Features of AEM forms workspace not available in Flex Workspace

AEM forms workspace innovates beyond Flex-based Workspace, to offer features, and capabilities that help improve business integration and user productivity.

Following is a quick overview of these capabilities. For more details, see the related articles listed at the end of this article.

Support for a summary pane for tasks

When you open a task, before the form opens, a pane allows you to show information about the task, using an external URL. Using Task Summary Pane additional and relevant information for a task can be displayed to add more value for the end user of AEM forms workspace. See Display Summary Page for the implementation details.

Support for Manager View

This capability allows managers to access or act on tasks of their reports. Managers can also drill down, in the organization hierarchy, to tasks of their indirect reports. See Managing tasks in an organizational hierarchy using Manager View for more details.

Support for user avatars

Images, or avatars, for logged in user can now be displayed in the upper-right corner of the AEM forms workspace. Also, in the Manager View, user avatars can be displayed to show the images of the managers and their reports. See Displaying the user avatar for more details.

Support for integrating third-party applications

The capability to integrate with third-party applications can be used to bring your workflows entirely to LiveCycle Workspace. For example, you can render Correspondence Management letter templates as tasks within the LiveCycle Workspace window itself. Thus, you can complete the task without leaving LiveCycle Workspace. See Integrating Correspondence Management in AEM forms workspace for detailed instructions.

Support for custom task rendering based on end user's device

AEM forms workspace provides support for HTML rendition of XDP forms. This support, when used in a render process that routes to different renditions of XDP based on the device or user-agent, allows users to view an XDP form as HTML on the mobile devices and as PDF on a desktop. This helps in providing seamless coverage of Process Management to users who work in varied environments on different devices.

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