The following examples show how you can configure portlets. You can add the following code to the doView() method depending on whether you are configuring the portlet on a local or remote server.
To get portal user information:JSR:
<cfdump var = #renderRequest.getAttribute("javax.portlet.userinfo")#>
To display PDF:
<cfdocument format="pdf" src="" filename="cfdoc1.pd f " overwrite="true">
<cfset pdfURL = getPortletResponse().encodeURL(getPortletRequest().getContextPath() & "/<path of pdf>/cfdoc1.pdf")>
<object data="#pdfURL#" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="400">
To display Ajax components, all the URLs used in portlets must be encoded.
<cfset sourceURL = getPortletResponse().encodeURL(getPortletRequest().getContextPath() & "/<path to cfm>/expandpath.cfm")>
<cfpod name="pod01" source="#sourceURL#" height="500" width="300" title="Example CFPod"/>
<cfset sourceURL = getPortletResponse().encodeURL(getPortletRequest().getContextPath() & "/<path to cfm>/expandpath.cfm")>
<cfwindow title="Test Window" name="myWindow" width="200" height="200" initShow="true" source="#sourceURL#">