Sweep curve | Substance 3D Designer

Sweep curve

In: Substance Model graph/Modeling



The Sweep curve node generates a mesh which is the result of sweeping a set of input Curves along another set of input Curves. The smoothness and shape of the generated mesh is also impacted by the tessellation of these Curves – i.e. smoother Curves result in smoother surfaces and sweeping paths.


  • Curves to sweep Scene
    The input Scene holding the Curves which will be swept along the Curves in the Curves To Follow input Scene – i.e. the swept Curves. The tessellation of these Curves impacts the smoothness of the mesh orthogonally to the sweeping path
  • Consider transforms Boolean
    Take into account the transformations performed on the swept Curves upstream in the graph, such as performed by a Transform node
  • Curves to follow Scene
    The input Scene holding the Curves along which the Curves in the Curves To Sweep input Scene should be swept – i.e. the sweeping Curves. The tessellation of these Curves impacts the smoothness of the mesh along the sweeping path
  • Align to curve Boolean
    Orient the swept Curves to match the orientation of the sweeping Curves
  • Flip Boolean
    Flips the normals of the generated mesh so they face the opposite direction
  • Scene parameters

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