LiveCycle ES4 SP1 | PDF Generator | Quick Fix 1049-009

Posted on September 30, 2014


This QF may not be the latest PDF Generator QF for LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1). For a complete and latest list of LiveCycle ES4 SP1 (11.0.1) QFs, see LiveCycle ES4 SP1 Quick Fixes.

Contact Support for more information or to obtain the QF.

Issues fixed in the QF

The QF introduces the following APIs in Rights Management Policy Manager. (Ref# 3830281).

  • getPolicySet( )
  • createPolicySet( )
  • updatePolicySetInfo( )
  • getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName( )
  • deletePolicySets( )
  • updatePolicySetPublishers( )
  • updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups( )
  • updatePolicySetCoordinators( )
  • updateCoordinatorPermission()

APIs details

getPolicySet( )
public PolicySet getPolicySet(String policySetId, boolean fetchPolicies) throws SDKException;

Returns details for the specified policySetId, and if fetchPolicies is set to true, it bring the details of all policies under it.

  • @param policySetId Id of the PolicySet whose information needs to be fetched
  • @param fetchPolicies if set to true, it will bring details of all policies under it. If set to false, it neither fetches the details nor the count of the policies under it.
  • @return PolicySet this object encapsulates all details related to PolicySet including policies         
  • @throws SDKException

createPolicySet( )
public String createPolicySet(PolicySet policySet) throws SDKException;

Creates a PolicySet. Note that creating a large number of PolicySets can have adverse performance effects.

  • @param PolicySet encapsulates all details related to PolicySet other than the policies under it
  • @return policySetId of the newly created PolicySet
  • @throws SDKException

updatePolicySetInfo( )
public void updatePolicySetInfo(String name, String desc, String policySetId) throws SDKException;

Updates the information for the given PolicySetId.

  • @param name Updates the name of the PolicySet
  • @param description Updates the description of the PolicySet
  • @param policySetId ID of the PolicySet whose information needs to be updated
  • @throws SDKException

getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName( )
public String getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName(String policySetName) throws SDKException;

Gets the PolicySetId corresponding to the PolicySetName.  

  • @param policySetName of the PolicySet
  • @return policySetId of the policySet
  • @throws SDKException

deletePolicySets( )
public HashMap deletePolicySets(List<String> ids) throws SDKException;

Deletes all policySets whose ids are set as argument.

  • @param policySetIds IDs of the policySets that need to be deleted. If a policySetId does not exist, the system will throw SDKException.
  • @return A map that contains all those policySetIds (which existed in the system) as keys that were not deleted and reasons for same as values. This would not let a user delete any policySet that has policies under it.
  • @throws SDKException

updatePolicySetPublishers( )
public void updatePolicySetPublishers(String policysetId, ArrayList userIds, boolean add) throws SDKException;

Helps add or remove Publishers on a given policySet

  • @param policySetId id of the policySet whose publishers need to be modified
  • @param userIds list of userIds which need to be added/removed from the policySet as publishers
  • @param add a boolean which when set to true will add users as publishers; if set to false will delete those as publishers
  • @throws SDKException

updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups( )
public void updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups(String policysetId, ArrayList userIds, boolean add) throws SDKException;

Helps add or remove VisibleUsersGroups on a given policySet             

  • @param policySetId id of the policySet whose VisibleUsersGroups need to be modified
  • @param userIds list of userIds which need to be added or removed from the policySet as VisibleUsersGroups
  • @param add a boolean which if set to true will add users as VisibleUsersGroups, if set to false will delete those as VisibleUsersGroups
  • @throws SDKException

updatePolicySetCoordinators( )
public void updatePolicySetCoordinators(String policysetId, ArrayList<PolicySetCoordinatorAndPerms> userIdAndPermsList, boolean add) throws SDKException;

