Frequently Asked Questions for Administrators
![]() | Read on to know the Learning Manager frequently asked questions that are associated with Administrator role. |
Can I add users in bulk? How?
I mis-typed email-id while creating log in for my learners, how do I correct it?
In order to fix user log in, you have to import CSV in Learning Manager. A sample CSV file is attached at the bottom of this page for your reference. Since email is considered as a unique identifier for a person, it cannot be edited. Follow these steps:
- Add the same user with correct e-mail id in CSV and ensure he remains as Manager of other users by adding his e-mail id to “Email of the Employee’s Manager” column in the sample CSV.
- Add other users in your account to the CSV including yourself
- Import this file on Learning Manager Admin app->Users->Add->Import CSV
- Map all fields, as prompted in dialog, to the corresponding CSV columns.
- Click Save.
Users should get added on Learners page.
Learners are wait listed for any classroom course when the seats are limited, based on the order of their enrollment. Administrators can select the wait listed learners and allocate seats superseding the seats limit for any classroom course. Learners get enrolled into the course as soon as Administrator allocates a seat.
- Click Courses on the left pane after your log in as Administrator.
- From the list of available courses, click on the course name of any class room course of your choice. A new page appears with detailed information on the course.
- Click Waitlist on the left pane of the course detail page. A list of wait listed learners appear on the page.
- Select the learners and click Allocate seats to enroll the learners directly to the courses, superseding the seats limit.
For more information, refer waitlisting and attendance feature.
Yes, you can record attendance by following the steps below:
- Click Courses on the left pane after you log in as Administrator.
- From the list of available courses, click on the course name of any class room module/course of your choice. A new page appears with detailed information on the course.
- Select the learners and click Save to record the course completion.
If there are multiple modules in a course and the learner completed only one of them, you can select a single module and click Save to mark the completion for the learner. If the learner completes all modules of a course, you can click Select All option and click Save.
For more information, refer waitlisting and attendance feature.
You can add L3 feedback while you enroll learners to the courses. Add L3 feedback question by following the steps below:
- Click Courses at the left pane after you log in as Administrator. Lists of all the courses appear on the right side page.
- Click the course tile for which you want to add L3 feedback
- Click instance default at the left pane.
- Click the circle on toggle button adjacent to L3 - Behavior change feedback to select it.
- Add the L3 feedback question in the text area below L3 Question.
As an admin, you can seek Manager’s nomination for the courses by following the steps below:
Click Courses on the left pane
Hover the mouse on any Manager nominated course and click Seek Manager Nomination.
In the list of instances, click Managers nominated link followed by Add Managers link.
Add the manager name, number of allotted seats and click the tick mark to save the changes.
While creating the courses, author chooses the type of course as Manager nominated.
Enroll learners to courses by following the steps below:
- Click Courses at the left pane after you log in as Administrator. List of all the courses appear on the right side page.
- Choose the course for which you want to add learners and hover your mouse over it.
- Click Enroll learners and add the name of learners. Note: You can add one or many learners at a time.
Assign learners to competencies by following the steps as below:
Click Skills at the left pane after you log in as Administrator.
Select one or multiple skills by clicking check boxes against each competency and click Actions drop down at the upper-right corner of the page.
Click Assign to users.
Start typing the name of the user, choose from the drop-down list and click Save.
You can enroll multiple learners for skills by clicking Add more users and by repeating the 4th step.
To create a learning program, follow the steps below:
Click Learning program on the left pane. Learning programs page appears with a list of existing learning programs.
Click Add at the upper-right corner of the page.
Enter program name, overview, description and click Save. -
Click Courses on the left pane.
Add one or multiple courses by clicking + on each course tile.
You need to publish the learning program before you enroll learners or an instance. -
Click Instances on the left pane and click Add new instances on the right corner of the page to include details of the instance.
For more information on learning programs, refer Learning programs feature.
You can edit courses or learning programs even after you publish them. For more information, refer to Courses and learning programs Help content.
To modify company profile, click Settings at the left pane and click Change on the upper-right corner of the page.
Click Courses on the left pane after you log in as an Administrator. A list of all available courses appears.
You can search courses in two ways:
- Click search icon displayed at the upper-right corner. A search field appears. Type the course name or any key words associated with your courses to locate your courses.
- By filtering list of courses using the filters.
You can filter the courses by state such as All, published, and Retired by clicking each of these options. You can also search based on competencies by clicking Competencies and by choosing each of them.
Based on your choice, you can view the filtered list of courses and select the required courses.
