- Cross-references when copied from one document to another in the same DITA book, open incorrect hyperlink destinations.
(Ref – 10563)
- Names of sub-books are missing from the book-in-book TOC in the Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 10561)
- @href attribute of an image is not dynamically updated on changing the image's name inside an <image> element.
(Ref – 10556)
- Dynamic HTML Drop Down Effects do not work as expected.
(Ref – 10550)
- Content loss or distorted text appears in the PDF output if it contains Assistant or Source Sans Pro fonts.
(Ref – 10294)
- The @lang attribute gets embedded in the meta content. The @lang attributes value doesn't adhere to standards and gets inserted even if the paragraph has the same language as that of the document.
(Ref – 10168)
- Anchor tags are generated even when the corresponding @href is not defined.
(Ref – 10163)
- Original image names are not retained, instead get renamed, when Responsive HTML5 output is generated.
(Ref – 10098)
- Some spaces are trimmed when certain variables are used in files and Responsive HTML5 output is generated for them.
(Ref – 9950)
- While generating Responsive HTML5 output, the post-processing of images resulted in a bit of (image) downsampling.
(Ref – 9626)
Fixed crash issues in FrameMaker:
The following crash and freeze issues reported by users or found in FrameMaker have been fixed:
- Cross-scripting vulnerability noticed in 'ehlpdhtm.js' file, which is used to generate Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 10021)
- For a specific set of files, FrameMaker crashes on editing the settings (.sts) file or generating Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref –10347)
- For a specific set of files, FrameMaker crashes on publishing Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref – 10502)
Deprecated feature(s) in FrameMaker:
The following feature has been deprecated in FrameMaker:
Password-protected PDF
The feature to password-protect your PDF file has been deprecated in FrameMaker. As the password was being stored in the .sts file, which could have resulted in a security issue.
However, you can generate the PDF output from FrameMaker, open it in Adobe Acrobat, and then set a password. In Acrobat, you can choose File > Protect Using Password or you can choose Tools > Protect > Protect Using Password. For more details see, Securing PDFs with passwords in Adobe Acrobat documentation.