Replaces occurrences of substring1 in a string with an object in a specified scope. The search is case sensitive.
This function can take either string or callback function as an argument instead of the argument to replace the string.
The string, after making replacements.
Function syntax
Replace(string, substring, obj [, scope ],start)
ColdFusion (2021 release):
- Added the parameter start.
- Also, callback support is added.
See also
Description |
string |
A string or a variable that contains one. String in which to search. |
substring1 |
A string or a variable that contains one. String for which to search |
obj |
String that replaces substring1 or callback function. You can also pass a callback function in this argument. function(transform,position,original) {...} |
scope |
start |
Position to start searching in the string (starts at 1). |
To remove a string, specify the empty string ("") as substring2. You do not need to escape comma characters in strings. For example, the following code deletes the commas from the sentence:
replace("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow, dog, and cat.",",","","All") |
<cfoutput>#replace("The quick brown fox","o","cf","all")#</cfoutput>
The code produces the following output:
The quick brcfwn fcfx
Example with callback function
<cfscript> myStr="happy app application apply appreciate appreciation Apprentice"; outStr = replace( myStr, "app", function (transform, position, original){ return UCase(transform); }, "all"); writeoutput(outStr); </cfscript>
The code produces the following output:
hAPPy APP APPlication APPly APPreciate APPreciation APPrentice
Example 2
<cfscript> mystring="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow." substring="ow" replacement="aze" scope="ALL" start=len("The quick brown") writeOutput(replace(mystring,substring,replacement,scope,start)) writeOutput("<br/>") // Scope="ONE" writeOutput(replace(mystring,substring,replacement,"ONE",start)) </cfscript>
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy caze.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy caze.
Example 3
<cfscript> // Define the callback function callback=(regexp,position,original)=>{ retString = regExp.reverse()&"aze" return retString } baseStr="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow." writeOutput(replace(baseStr, "ow", callback, "all", len("The quick bro")) & "<br>") writeOutput(replace(baseStr, "ow", callback, "all", len("The quick brown")) & "<br>") </cfscript>
The quick brwoazen fox jumped over the lazy cwoaze.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cwoaze.