Overview of the classic e-signing experience

Understand the features available on the e-signing page.

The e-Sign page layout and feature summary.

The e-signing page is loaded after a recipient accesses the agreement through the email link or the signing URL. This is the environment where all agreements are reviewed and signed.

A good understanding of the e-signing page can be very helpful to effeciently complete, delegate, or decline to sign an agreement.

The e-sign page highlighting the interactive areas


The e-sign page is highly customizable. If you don't see a feature in your environment, contact your Acrobat Sign administrator.

The logo displayed in the upper-left corner of the page is drawn from the group that sent the agreement. 

If no logo is configured at the group or account level, the default Adobe Acrobat Sign logo is used.

The e-sign page highlighting the Logo.


Clicking into the logo area opens the Acrobat Sign login page for the account that sent the agreement.

The Agreement Name is displayed at the top-center of the page.

This is the same name displayed on the Manage page and presented in the recipient emails.

The e-sign page highlighting the Agreement Name.

The Global and Personal messages configured for the recipient can be displayed by selecting the speech bubble.

These are the same messages delivered to the recipient in the Review and sign email.

The e-sign page highlighting the Messages for the recipient.

Required fields are summarized in the Next Required field counter.

The counter highlights how many required fields are left for the recipient to fill before the recipient can complete their signature process. Non-required fields are not included in the count.

Clicking on the field counter advanced the cursor focus to the next required field.

The e-sign page highlighting the "required fields" counter.

Selecting the question mark in the upper-right corner of the page opens a submenu for support and legal notices:

  • User Guide
  • Tutorials
  • Contact Support
  • Legal Notices
    • Adobe Copyright 
    • Adobe Trademark
    • Terms of Use
    • Privacy Policy
    • Cookie Preferences
    • Third-party notices, terms, and conditions
The e-sign page highlighting the menu to access support and legal notices.

The Options list provides actions available to the user that don't directly support completing the agreement on the e-sign page:

  • Read agreement - Opens a read-only view of the agreement.
  • Delegate signing to another - Allows the recipient to delegate their authority within the agreement.
  • Decline to sign - Declines and cancels the agreement.
  • Print, sign and upload - Converts the agreement to a Written signature flow, allowing the recipient to physically sign and then reupload a digitized version fo that signed document.
  • Clear document data - Clears all changes to fields assigned to the recipient, restoring them to their original values.
  • View history - Opens the agreement Activity list that shows all of the logged events for the agreement up to the current time.
  • Download PDF - Downloads a PDF of the agreement content.
  • Legal Notices - Displays the Legal Notices for the Acrobat Sign product.
The e-sign page highlighting the Options menu

The arrow along the left side of the agreement points to the form field that currently has cursor focus.

Before the first field is completed, the arrow shows Start. After moving the field focus, the arrow says Next.

Click on the arrow to advance the cursor focus to the next field.

The e-sign page highlighting the Start/Next field indicator.

The body of the agreement may have fields with which the recipient can interact. Only fields intended for the recipient are available to fill. Some may be required, and others will not be. All required fields must be interacted with before the recipient can complete their actions for the agreement.

Use the Next arrow or the Tab key on your keyboard to advance the cursor focus through the fields (left to right; top to bottom).

The e-sign page highlighting the fillable fields for the recipient

The agreement is created from one or more files with one or more pages concatenated into one PDF file. A black bar containing page controls is displayed at the bottom of the page.

This black bar can be deleted from view by selecting the X to the far right of the bar. The bar can be exposed again by clicking into the space just above the bottom of the page, where the bar would normally be seen.

Navigate through the pages:

  • The recipient can navigate through the pages of the PDF file by scrolling down the page or selecting the Up / Down arrows. 
  • The current page / total pages is displayed to the right of the up/down arrows. The first number is the page number currently in view. The second number is the total number of pages in the agreement.
  • Entering a number into the first value (the current page) causes the view of the agreement to jump to the entered page number.

Control the page navigation:

  • Select the plus or minus icons to zoom in or out of the page (respectively).

Download the agreement:

  • Select the downward-pointing arrow to download a PDF copy of the agreement as it currently exists.
The e-sign page highlighting the page controls.

The elements of the e-signing page within the control of Acrobat Sign are all localized, and the recipient may change those elements to any one of the languages visible in the Language dropdown.

Changing the language selector updates the recipient experience in real time.


The Language selector does not translate the contents of the agreement itself. Only the labels and text that are part of the global Acrobat Sign service.

The e-sign page highlighting the Language selector

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