In the Box document library, do one of the following:
- Right-click a non-PDF file that you want to convert to PDF, and choose Integrations > Create PDF with Adobe Acrobat.
Adobe Acrobat for Box provides an integrated bundle of PDF services, enabling you to perform various operations on your PDFs. It also supports accessibility features such as read-out-loud functionality, keyboard tabbing, and high-contrast support. With this PDF experience, you can:
Also, the PDF experience supports dark mode, enhancing the visual experience for users.
The Adobe Acrobat for Box is supported on all modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft® Edge.
Beginning October 1, 2021, Acrobat tools will no longer support Internet Explorer and Microsoft® Edge Legacy browsers.
Open and view PDFs online with Adobe's high-quality web-based PDF previewer. To open a PDF, do one of the following:
If you get a permission dialog to grant access, click Grant access to Box.
The PDF is displayed in the Adobe Acrobat preview window. From the top menu, you can add annotations, search for words, download PDF, print PDF, and edit PDF to organize pages, combine files, export PDF to other formats, send your document for signature, and convert to PDF.
A. Acrobat Tools - Convert, Edit, Sign, and More B. Quick tools to annotate the PDF C. Document name D. Search, download, print, and read out loud PDF, Preferences, get help, account settings E. Navigation pane to view comments, bookmarks, pages, page numbers, previous or next page, rotate clockwise, fullscreen mode, zoom-in, or out options
You can convert Microsoft® Office documents and other supported file formats into high-quality Adobe PDFs that preserve fonts, formatting, and layouts.
Steps to convert a file to PDF:
In the Box document library, do one of the following:
A. List of recommended applications B. Create PDF With Adobe Acrobat
You may be prompted to sign in to Adobe Acrobat. Sign in with your Adobe ID and password.
If you’ve opened a PDF file in the Adobe Acrobat preview window, selecting Edit > Convert to PDF displays the Box file explorer. Choose the file that you want to convert to PDF and then select the check mark icon.
The file is converted to PDF and saved back to your Box library. Also, a preview of the file is displayed.
If you select a file to convert from a shared folder of your Box document library, a copy of the converted PDF file is saved to the same shared folder of your Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the converted PDF file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
You can convert PDF files into various document formats.
Adobe Acrobat performs OCR on PDF files that contain images, vector art, hidden text, or a combination of these elements. For example, it performs OCR on PDF files created from scanned documents. Adobe Acrobat also performs OCR on the text that it can't interpret because the text was encoded incorrectly in the source application.
OCR is the conversion of images of text (scanned text) into editable characters so that you can search, correct, and copy the text.
Steps to export PDF:
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to export, right-click, and do one of the following:
From the Adobe Acrobat preview window, choose Tools > Convert, and then select the format you want the PDF file to export to.
Sign in to Adobe Acrobat using your Adobe ID and password when prompted.
In the dialog box that appears, do the following:
Select Convert to [selected format] button.
The selected PDF file is converted to the desired format with the same name. The converted document is automatically saved in the same folder to your Box document library.
If you select a PDF file to export from a shared folder, the exported PDF file is saved in the same shared folder of the Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the exported PDF file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
You can edit text or add images to a PDF file using the Adobe Acrobat app.
Steps to edit text and images in a PDF:
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to edit, right-click, and do one of the following:
Choose Tools > Edit text & images from the Adobe Acrobat preview window. The PDF becomes editable, and the Edit panel opens on the left. If the PDF is generated from a scanned document, the Acrobat app automatically runs OCR to make the text and images editable.
In the edit mode, you can perform the following operations:
You can organize existing PDF documents by deleting, reordering, or rotating its pages.
Steps to organize pages in a PDF:
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to organize, right-click, and do one of the following:
From the Adobe Acrobat preview window, choose Tools > Edit, and then select the organize pages tools like Reorder pages, Rotate pages, Delete pages, or Split a PDF.
Sign in to Adobe Acrobat using your Adobe ID and password when prompted.
The Organize Pages toolset appears on the left. Use the + or - button on the bottom right corner of the window to zoom in or zoom out the page thumbnail preview. Do any of the following and select Save changes.
To save the changes in the existing file, select Save changes, else select Save a copy. Enter the file name, and select Save. The file is saved back to your Box document library.
If you select a file to organize from a shared folder of your Box document library, the organized PDF file is saved to the same shared folder of your Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the organized PDF file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
Steps to combine files into a PDF:
From your Box document library, select a file that you want to combine, right-click, and do one of the following:
Sign in with your Adobe ID and password when prompted.
Choose Tools > More > Combine Files in the left pane.
A preview of the file is displayed. From the Combine tools pane on the left, you can perform the following operations:
From the Tools pane, select Combine. The files are combined into a PDF and saved to your Box document library. Also, a preview of the file is displayed.
If you select a file to combine from a shared folder of your Box document library, the combined file is saved to the same shared folder of your Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the combined file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
To fill and sign PDFs, go to Tools > Fill & Sign. The Fill & Sign tools appear on the left, allowing you to complete form fields and sign as outlined in the following sections.
You can get documents signed by others using the Adobe Acrobat integration in Box, which relies on cloud services provided by Adobe Acrobat Sign. It lets signers quickly sign agreements from anywhere using a web browser or mobile device. Signers are not required to sign up or purchase any Adobe product to sign the agreements.
