Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service (prior to February 8, 2021) | Product Description

Effective as of July 30, 2020 (Updated February 8, 2021)

What is Adobe Experience Managers Sites ("AEM Sites")?

AEM Sites is a content and experience management platform for delivering digital cross-channel customer experiences. AEM Sites enables organizations to create and manage digital experiences at scale across all channels.

Products and Services License Metric
AEM Sites: Cloud Service Page Views per month

AEM Sites: Product Limitations

  • Page Views. Customer may use up to the number of Page Views authorized in the Sales Order. Page Views include a combination of Page Views and API Calls wherein 5 API Calls are counted as 1 Page View. 
  • Concurrent Users. Customer may use:
    • up to 20 Concurrent Users with AEM Sites licensed up to 5 million Page Views; or
    • up to 40 Concurrent Users with AEM Sites licensed for 5 million or more Page Views. 
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment and 1 Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment.
  • Network I/O. Customer may use:
    • up to 25 terabytes of Network I/O per year with AEM Sites licensed up to 5 million Page Views; or
    • up to 50 terabytes of Network I/O per year with AEM Sites licensed for 5 million or more Page Views.
  • Additional Capabilities. Customer may access the Media Library functionalities of AEM Assets and Experience Fragments for use with AEM Sites.

What is Adobe Experience Manager Assets ("AEM Assets")?

AEM Assets is a digital asset management system that enables Customer to share and distribute digital assets. Users can manage, store, and access images, videos, documents, audio clips, and rich media for use on the web, in print, and for digital distribution.

Products and Services License Metric
AEM Assets: Cloud Service Per Standard User per year

AEM Assets: Product Limitations

  • Standard Users. Customer may use up to the number of Standard Users authorized in the Sales Order.
  • Environments. Customer may deploy 1 Production Environment, 1 Stage Environment and 1 Development Environment, all sharing the same code repository.
  • Storage. Customer may use Storage: 
    • up to 1 terabyte for the Production Environment, 1 terabyte for the Stage Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment with AEM Assets licensed for 10 to 24 Standard Users; and
    • up to 5 terabytes for the Production Environment, 5 terabytes for the Stage Environment and 200 gigabytes for the Development Environment with AEM Assets licensed for 25 or more Standard Users.
  • Network I/O. Customer may use:
    • up to 25 terabytes of Network I/O per year with AEM Assets licensed for 10 to 24 Standard Users; or
    • up to 50 terabytes of Network I/O per year with AEM Assets licensed for 25 or more Standard Users.
  • Brand Portal. Customer may access and use Brand Portal for asset distribution. Brand Portal includes 500 Light Users and up to 10 terabytes of Brand Portal on-demand storage.
  • Smart Content Services. Customer may access and use Smart Content Services.
  • Additional Limitations. Customer is not licensed to use Experience Fragments or Content Services.


Products and Services License Metric Add-On Product and Services Applicability
Sandbox Per Each AEM Sites or AEM Assets
Development Environment Per Each AEM Sites or AEM Assets
Storage Per terabyte per year AEM Sites or AEM Assets
Concurrent User Per pack of 20 Concurrent Users AEM Sites
Commerce Integration Framework Page Views per month AEM Sites
Asset Share Per Each AEM Assets
Light User Per Light User per year AEM Assets
Dynamic Media Page Views per month AEM Sites or AEM Assets
Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage Per terabyte per year Dynamic Media

Add-Ons: Product Limitations

Sandbox. Sandboxes may be licensed independently for non-production use cases only, and not to perform any features or functions of AEM Sites or AEM Assets. Each environment included with a Sandbox is limited to 200 gigabytes of Storage.

Development Environment. Additional Development Environments may only be added to the non-production environment of AEM Sites or AEM Assets and may not be used independently to perform any features or functions of AEM Sites or AEM Assets. Development Environments must be licensed separately for use with a designated Production Environment sharing the same code base, and may not be shared across multiple AEM Sites or AEM Assets deployments. Each additional Development Environment includes up to 200 gigabytes of Storage.

Storage. Storage may be added to the Production Environment, Stage Environment or Development Environment of AEM Sites or AEM Assets.

Concurrent User. Concurrent User packs may only be added to AEM Sites. Concurrent User packs must be licensed separately for each AEM Sites deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Sites deployments. 

Commerce Integration Framework. Commerce Integration Framework may only be added to AEM Sites. Customer may use up to the number of Page Views authorized in the Sales Order. When integrating with a third-party e-Commerce platform, Commerce Integration Framework includes use of I/O Runtime On-demand Services.

