is column, edit, or single; ignored for row or browse values.

  • yes: users can select the column or select or edit cells in the column, as specified by the selectmode attribute.
  • no: users cannot select the column or select or edit cells in the column.


Optional;HTML, Applet


Frame or standard HTML target in which to open link specified in href.


Optional;Applet, Flash, HTML


Color of grid element text in column as a hexadecimal number or text name.
To enter a hexadecimal value, use the form "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or A-F; use two number signs or none. Limitations: In HTML format, must specify a valid HTML color. In Applet format, must be one of the following:

  • Any color, in hexadecimal format
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Cyan
  • Orange
  • Darkgray
  • Pink
  • Gray
  • White
  • Lightgray
  • Yellow




You can specify the following values in all formats:

  • boolean: column displays as check box; if cell is editable, user can change the check mark. In an onchange event, for static and dynamic grids, the data that is passed is converted to the format in which the boolean values are represented in the database.
  • combobox: displays a drop-down list with the values you specify for the attributes values and valuedisplay as options.
  • numeric: user can sort grid data numerically. In HTML format, if the cell is editable, the user can enter numeric values
  • string_noCase: user can sort grid data as case-insensitive text. In HTML format, if the cell is editable, the user can enter text values.
    You can specify the following value in applet and Flash formats; it does not work in HTML format:
  • image: grid displays the image specified by the URL in the column. If you use a relative URL, the image must be in the CFIDE\classes directory or a subdirectory. If the image is larger than the column cell, it is clipped to fit. Flash images must be JPEG files. Applet images can be JPEG or GIF files.
    You can specify the following value in applet format; it does not work in Flash or HTML format.
  • image: you can use the following built-in ColdFusion image names, in addition to paths to image files, in the column values: cd, computer, document, element, folder, floppy, fixed, remote.
    You can specify the following value in Flash format; it does not work in applet or HTML format:
  • currency: formats the column data as currency, aligning it around the decimal point. If users sort the grid by using this column, it sorts correctly for the currency, Use the mask attribute to specify a currency symbol; the default value is the dollar sign ($).
    You can specify the following value in HTML format; it does not work in applet or Flash format:
  • date: The column contains date values. If the grid selectMode attribute value is edit, the cell is editable. When you click an editable cell, an icon appears that you can click to open a date picker and select a date.


Optional;HTML, applet


Formats cells in column as drop-down list boxes; specify items in drop-down list, for example:

{{values = "arthur, scott, charles, 1-20, mabel"}}



Optional;HTML, applet

, (comma)

Delimiter in values and valuesDisplay attributes.


Optional;HTML, applet


Maps elements in the values attribute to string to display in the drop-down list. Delimited strings and/or numeric ranges.



Column head width

Column width, in pixels.

The following matrix describes the behavior of type="boolean".









true (for static grids)

false (for static grids)

true (for dynamic grids)

NO (for dynamic grids)

For non-boolean or null


In applet format only, you can use the following numberFormat attribute mask characters to format output in U.S. numeric and currency styles. For more information on using these mask characters, see NumberFormat. (The cfgridcolumn tag does not support international number formatting.)




(Underscore) Digit placeholder.


Digit placeholder.


(Period) Location of mandatory decimal point.


Located to left or right of mandatory decimal point; pads with zeros.

( )

Puts parentheses around mask if number is less than 0.


Puts plus sign before positive numbers, minus sign before negative numbers.


Puts space before positive numbers, minus sign before negative numbers.


(Comma) Separates every third decimal-place with a comma.


Left-justify or center-justify number within width of mask column. First character of mask must be L or C. Default: right-justified.


Puts dollar sign before formatted number. Must be the first character of mask.


(Caret) Separates left from right formatting.

date/time formats in mask attribute

By default, Flash displays date/time values in grid columns with a format that shows values such as Oct 29 2004 11:03:21. Use the mask attribute to display the date or time in a different format, as described in the following table:

Pattern letter



Year. If the number of pattern letters is two, the year is truncated to two digits; otherwise, it appears as four digits. The year can be zero-padded, as the third example shows in the following set of examples: Examples:YY = 03YYYY = 2003YYYYY = 02003


Month in year. The format depends on the following criteria:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one or two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is three, the format is interpreted as short text.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as full text.
    Examples:M = 7MM= 07MMM=JulMMMM= July


Day in month. Examples:D=4DD=04DD=10


Day in week. The format depends on the following criteria:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one or two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is three, the format is interpreted as short text.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as full text.
    Examples:E = 1EE = 01EEE = MonEEEE = Monday


AM/PM indicator.


Hour in day (0-23).


Hour in day (1-24).


Hour in am/pm (0-11).


Hour in am/pm (1-12).


Minute in hour. Examples:N = 3NN = 03


Second in minute.

Other text

You can add other text into the pattern string to further format the string. You can use punctuation, numbers, and all lowercase letters. Avoid upper case letters because they may be interpreted as pattern letters.Example:EEEE, MMM. D, YYYY at H:NN A = Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2003 at 1:26 PM


The following example lets you update certain fields of the CourseList table in the cfdocexamples database. It uses cfgridcolumn tags to structure the table.

<!--- If the gridEntered field exists, the form has been submitted. 
Update the database. ---> 
<cfif IsDefined("form.gridEntered")> 
<cfgridupdate grid = "FirstGrid" dataSource = "cfdocexamples" 
tableName = "CourseList" keyOnly = "Yes"> 

<!--- Query the database to fill up the grid. ---> 
<cfquery name = "GetCourses" dataSource = "cfdocexamples"> 
SELECT Course_ID, Dept_ID, CorNumber,CorName, CorLevel, CorDesc 
FROM CourseList 
ORDER by Dept_ID ASC, CorNumber ASC 

<title>cfgrid Example</title> 
<h3>cfgrid Example</h3> 
<I>You can update the Name, Level, and Description information for courses.</i> 
<!--- The cfform tag must surround a cfgrid control. ---> 
<cfform action = "#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#"> 
<cfgrid name = "FirstGrid" width = "500" 
query = "GetCourses" colheaderbold="Yes" 
font = "Tahoma" rowHeaders = "No" 
selectColor = "Red" selectMode = "Edit" > 
<!--- cfgridcolumn tags arrange the table and control the display. ---> 
<!--- Hide the primary key, required for update ---> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "Course_ID" display = "No"> 
<!--- select="No" does not seem to have any effect!!! ---> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "Dept_ID" header = "Department" Select="No" width="75" 
textcolor="blue" bold="Yes"> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "CorNumber" header = "Course ##" Select="No" width="65"> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "CorName" header = "Name" width="125"> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "CorLevel" header = "Level" width="85"> 
<cfgridcolumn name = "CorDesc" header = "Description" width="125"> 
<cfinput type="submit" name="gridEntered"> 


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