Complete your edits before you sign. The signed agreement is certified by Acrobat Sign. Edits to the signed agreement will lose the certification.
Besides PDF, you can send Microsoft® Office files, various image files, and text files for signing.
Steps to get your documents signed by others:
Open the file you want to send from your Box document library for e-signature.
Select a file and do one of the following:
A. List of recommended applications B. Send With Acrobat Sign
Sign in to Adobe Acrobat using your Adobe ID and password when prompted.
In the Send for Signature landing page, do the following, and select Next.
A preview of your agreement opens. The form fields are automatically detected in the PDF. Select the icon to place the detected form fields in the PDF document. Alternatively, drag fields from the tabs in the right pane and drop the fields where desired in the document.
If you have added multiple documents, the documents are converted into PDFs and combined into a single file. The combined file is opened for you to add appropriate fields.
Select Send. A copy of the sent agreement is stored in your Box document library, and a confirmation dialog box is displayed. You can perform the following tasks from the confirmation dialog box:
The Change Destination Folder option isn't visible if your role is a Contributor to the shared drive.
In Box, the activity stream displays the current status of your agreements. When you open a PDF document sent for signature, the Activity in the right pane displays the status of the agreement like sent for signature, document completion by the sent party and more.
A. Agreement sent for signature B. Status showing the agreement completion
A signer receives an email with a link to sign the agreement. Signers are not required to sign up or purchase any Adobe product to sign agreements. They can sign agreements using a web browser, mobile device, or Acrobat / Acrobat Reader desktop application. To sign the agreement, click Review and Sign.
When you send an agreement for signature, a copy of the agreement along with the audit history is stored in your Box document library. Depending on the agreement status, a suffix (in-progress-Acrobat Sign), (completed-Acrobat Sign), (failed-Acrobat Sign), or (expired-Acrobat Sign) is added to the agreement's name.
To track all the agreements sent for signature, do the following:
From the sent agreement confirmation dialog box, click Track Agreement. The agreement page is displayed in a new browser tab.
If you have an established Acrobat Sign ID, you should register for a new Adobe ID using the same email address. After registering, the Adobe database will correctly link your Adobe ID to your Acrobat Sign ID and allow you to authenticate to your existing user account. To register for a new Adobe ID using the established Acrobat Sign ID, do the following:
No data is lost when you register for a new Adobe ID using your established Acrobat Sign ID.
In the Adobe Acrobat sign in page, click Create An Account.
Use your existing Acrobat Sign ID, fill the requested details, and then click Create Account.
Confirm your email address by entering the six digit code sent to you.
Once your Adobe ID is confirmed, the Send For Signature page is displayed.
Use the Compress PDF tool to reduce the size of your PDF file. The size of the file is optimized by removing embedded fonts, compressing images, and removing items from the file that are no longer needed.
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to compress, right-click, and do one of the following:
From the Adobe Acrobat preview window, select Tools > More > Compress a PDF.
In the Compress PDF dialog box, choose the compression level as per the desired size and quality and select Compress.
The PDF file is compressed and saved to your Box document library.
If you select a file to compress from a shared folder of your Box document library, the compressed file is saved to the same shared folder of your Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the compressed file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
Use the Protect PDF tool to add password security to a PDF. After the password is set, users must provide the password to view the PDF.
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to protect, right-click, and do one of the following:
From the Adobe Acrobat preview window, select Tools > More > Protect a PDF.
In the Protect PDF dialog box, type the password in the Set Password field, and confirm the same in the respective field. For each keystroke, the password strength meter evaluates your password and indicates the password strength. Select Set Password.
Your PDF is password protected and saved to your Box document library. In the preview window, enter the password in the prompt to view the PDF.
If you select a file to protect from a shared folder of your Box document library, the protected file is saved to the same shared folder of your Box document library. If you don't have the required permissions for the shared folder, the protected file is saved in the home folder of your Box document library.
Use the Adobe Acrobat commenting features to write notes to yourself as you view or read documents. You can add comments to your PDF files with text comments, sticky notes, highlights, or the drawing tool. To add comments, do the following:
From your Box document library, select the PDF file that you want to comment, right-click, and choose Open With > Adobe Acrobat (Web).
In the quick tools bar, select the desired annotation tool and choose where you want to place the note. The following comment types are available for use:
When you use Add Text annotation, the same text is posted as a comment, and appears in the comment pane.
When you select any text in the PDF, additional commenting tools are available for use - Add comments, Highlight selected text, Strikethrough selected text, Underline selected text, Copy text.
If you're logged in, and your subscription includes access to the Edit tool, you'll also see the Edit text option.
A. Add comments B. Highlight text C. Underline text D. Strikethrough text E. Copy text
Adobe Acrobat autosaves the PDF.
To change the color of your comments, do the following:
Select the comment. A pop-up window appears.
Similarly, you can choose and change the line thickness of the Drawing Tool annotation, and adjust the font size of the Add Text annotation.
Select the color to open the color panel and choose your desired color.
To edit a comment, do the following:
To delete comments, select the comment and do one of the following:
To erase drawing comments, do the following: