Organic pattern | Substance 3D Designer

Organic pattern

In: Substance Model graph/Distribution



The Organic pattern node generates Particles in a radial distribution, following a fixed algorithm involving a number of variables which can be tweaked by the user.


  • Scene parameters
  • Basis parameters
    • Basis Scene
      The Scene holding the reference Basis to be used
    • Basis mode Integer
      The arrangement of the axis in the reference Basis
  • Amount Integer
    The number of Particles which should be created
  • Sequence type Integer
    A list of preset deviation angles matching specific patterns. For instance, Fibonacci is equivalent to a user-driven Deviation angle value of 137.508°
  • Deviation angle Float
    The radial offset from the origin applied recursively to each step of the sequence
    Note: This parameter is only available when the Deviation angle parameter is set to User-driven
  • Start radius Float
    The radius used to offset Particles from the center at the start of the sequence
  • Start index Integer
    The index of the Sequence at which the generation of Particles should start
  • Growth Float
    The rate at which the distance from the center increases. Its influence depends on the value of the Tightly packed parameter:
    • False: the distance increases linearly
    • True: the distance increases at approximately the square root of the sequence index. A simplified formula may be: Distance = Start radius + Growth * sqrt(index)
  • Tilt angle Float
    The exponential Y spacing of Particles from the center at each step of the sequence
  • Particle orientation Integer
    Controls the method of orienting the generated particles:
    • Radial: Particles are oriented towards the radial direction relative to the rotation axis
    • Periodic: Particle of index A is oriented so that its X axis points to the Particle of index B such as B = A + P, with P being the value of the Orientation period parameter
  • Orientation period Integer
    Specified the number of times Particles should be rotated by the angle between their branch direction and the center
    Note: This parameter is only available when the Particle orientation parameter is set to Periodic
  • Repeat at same radius Integer
    The number of sequence steps which should be performed before increasing the radius
  • Particle scale ramp Float
    Controls the linear growth of the particle's scale along the sequence.
    Note: If the Tightly packed parameter is set to True, this parameter also influence the particle's distance from the center
  • Tightly packed Boolean
    Scales the sequence Growth so that Particles remain close to the center

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