Using the File APIs

Before you begin, read File System Functions.

Uploading a file from the device

<cfclientsettings enabledeviceapi="true" enabledebuglog="true">


<cffunction name="uploadSuccess" >
<cfset alert("uploaded")>

<cffunction name="uploadError" >
<cfargument name="err" >
<cfset alert(err.code)>



<cfcatch type="Any" >
<cfset alert("exception " & cfcatch.message)>


Downloading a file to the device

<cfclientsettings enabledeviceapi="true" enabledebuglog="true">
<cffunction name="uploadSuccess" >
<cfargument name="obj" >

<cfset alert("downloaded "+obj)>
<cfset alert('b.txt'))>

<cffunction name="uploadError" >
<cfargument name="err" >

<cfset alert(err.code)>



<cfcatch type="Any" >
<cfset alert("exception " & cfcatch.message)>


Creating a directory

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfset cfclient.file.createDirectory('MyDir')>

Removing a directory

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfif cfclient.file.directoryExists('MyDir')>
<cfset cfclient.file.removeDirectory('MyDir',true)>

Getting the working directory

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfset cwd = cfclient.file.getWorkingDirectory()>

Copying a directory

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfif cfclient.file.directoryExists('dir1')>
<cfset cfclient.file.removeDirectory('dir1',true)>

<cfset dir1Obj=cfclient.file.createDirectory('dir1')>

<cfif cfclient.file.directoryExists('dir2')>
<cfset cfclient.file.removeDirectory('dir2',true)>

<cfset dir2Obj=cfclient.file.createDirectory('dir2')>

<cfset cfclient.file.copyDirectory(dir2Obj.fullPath,dir1Obj.fullPath)>


Reading a file

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfset fileContent ='MyFile.txt')>

Reading a file as a Base64 text

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfset opt =>
<cfset res =,false)>
<cfset imgStr=cfclient.file.readAsBase64(res)>


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