In: Substance model graphs > Deformation
The Bend node in Substance 3D Designer applies a bending deformation on all items in the scene connected to the Geometry input.
This deformation is a non-uniform rotation on the X-axis and the Y-axis – depending on the Direction angle value – which is applied from the bottom limit (no rotation) to the top limit (full rotation) along the Y-axis of the reference Basis.
When chaining Bend nodes, we recommend adjusting values starting from the bend furthest from the Scene's pivot and move upstream to the bend closest to the Scene's pivot. This order makes adjusting chained bends more predictable and comfortable.
- Angle Float
The maximum amount of rotation in degrees. - Direction angle Float
The direction of the rotation, expressed as the angle of the rotation axis in degrees. - Begin Float
The distance from the bottom limit from which the full amount of rotation is applied. - End Float
The starting point of the rotation. - Deformation type Integer (selects an Enum index)
Controls whether the rotation is applied non-uniformly (Deform) or uniformly (Transform) on the scene items. - Geometry Scene
The scene holding the Items which should be deformed. - Basis
- Basis Scene
The scene holding the reference Basis to be used. - Basis mode Integer (selects an Enum index)
The arrangement of the axis in the reference Basis.
- Basis Scene
Example Images