Configuring Forms Manager

Scheduler configurations

Synchronization Scheduler


Synchronization Scheduler performs the synchronization of the applications from Adobe® LiveCycle® repository to CRX™ repository. It reads all resources from LiveCycle and selects only the supported resources to synchronize with the CRX repository. It runs periodically and on each run synchronizes the applications that have been marked for synchronize on CRX repository. On-demand synchronization option synchronizes all applications between CRX and LiveCycle repositories. The applications that are present on LiveCycle and not yet on CRX are created as hanging nodes and marked for synchronization. So when Synchronization Scheduler runs, it finds all applications marked for synchronization and performs the synchronization operation.

Synchronization Scheduler operations

Synchronization Scheduler performs the following operations at each run:

  1. Obtain the list of applications that have been marked for sync on CRX.
  2. For each marked application, fetch the list of valid 'form' and 'image' resources inside that application residing on LiveCycle, and create/update them on CRX.
  3. Delete a stale marked application. If an application is marked for synchronization and it is no longer present on LiveCycle, the scheduler deletes it.
  4. Update the Last Sync Time for applications that were successfully synchronized.


  1. Go to http://[server]:[port]/lc/system/console/. Log in with username admin and password admin.
  2. In OSGi > Configurations, click FormsManagerConfiguration.
  3. SynchronizationSchedulerFrequency variable defines the time period (in minutes) after which the scheduler runs. The default value for the period is 3 minutes. Update the value, as necessary.

Activation Scheduler


Activation Scheduler performs the function of activating/deactivating assets that have been scheduled for activation/deactivation. It also performs the function of purging temporary archives. Upload/download operations on the Forms Manager user interface create temporary archives. The scheduler runs periodically and searches for scheduled assets. You can also force the operation of Activation Scheduler using Force Schedule.

Operations performed

Activation Scheduler primarily performs two functions:

Form activation/deactivation

  1. Searches for assets scheduled for activation/deactivation (activation/expiry time < current time)
  2. Activates/deactivates such assets by changing the 'status' flag for the asset

Purging temporary archives

  1. Look for temporary archives under 'temp_archive_storage' that are no more required.
  2. Delete the archives in (1) that are older than 30 minutes.


SynchronizationSchedulerFrequency variable in FormsManagerConfiguration defines the time period (in minutes) after which the scheduler runs. The default value for the period is three minutes. For more information about configuring this value, see Changing secheduler configuration below.

Also, you can choose to synchronize forms either synchronously or asynchronously. The optimum and the default method to synchronize forms is asynchronously.

Changing scheduler configurations

To change the configuration of the schedulers, go to the OSGi console and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to http://[server]:[port]/lc/system/console/. Log in using the username admin and password admin.
  2. Click OSGi > Configurations.
  3. Open FormsManagerConfiguration.
  4. Edit the time period and click Save.
  5. Click OSGi > Bundles.
  6. Click Adobe LiveCycle FormsManager Core Bundle.
  7. Click Refresh Package Imports action in front of the FormsManager Core bundle.
    If the operation is successful, the scheduler runs with the new period supplied by the user.
  8. Optionally, check or uncheck Asynchronously Sync Resources option.

Root folder configuration


Root folder property defines the CRX node path where the LiveCycle application data is replicated on CRX. Apart from the resource properties for all applications, forms and image, the node also contains additional metadata about the form (for example, activation date, deactivation date, tags, sample data, submit URL and render profiles). The default value for this property is /content/dam/lcapplications. Do not update this property value once meta information is added to forms.

Changing root folder configuration

To change the configuration for the root folder, go to the OSGi console and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to http://[server]:[port]/lc/system/console/.
  2. Click OSGi > Configurations.
  3. Open FormsManagerConfiguration.
  4. Edit the root folder value as per requirement, and click Save.
  5. Click OSGi > Bundles.
  6. Click Adobe LiveCycle FormsManager Core Bundle.
  7. Click Refresh Package Imports action in front of the FormsManager Core bundle.
  8. Synchronize assets from the repository through the Admin options in the Forms Manager user interface.

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