Yes, you can change the themes and branding of Learning Manager application as per the requirements of your organization. A set of five representative images is provided to preview your color theme changes before applying them to your application. Browse through these images by clicking < and > symbols on left and right side of the images respectively to preview.
Click Branding on the left pane to update your organization name, change the subdomain, log styles and themes. Click Edit adjacent to each of these topics to modify the content.
Refer to Color themes and branding Help for more information.
- Click Badges in the left pane after you log in as an Administrator.
- Click Add on the upper-right corner of the page that appears.
- Add Badge Name.
- Upload the badge by clicking Upload Badge and click Save.
You can set up gamification points for learners by following the steps below:
- Click Gamification after you log in as an Administrator. A page appears with a list of bronze, silver, gold, and platinum levels and the required points to achieve corresponding to each level. A list of tasks and corresponding points are available.
- Click Edit icon adjacent to each task to setup/modify the points.
Refer Gamification feature for more information.
You can create reports by following the steps below:
Click Reports on the left pane. Report summary page appears.
On the Reports page, click Add at the upper-right corner.
Add Report dialog appears.
Fill up all the mandatory fields, and click Save.
Only Administrators and Managers can create or view reports. Refer to reports feature for more information.
You can switch your account log in to other roles such as learner, manager and author without logging out of your account.
- Click the drop-down arrow adjacent to your profile picture at the upper-right corner of the page.
A pop-up menu appears. - Select each available role to get access to the respective role accounts.
Managers, Authors and learners can see notifications based on the course activities. Administrator can enable/disable notifications for all users by following the steps below:
- Click Email Templates at the left pane and choose General, User Enrollments, Completions and Feedback tabs.
- From the events listed below, click the No/Yes toggle buttons adjacent to **each **event and choose Yes to enable notification. Click No to disable sending notifications for a particular event.
Adobe Learning Manager provides you the facility to enroll external department members or external employees of your organization to the application.
Click Users on the left pane.
Click External on the left pane.
Click Add at the upper-right corner of the page.
Add User dialog appears.
Add the profile name, Manager email, seats allotted, expiry information. You can also add image to the external profile.
Click Save.
Administrator can copy registration url and send it to the external enrollment group. The external users can register, log in to the Learning Manager application and access their courses.
Create feedback questionnaire that can be used by learners after completing the courses. Three sample questions are available, by default. Follow the steps below to create questionnaire.
- Click Feedback at the left pane. A feedback questionnaire window appears.
- Click Edit to add/modify the questionnaire.
You can add a set of questionnaire and choose not to show them up if you do not need them. Click the check box to enable/disable a particular question.
Click Competencies on the left pane of the Administrator window.
Click Add to add new competencies.
Add competency name, description and the corresponding credits accordingly to each level.
By default, a single level with 0 credits will be available for each competency.
Click Add level to add new level to each competency and click Save. You can add up to 5 levels.
Once the competency is saved, you cannot remove levels from the competency. Administrator can also assign learners to a particular competency and level.
Click Billing at the left pane.
Billing information appears on the page.
Click the Subscribe tab.
Type the number of packs you want to order in Learner packs field, and click Place Order at the upper-right corner of the page.
Choose the number of packs based on the number of learners in your organization and place your order. For a purchase order driven process, write to us at
Enter your contact information, choose the credit card type, provide credit card details and click Complete Order.
Refer Billing management feature for more information.
- After you log in as Administrator, click Company Info at the left pane.
- Add Company Profile, subdomain, logo by clicking each of these options in the page.
To add courses you need to switch your role as Author. You can only view the list of available courses based on their state as Complete, Published, and Retired.
To view courses, click Courses on left pane. Refer Creating coursesfor more information
To add new users, follow the steps below:
- Click Users on the left pane after you log in as Administrator. You can also add users by clicking Getting Started on the left pane of the window and by clicking Add Users.
- To add new users, click Add on the upper-right corner of the page.
By default, all the new users are assigned with a learner role. You can assign Admin or Author roles to the learners by clicking Actions at the upper-right corner of the page and choosing Assign Role > Make Author or Make Admin.
Refer Add new users feature for detailed information on adding learners, authors and administrators.
You can get the account ID from the browser where Learning Manager is open.
Yes, you can pull a Training Report which contains all the Courses, Learning Program, Certification in the LMS. To download the report please follow the below steps:
- Login as an Administrator.
- Click on Reports > Custom Reports > Excel Reports > Trainings Report.
- Select All Trainings from the dropdown.
- Click on Download.
Follow the below steps to download the desktop version:
- Login as Admin.
- Click on Social Learning > Settings.
- Under Download Configuration, click on the hyperlink depending upon your Operating System.