How to uninstall and reinstall Acrobat

This document explains how to uninstall and reinstall Acrobat on your computer. (For other installation-related help, follow the appropriate link above.)

How to uninstall and reinstall Acrobat on Windows

You can easily uninstall Acrobat from the Windows Control Panel. (If you're having trouble uninstalling it from the Control Panel, use the Acrobat Cleaner tool.)

How to uninstall and reinstall Acrobat on macOS

You can easily uninstall Acrobat using the Acrobat uninstaller. (If you face any problem during the uninstallation, use the Acrobat Cleaner tool.)

Having trouble uninstalling? Use the Cleaner tool

Visit the Cleaner tool page, download the latest tool specific to your operating system (Windows/macOS), and then follow the steps listed on the page to uninstall Acrobat.

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