Creating a new contact
You can use create, createName, createAddress, and createOrganization to add a new contact to the phonebook.
Method summary
Purpose |
Method summary |
Create Contact object with the given data. |
create ()
Create ContactName object with the given data. |
createName(String givenName, String familyname, String middleName, String formatted, String prefix, String suffix)
Create ContactAddress object with the given data.
createAddress(String streetAddress, String locality, String region, String country, String postalCode, String formatted, String type, Boolean pref)
Create ContactOrganization object with the given data. |
createOrganization(String name, String department, String title, String type, Boolean pref)
Some examples
To create a Contact object:
<cfset contactobj = cfclient.contacts.create('user','123456789','',true)> |
To create a name:
<cfset cntname=cfclient.contacts.createName("Rob", "Cressey", "T", "Rob T Cressey", "Mr" , "Esq.")> |
To create an address:
<cfset cntadr=cfclient.contacts.createAddress("First street", "North", "Indian", "India","12345", "Good address form", "home", "true")> |
To create an organization:
<cfset cntorg=cfclient.contacts.createOrganization("SciTech", "Science", "Science Technology", "Education","true")> |