ColdFusion and RHEL connector configuration


This document applies to the following ColdFusion versions:

  • ColdFusion 10
  • ColdFusion 11
  • ColdFusion (2016 release)
  • ColdFusion (2018 release)
  • ColdFusion (2021 release)

From ColdFusion 10 and 11 versions, the apache connector binaries do not work with all Linux flavors because of compatibility issues. To address this issue, Adobe is providing the connector binaries for RHEL 6.4. These binaries are also tested on RHEL 6.5 and 6.7; Ubuntu 13.04, 14.04, and 15.04; CentOS 6 and 7; and SUSE Linux 11 for CF 11. Adobe is also giving the connector source, enabling you to compile and generate connector binary by yourself.

Note: The connector source linked to below is not the same as Tomcat connector source. Use it only with ColdFusion.

First, configure the connector using command below.

cf_root/runtime/bin/wsconfig -ws Apache -bin /opt/apache2/bin/httpd -script /opt/apache2/bin/apachectl -dir /opt/apache2/conf -v

The command above configures connector and it also generates a file that goes into following location: /cf_root/config/wsconfig/{magic-number}/

Download connector source from the following links: 


The attached zip files consist of two files each: connector-source.tar.gz (for Linux) and file (for Windows). 

If your platform is different from what is mentioned in the ColdFusion 11 support matrix or ColdFusion 10 support matrix, configure according to your OS version.  

To compile the connector from source, perform the following steps: 

  1. Unzip connector source file according to the appropriate ColdFusion version.
  2. Open the native folder.
  3. Give permission to folder  chmod -R 777 native/
  4. Run the following configure command:

./configure --with-apxs={apxs executable path} {find the location of apxs using find / -name apxs}

For example, if the apache is installed under /home/apache2, the command is as follows:

./configure --with-apxs=/home/apache2/bin/apxs

  1. Once configured, the command runs fine. Run the make from same folder. The make command compiles all the source.
  2. Open the apache-2.0 folder and locate
  3. If you don't find, open the apache-2.0 folder.
  4. Replace the generate with previous configured connector. You can find the same in the location {cf-home}/config/wsconfig/{magic-numner}/
  5. Restart ColdFusion and Apache.

RHEL connector in ColdFusion (2016 release)

Download the connector for ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 3 from this location.

If your platform is different from what is mentioned in the support matrix, configure mod_jk.soaccording to your OS version.  

To compile the connector from source, perform the following steps: 

  1. Unzip the ColdFusion (2016 release) connector source file.
  2. Open the native folder.
  3. Give permission to folder  chmod -R 777 native/
  4. Run the following configure command:

./configure --with-apxs={apxs executable path} {find the location of apxs using find / -name apxs}


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