Helps add or remove Coordinators on a given policySet           

  • @param policySetId id of the policySet whose Coordinators need to be modified
  • @param userIdAndPermsList list of userIds and their permissions (com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.client.infomodel.PolicySetCoordinatorAndPerms) which need to be added or removed from the policySet as Coordinators
  • @param add a boolean which if set to true will add users as Coordinators, if set to false will delete those as Coordinators     
  • @throws SDKException

updateCoordinatorPermission( )
public void updateCoordinatorPermission(String policySetId, String userId,  ArrayList perms) throws SDKException;

Helps update Coordinator's (userId) Permissions (perms) for a given policySetId    

  • @param policySetId id of the policySet on which the user will we added as co-ordinator
  • @param userId  user id that will be added as co-ordinator
  • @param perms an ArrayList to be set as permissions for the co-ordinator (userId). These would be amongst com.adobe.edc.server.constants.PolicyServerConstants.PolicySetAggregatePermissions, else it would throw an exception.           
  • @throws SDKException


Prerequisites to installing the QF

Installing and configuring the QF

  1. Take a backup of the <LiveCycle_root>/deploy folder. It is required if you decide to uninstall the quick fix.
  2. Stop your application server.
  3. Extract the QF archive file to your hard drive.
  4. In the directory named according to the operating system that you are using:
    • Windows
      Navigate to the appropriate directory on the installation media or folder on your hard disk where you copied the installer, and double-click the install.exe file.
      • (Windows 32-bit) CDROM_Installers\Windows\Disk1\InstData\VM
      • (Windows 64-bit) CDROM_Installers\Windows_64Bit\Disk1\InstData\VM
    • Linux, Solaris, AIX
      Navigate to the appropriate directory, and from a command prompt, type ./install.bin.
      • (Linux) CDROM_Installers/Disk1/InstData/NoVM
      • (Solaris) CDROM_Installers/Disk1/InstData/NoVM
      • (AIX) CDROM_Installers/Disk1/InstData/VM

    This launches an install wizard that guides you through the installation.

  5. On the Introduction panel, click Next.
  6. On the Choose Install Folder screen, verify that the default location displayed is correct for your existing installation, or click Browse to select the alternate folder where LiveCycle ES4 SP1 is currently installed, and click Next.
  7. Read the Quick Fix Patch Summary information and click Next.
  8. Read the Pre-Installation Summary information and click Install.
  9. When the installation is complete, click Next to apply the quick fix updates to your installed files.
  10. The Start Configuration Manager checkbox is selected by default. Click Done to run the Configuration Manager.

    To run Configuration Manager later, deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. You can start Configuration Manager later using the appropriate script in the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/bin directory.

  11. Depending on your application server, choose one of the following documents and follow the instructions in the Configuring and Deploying LiveCycle section.
  12. In case of a remote deployment or a cluster setup, manually add the following registry entry (for details refer to the Microsoft patch mentioned in Prerequisites to installing the QF section).
    Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print
    Value: Name: SplWOW64TimeOutSeconds; Type: REG_DWORD; Data: 30
  13. Restart the server machine.

Impacted LiveCycle modules

  • LiveCycle PDF Generator


Uninstalling the QF

  1. Open the [LiveCycle root]\patch\<QF_Patch_ID>\FilesAddedDuringServicePack_RemoveOrReplaceToRevert.txt file.
  2. Delete the files listed in the FilesAddedDuringServicePack_RemoveOrReplaceToRevert.txt file from your LiveCycle ES4 installation.
  3. Replace the files and folders in the following directories under [LiveCycle root] with the files from the backup copy at [LiveCycle root]\patch\<QF_Patch_ID>\backup_<QF_Patch_ID>\:
    • configurationManager
    • deploy
    • lib
    • pdfg_srt
    • plugins
  4. After restoring the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager directory, delete the EAR files in the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\export directory.
  5. (JBoss only) Perform the following steps:
    1. Stop the JBoss Application server.
    2. Clear the Work and Temp directories.
    3. Restart the JBoss Application server.
  6. Run LiveCycle Configuration Manager (LCM) to reconfigure and redeploy your LiveCycle system.
  7. (Optional) Delete the [LiveCycle root]\patch\<QF_Patch_ID> directory.

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