List functions

Function Description
ArrayToList Converts a one-dimensional array to a list.
Asc Determines the ASCII value of a character.
Chr Converts a numeric value to a UCS-2 character.
CJustify Centers a string to a field length.
Compare Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings.
CompareNoCase Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings.
Decrypt Decrypts a string that is encrypted with the Encrypt function.
Encrypt Encrypts a string.
Find Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a
specified start position.
FindNoCase Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a
specified start position. The search is case-insensitive.
FindOneOf Finds the first occurrence of any one of a set of characters in a string,
from a specified start position.
FormatBaseN Converts number to a string, in the base specified by a radix.
GetClientVariablesList Finds the client variables to which a page has write access.
LCase Converts the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase.
Left Returns the leftmost count characters in a string.
Len Finds the length of a string or binary object.
ListAppend Concatenates a list or element to a list.
ListChangeDelims Changes a list delimiter.
ListContains Determines the index of the first list element that contains a
specified substring.
ListContainsNoCase Determines the index of the first list element that contains a
specified substring.The function is case-insensitive.
ListDeleteAt Deletes an element from a list.
ListFilter Filters elements in a list.
ListFind Determines the index of the first list element in which a specified value occurs.
ListFindNoCase Determines the index of the first list element in which a specified value occurs. The function is case-insensitive.
ListFirst Gets the first element of a list.
ListGetAt Gets a list element at a specified position.
ListInsertAt Inserts an element in a list at a specified location.
ListLast Gets the last element of a list.
ListLen Determines the number of elements in a list.
ListMap Iterates over every entry of the list and calls the closure function to work on the item of the list.
ListPrepend Inserts an element at the beginning of a list.
ListQualify Inserts a string at the beginning and end of list elements.
ListReduce Iterates over each item of the list and calls the closure to work on the item.
ListRest Gets a list, without its first element.
ListRemoveDuplicates Removes duplicate values (if they exist) in a list.
ListSetAt Replaces the contents of a list element.
ListSort Sorts list elements according to a sort type and sort order.
ListToArray Copies the elements of a list to an array.
ListValueCount Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is
ListValueCountNoCase Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is
ReplaceList Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list
in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited
list. This function is case-sensitive.
ReplaceListNoCase Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited list.
ValueList Inserts a delimiter between each value in an executed query.


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