Asset Share. Asset Share may only be added to AEM Assets. Assets Share must be licensed separately for each AEM Assets deployment and may not be shared across multiple AEM Assets deployments. Asset Share includes the use of AEM Sites functionality only for the construction of a custom media portal to facilitate the distribution of Customer’s digital assets stored within AEM Assets to internal and external groups.

Light User. Light Users may only be added to AEM Assets to access Asset Share and Brand Portal.

Dynamic Media. Dynamic Media may be added to AEM Sites or AEM Assets. Dynamic Media is provided with 1 terabyte of aggregate on-demand storage. Access to some of the features and functionality included in Dynamic Media may be provided through alternate interfaces, which may be branded as Adobe Scene7 or Dynamic Media Classic. Adobe may, at its sole discretion, update the branding of the alternate interfaces and consolidate such features and functionality into a single access interface. When Dynamic Media is licensed as an add-on to AEM Sites, Customer may access and use AEM Assets within the AEM Sites environment only for Customer Content to be delivered by Dynamic Media.

Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage. Cloud Service Dynamic Media Storage may only be added to Dynamic Media. 


Add-on(s) means additional Products and Services that may be licensed by Customer and identified on the Sales Order.

API Call means a HTTP application program interface (API) request to get or change data by an application that is using an HTTP client to make the request. 

Brand Portal means the Brand Portal On-demand Service. Brand Portal operates in a multitenant environment outside of the AEM Assets environment. As a result, Brand Portal is not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of AEM Assets. 

Concurrent Users means the number of Users logged in and active (i.e., performing at least one operation) in the Production Environment of AEM Sites within the same thirty-minute time period. The out-of-the-box, non-customized AEM Sites deployed as a Cloud Service has been scoped to support a specified number of Concurrent Users (as detailed in the description of AEM Sites) based on the average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment. If the number of Concurrent Users at any point exceeds the number of Concurrent Users specified in the description of AEM Sites, or Customer’s average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment exceeds Adobe’s pre-scoped average, Customer may experience performance limitations during authoring activity. If Customer’s average User-driven load placed on the Production Environment is less than Adobe’s pre-scoped average, Customers’ AEM Sites deployment may support more than the specified number of Concurrent Users (as detailed in the description AEM Sites).

Content Services means a set of capabilities to expose user-defined content through APIs in JSON format.

Development Environment means the non-production environment for performing development functions such as designing, coding, testing and quality assurance. 

Light User means an individual who may use or access Asset Share and Brand Portal. Light User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one User or Computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Users.

Media Library means the following functionalities available in AEM Assets for use at the individual digital asset level: storage of ready to use digital assets in support of Customer’s web content management system; managing metadata properties under the Properties Basic tab; accessing the Timeline features (including viewing Comments, managing asset Versions, starting Workflows and viewing Activities); adding comments via the Annotate icon; managing static Renditions; for web and digital usage. Use of any other features of AEM Assets requires a full AEM Assets license.

Page View means:

(a) for AEM Sites, a single view of an email or web page of an internet site, including application screen views, application screen states, mobile web pages, and social network pages. Page Views are counted when a web page is loaded or refreshed, an application is loaded, or when content renders or is shown through an opened or viewed email, and it triggers activity at the origin service; and

(b) for Dynamic Media, a single view of an email or web page of an internet site, including application screen views, application screen states, mobile web pages, and social network pages. Page Views occur each time a web page is loaded or refreshed, an application is loaded, or when content renders or is shown through an opened or viewed email. 

Production Environment means the environment that makes content available to Customer’s intended audience. 

Sandbox means a program for deploying disposable instances of a Development Environment, a Stage Environment and a Production Environment for non-production use cases (e.g. proof of concept, demos and training). Sandboxes and the included environments are not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of AEM Sites or AEM Assets.

Smart Content Services means the Smart Content Services On-demand Service. Customer may elect to send its tagged images to Smart Content Services for processing. Customer acknowledges that such processing will enable Smart Content Services to learn and more closely replicate Customer’s tagging methodology when processing future images. Smart Content Services operates in a multitenant environment outside of the AEM Assets environment. As a result, Smart Content Services is not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of AEM Assets.

Stage Environment means the environment used to validate application changes before being pushed to the Production Environment via a deployment pipeline. 

Standard User means an individual (either an employee or temporary worker of Customer) who may use or access the Products and Services, and includes individuals who may access the Products and Services programmatically (such as through the use of an API) for any purpose. Standard User licenses may not be used concurrently (i.e., the same login ID may not be used by more than one Standard User or Computer at a discrete moment in time) or by multiple Standard Users.

Storage means the total combined storage available, at any one time, for all active data in the Production Environment, Stage Environment and Development Environment.