ColdFusion 10 Update 18

ColdFusion 10 Update 18 (release date November 17 2015) includes the following changes:

  • Tomcat upgrade to 7.0.64.
  • Tomcat connector upgrade to 1.2.41.
  • Support for Windows 10 and Mac OS X 10.11.
  • Addresses a vulnerability mentioned in the security bulletin APSB 15-29.
  • Several important bug fixes for connector, language, caching and other areas.

This update is cumulative and includes fixes from previous ColdFusion 10 updates. 


This update is specific to ColdFusion 10.

Bugs fixed

For the detailed list of bugs fixed in this update, refer this document.

Known issues

The following issues are known to exist with this update:

  • On Windows 10, the ColdFusion 10 server installation process takes a longer time.
  • JDK 1.6 is required for installing ColdFusion 10 on Mac OS X 10.11. It is required only by the installer. It can be removed post-installation.


  1. If you have not already applied ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update, apply it first. This step is not required if you have ColdFusion 10 Update 12 or later.
  2. On 64-bit computer, use 32-bit JRE for 32-bit ColdFusion and 64-bit JRE for 64-bit ColdFusion.
  3. If the ColdFusion server is behind a proxy, specify the proxy settings for the server to get the update notification and download the updates. Specify proxy settings using the system properties below in the jvm.config for a stand-alone installation, or corresponding script file for JEE installation.
    • http.proxyHost
    • http.proxyPort
    • http.proxyUser
    • http.proxyPassword
  4. For ColdFusion running on JEE application servers, stop all application server instances before installing the update.
  5. If you have applied the early access release (pre-release) build of ColdFusion 11 Update 7, follow the steps at this blog post to reinstall it.


For instructions on how to install this update, see Server Update section. For any questions related to updates, see this FAQ

  • The update can be installed from the Administrator of a ColdFusion instance or through the command-line option.
  • Windows users can launch the ColdFusion Administrator using Start > All Programs > Adobe > Coldfusion 10 > Administrator.
  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012 users must use the “Run as Administrator” option to launch wsconfig tool at {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/runtime/bin.
  • You could encounter a Signature Verification Failed error when downloading and installing this update. To resolve this issue, download and install the ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update first, before installing ColdFusion 10 Update 18. For more information, see this article. If this error persists, then download ColdFusion 10 Update 18, afresh. This error is primarily due to certain issues with download.
  • If you get the following error when installing the update using the Download and Install option, ensure that the folder {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/hf_updates has write permission: "An error occurred when performing a file operation write on file {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/hf-updates/".
  • If you are upgrading to JDK 8 after installing ColdFusion 10 Update 18, copy tools.jar manually from {JDK_Home}/lib to {cf_install_home}/cfusion/lib/. Overlooking this step can result in the failure of ColdFusion Web Services.

Post installation

After applying this update, ColdFusion build number should be 10,0,18,296330.

ColdFusion 10 Update 18 includes bug fixes for IIS and Apache connector. Users should reconfigure their connector to apply the fixes.

If the fix for bug 3982328 is not needed, WSConfig upgrade command can be used to reconfigure the connector.


To uninstall the update, do one of the following:

  • In ColdFusion Administrator, click Uninstall in Server Update > Updates > Installed Updates.
  • Run the uninstaller for the update from the command prompt. For example, java -jar {cf_install_home}/{instance_home}/hf_updates/hf-10-00018/uninstall /uninstaller.jar

If you can't uninstall the update using the above-mentioned uninstall options, the uninstaller could be corrupted. However, you can manually uninstall the update by doing the following:

  1. Stop ColdFusion application service.
  2. Delete the update jar from {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/lib/updates.
  3. Copy all folders from {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/hf-updates/{hf-10-00018}/backup directory to {cf_install_home}/{instance_name}/


  1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, if you see the update listed in both Available Updates and Installed Updates, it could be a caching issue. Do the following:
    1. Navigate to Server Update > Updates > Available Updates and click Check For Updates.
    2. Press Ctrl+F5 to remove the bulb notification from the top banner of the ColdFusion Administrator.
  2. If ColdFusion server doesn't start automatically (ps -ef | grep -i coldfusion command indicates ColdFusion is running, but the ColdFusion Administrator cannot be accessed), restart the server manually after applying the update. This issue is rare and occurs on few Unix or Linux-based operating systems (when buffer allocation size of the machine console is almost zero).

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