Contacts Searching Functions

Searching a contact

You can use the find function to search through the contacts list with a criterion.

Method summary


Method summary

Find contacts based on the filter options


find(String filter, Array fields)

  • Returns – An array of Contact objects. If the fields are specified, the returned Contact object will contain values for only those fields.
  • Params
    • filter – A string to specify the filter for search.
    • fields - Array of fields to include in the returned Contact Object. Note that the search will be performed only for the specified fields. Valid values include name, displayName, phoneNumbers, and *.

An example

To find a contact “Rob” matching the name and displayName:

<cfset cntlst=cfclient.contacts.find("Rob",["name","displayName"])>
for (i = 1; i <= #arrayLen(cntlst)#; i = i + 1) {
/*Populating the content of the <div> with the ID divId*/
document.getElementById('divId').innerHTML=cntlst[i]. displayName;


Getting all contact information

To quickly get a list of all contacts, use the getAllContacts function as shown in the following example:

Method summary

Remove the contact matching filter

Method summary

Get all the stored contacts


  • Returns – an array of Contact objects. If the fields are specified, the returned contact object contains values only for those fields.
  • Params
    • fields – an array of fields to include in the returned Contact Object. The valid values include name, displayName, phoneNumbers, and *(indicates all fields).

An example

To enumerate all the contacts:

<cfset cntlst=cfclient.contacts.getAllContacts(["name"])>
for (i = 1; i <= #ArrayLen(cntlst)#; i = i + 1) {
/*Populating the content of the <div> with the ID divId*/


The Contact object

The following list describes the properties available for the Contact object:

  • id
  • displayName
  • name
  • nickName
  • phoneNumbers (ContactField [])
  • emails (ContactField [])
  • ims (ContactField [])
  • organizations
  • birthday
  • note
  • photos (ContactField [])
  • categories (ContactField [])
  • urls (ContactField [])

The following APIs are supported only on Android devices. Some of these APIs may not work on iOS devices.

The following list describes the functions available for the Contacts object:

  • getMobileNumber()
  • getHomeNumber()
  • getWorkNumber()
  • getPreferredNumber
  • addPhoneNumber(value,type,pref)
  • addEmail(value,type,pref)
  • addAddress(ContactAddress )
  • addOrganization(ContactOrganization )
  • addIm(value,type,pref)
  • addPhoto(value,type,pref)
  • addCategory(value,type,pref)
  • addURL(value,type,pref)


The Contact Object supports a few additional methods.


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