International functions

Function Description
DateConvert Converts local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
or UTC to local time.
GetEncoding Returns the encoding (character set) of the Form or URL scope.
GetHttpTimeString Gets the current time, in the Universal Time Code (UTC).
GetLocale Gets the current geographic/language locale value.
GetLocaleDisplayName Gets a locale value and displays the name in a manner that is appropriate to a specific locale.
GetTimeZoneInfo Gets local time zone information for the computer on which it
is called, relative to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
LSCurrencyFormat Formats a number in a locale-specific currency format.
LSDateFormat Formats the date part of a date/time value in a locale-specific
LSEuroCurrencyFormat Formats a number in a locale-specific currency format.
LSIsCurrency Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a
currency amount in the current locale.
LSIsDate Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a
date/time value in the current locale.
LSIsNumeric Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a
number in the current locale.
LSNumberFormat Formats a number in a locale-specific format.
LSParseCurrency Converts a locale-specific currency string into a formatted
LSParseDateTime Converts a string that is a valid date/time representation in
the current locale into a date/time object.
LSParseEuroCurrency Formats a locale-specific currency string as a number.
LSParseNumber Converts a string that is a valid numeric representation in
the current locale into a formatted number.
LSTimeFormat Formats the time part of a date/time string into a string in a
locale-specific format.
SetLocale Sets the country/language locale for CFML processing
and the page returned to the client.

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