Using the Event API

Before you begin, see Event Functions.

Handling the back button event

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cffunction access="public" name="callbackfunc" returntype="void" >
<!--- Back button pressed --->


Handling the critical battery event

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>

<cffunction access="public" name="callbackfunc" returntype="void" >
<!--- Battery critically low! --->

Handling the low battery event

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>

<cffunction access="public" name="callbackfunc" returntype="void" >
<!--- Battery low! --->


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Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online