Geometry sweep | Substance 3D Designer

Geometry sweep

In: Substance Model graph/Distribution



The Geometry sweep node places input Mesh Items along one or more input Curves, and warps them so they fit the path of the Curve according to the selected Sweep policy.

Points of a Curve which connected segments form an angle less than the Split angle value are detected as corners, whereas points where the angle exceeds this value are considered to be smooth.

Mesh Items are distributed as Swept assets and Corner assets:

  • Swept assets are placed along smooth parts of the Curve
  • Corner assets are placed on the part of the Curve which reaches or leaves a corner

The distribution takes into account the bounding box of each individual Mesh Item to decide how many assets can be placed on a smooth section. Only one asset is placed before and after a corner.


  • Random number generator seed Integer
    Random seed value used in the pseudo-random distribution of elements from the input collection.
  • Scene parameters

  • Curve to sweep Scene
    The input scene which holds the curves that input mesh Items should be swept on.
  • Split angle Float
    The minimum angle on the input curves at which a corner is detected.
  • Swept assets collection

    • Swept assets Scene
      Scene containing elements which should be used as a collection to pick from for sweeping along the smooth parts of the input curves. All elements directly under the root of the scene are included in this collection.
    • Sequencing Integer (selects an Enum index)
      Controls the order in which elements from the input scene should be picked when placing elements.
    • Custom first element Boolean
      Controls whether the first element in the placement sequence should be the first element of the input Scene, or one set by the user.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter.
    • First element index Integer
      Sets the index of the element in the input scene which should be the starting point of the custom sequence.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
    • Sequence String
      Sets the sequence of elements to be used when placing, written as a index values separated by a space – e.g. 1 3 5 4 2.
      Note: Index values loop around if they are higher or lower than valid indexes for the input scene collection – e.g. for indexes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, 5 will correspond to 1 as in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 (5) - 2 (6).
      Note 2: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
    • Custom last element Boolean
      ontrols whether the last element in the placement sequence should be the last element of the input scene, or one set by the user.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter.
    • Last element index Integer
      ets the index of the element in the input Scene which should be the ending point of the custom sequence.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
  • Sweep policy Integer (selects an Enum index)
    The policy which drives the sweeping process. The coverage of the curve is impacted by this parameter.
    • Fill and keep size: places meshes such as preserving their size, possibly leaving gaps when reaching a corner;
    • Fill and stretch to avoid gaps: places meshes and stretches them such as meeting the corners, leaving no gaps;
    • One stretched element per smooth part: places meshes and stretches them such as having only one mesh between each corner.
  • Corner assets collection

    • Corner assets Scene
      Scene containing elements which should be used as a collection to pick from for placing on the corners of the input curves. All elements directly under the root of the cene are included in this collection.
    • Sequencing Integer (selects an Enum index)
      Controls the order in which elements from the input scene should be picked when placing elements.
    • Custom first element Boolean
      Controls whether the first element in the placement sequence should be the first element of the input scene, or one set by the user.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter.
    • First element index Integer
      Sets the index of the element in the input scene which should be the starting point of the Custom sequence.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
    • Sequence String
      Sets the sequence of elements to be used when placing, written as a index values separated by a space – e.g. 1 3 5 4 2.
      Note: Index values loop around if they are higher or lower than valid indexes for the input scene collection – e.g. for indexes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, 5 will correspond to 1 as in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 (5) - 2 (6).
      Note 2: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
    • Custom last element Boolean
      ontrols whether the last element in the placement sequence should be the last element of the input scene, or one set by the user.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter.
    • Last element index Integer
      ets the index of the element in the input scene which should be the ending point of the custom sequence.
      Note: this parameter is only visible when Custom sequence is selected for the Sequencing parameter and the Custom first element parameter is set to True.
  • Minimum corner size Float
    The minimum radius of a detected corner.
  • Deformation policy Integer
    Controls whether the warping should be applied uniformly (Transform) of non-uniformly (Deform) on placed elements.
  • Width alignment Integer
    Controls whether the Items should follow the curves along their left side, centre of right side.
  • Height alignment Integer
    Controls whether the Items should follow the curves along their bottom side, centre of top side.

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