Last updated on
Oct 27, 2023
Function | Description |
SpreadSheetAddAutofilter | Adds auto filters to a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetAddColumn | Adds columns to a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetAddFreezePane | Adds freeze pane to a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetAddImage | Adds an image to a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetAddInfo | Adds information to an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadSheetAddPagebreaks | Adds page breaks for rows and columns to a Spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetAddRow | Adds a row to an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetAddRows | Adds multiple rows from a query to an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetAddSplitPane | Adds split pane to a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetCreateSheet | Creates a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetDeleteColumn | Deletes a column in a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetDeleteColumns | Deletes multiple columns in a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetDeleteRow | Deletes a row data in a spreadsheet object. It does not delete the row. |
SpreadsheetDeleteRows | Deletes all data from multiple rows of an Excel spreadsheet object. It does not delete the rows. |
SpreadsheetFormatCell | Formats the contents of a single cell of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetFormatCellRange | Formats the contents of a cell range of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetFormatColumn | Formats the contents of a single column of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetFormatColumns | Formats the contents of a column range of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetFormatRow | Formats the contents of a single row of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetFormatRows | Formats the contents of multiple rows of an Excel spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetGetCellComment | Gets the comment for an Excel spreadsheet object cell as a structure with formatting information or all comments for the object. |
SpreadsheetGetCellFormula | Gets the formula for a for an Excel spreadsheet object cell, or all formulas for the object. |
SpreadsheetGetCellValue | Gets the value for a for an Excel spreadsheet object cell. |
SpreadsheetGetColumnCount | Gets the number of columns in a worksheet. |
SpreadsheetInfo | Returns the properties of a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetMergeCells | Merges a rectangular block of two or more Excel spreadsheet object cells. |
SpreadsheetNew | Creates a ColdFusion spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetRead | Reads a sheet from a spreadsheet file and stores it in a ColdFusion spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetReadBinary | Reads a spreadsheet file into a binary object. |
SpreadsheetRemoveSheet | Deletes a spreadsheet. |
SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet | Sets a sheet in a spreadsheet as active. |
SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber | Sets a sheet number in a spreadsheet as active. |
SpreadsheetSetCellComment | Sets the comment for an Excel spreadsheet object cell. |
SpreadsheetSetCellFormula | Specifies the formula for an Excel spreadsheet object cell. |
SpreadsheetSetCellValue | Specifies the value of an Excel spreadsheet object cell. |
SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth | Sets the width of a column in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetSetFooter | Sets the footer in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetSetHeader | Sets the header in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetSetRowHeight | Sets the height of a row in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetShiftColumns | Shifts one or multiple columns to the left or right in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetShiftRows | Shifts one or multiple rows up or down in a spreadsheet object. |
SpreadsheetWrite | Writes a spreadsheet object into a file. |