Compare frames with multiple playheads

Use multiple playheads to compare two or more frames for color matching.

Create an additional playhead

  1. Hold the Control (Windows) or Command (Macintosh) key down and drag the Move Playhead icon anywhere in the Timeline.

    The Move Playhead icon is the arrow icon on the right side of the playhead controller.

    Move Playhead icon


    Make sure a green Plus (+) icon appears on the left side of the playhead controller before dropping the playhead.

Select a master playhead

When working with multiple playheads, select a master playhead to make grading and other adjustments.

  1. Click the playhead number to make it the master playhead.

    The playhead number turns orange to indicate it is active.

    Master playhead

Adjust the interval between playheads

  • Click the Move Playhead icon and position the playhead anywherei on the Timeline.

Delete a playhead

  • Click the Move Playhead icon and drag the playhead off the Timeline. 

    Note: Make sure the playhead is not the master one. If the number on the left of the playhead controller is orange, then it's the master playhead. Select another master playhead by clicking the playhead's number, and then delete the inactive playhead.

Work in split-screen mode

Arrange the screen layout by clicking the View button in the Timeline tab and dragging the icons in the Screen Layout panel.

Screen Layout panel

Up to nine playheads can be viewed at once. When using more than nine playheads, click a number in one of the channels and select a desired playhead to view.

Screen Layout panel

Keyboard shortcuts

Result Windows Mac OS
Change the current split-screen mode F9 Cmd+F9
Change the horizontal or vertical orientation of split-screen mode. F10 Cmd+F10
Flip the channel position of the split-screen mode. F11 Cmd+F11


The default F key assignments must be disabled on Mac OS systems. In System Preferences, select Keyboard, then the Keyboard Shortcuts panel. Select Expose & Spaces and deselect the default key assignments.