ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 4

Adobe ColdFusion Builder is End of Life from Oct 1, 2024

Thank you for being part of the exciting journey of Adobe ColdFusion Builder.

As Adobe continues to focus on ColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio Code as the IDE for Adobe ColdFusion, we have decided to End of Life (EOL) Adobe ColdFusion Builder on Oct 1, 2024.

View the End of Life (EOL) announcement for ColdFusion Builder.

ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 4


To install ColdFusion (2016 release) updates, see the Updates page.


We have refreshed ColdFusion Windows installers to include support for Windows Server 2016.

ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 4 (release date April 25, 2017) includes the following changes, among others:

  • Changes in  cflogout tag
  • Changes in cfmailparam tag
  • Upgraded Tomcat (ver 8.5.11)
  • Addresses vulnerabilities mentioned in the security bulletin APSB17-14.

For more information, refer to the release notes.

Note: This update is specific to ColdFusion (2016 release)

Bugs fixed

For the detailed list of bugs fixed in this update, refer to Bugs fixed list.

Known issues

  • On a Linux OS, in a clustered environment, after applying Update 4, you might see few log entries related to TcpFailureDetector. These entries are harmless and can be ignored.
  • ColdFusion 2016 Update 4 installations through the ColdFusion Administrator might fail on certain Linux configurations that include the X Window system. The issue was introduced due to an upgrade to InstallAnywhere 2017. As a workaround, install Update 4 manually with sudo privilege. 


  1. On 64-bit computer, use 32-bit JRE for 32-bit ColdFusion and 64-bit JRE for 64-bit ColdFusion.
  2. If the ColdFusion server is behind a proxy, specify the proxy settings for the server to get the update notification and download the updates. Specify proxy settings using the system properties below in the jvm.config for a stand-alone installation, or corresponding script file for JEE installation.
    • http.proxyHost
    • http.proxyPort
    • http.proxyUser
    • http.proxyPassword
  3. For ColdFusion running on JEE application servers, stop all application server instances before installing the update.


For instructions on how to install this update, see Server Update section. For any questions related to updates, see this FAQ

  • The update can be installed from the Administrator of a ColdFusion instance or through the command-line option.
  • Windows users can launch the ColdFusion Administrator using Start > All Programs > Adobe > Coldfusion 2016 > Administrator.
  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012 users must use the “Run as Administrator” option to launch wsconfig tool at {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/runtime/bin.
  • If you get the following error when installing the update using the Download and Install option, ensure that the folder {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/hf_updates has write permission: "An error occurred when performing a file operation write on file {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/hf-updates/".
  • The connector configuration files are backed up at {cf_install_home}/config/wsconfig/backup. Add back any custom changes made to the file after reconfiguring the connector.

Installing the update manually

  1. Click the link to download the JAR.
  2. Execute the following command on the downloaded JAR. You must have privileges to start or stop ColdFusion service and full access to the ColdFusion root directory.

    Windows: <cf_root>/jre/bin/java.exe -jar <jar-file-dir>/hotfix-004-302561.jar

    Linux-based platforms: <cf_root>/jre/bin/java -jar <jar-file-dir>/hotfix-004-302561.jar

Ensure that the JRE bundled with ColdFusion is used for executing the downloaded JAR. For standalone ColdFusion, this must be at, <cf_root>/jre/bin.

Install the update from a user account that has permissions to restart ColdFusion services and other configured webservers .

For further details on how to manually update the application, see the help article.

Post installation

After applying this update, the ColdFusion build number should be 2016,0,04,302561.

Connector configuration

2016 Update

Connector recreation required

Update 4





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