File functions

Function Description
FileClose Closes an on-disk or in-memory file that is open.
FileCopy Copies a specified on-disk or in-memory source file to a destination file.
FileDelete Deletes the specified on-disk or in-memory file on the server.
FileExists Determines if a file exists.
FileIsEOF Determines whether ColdFusion has reached the end of the file while reading it.
FileMove Moves a file from source to destination.
FileOpen Opens a file.
FileRead Reads an on-disk or in-memory text file or a file object created with the FileOpen function.
FileReadBinary Reads an on-disk or in-memory binary file into a binary object.
FileReadLine Returns the next line of a file.
FileSeek Shifts the file pointer to a specified position.
FileSetAccessMode Sets the attributes of an on-disk file on UNIX or Linux.
FileSetAttribute Sets the attributes of an on-disk file in Windows.
FileSetLastModified Sets the date when an on-disk or in-memory file was most recently modified.
FileSkipBytes Shifts the file pointer by the given number of bytes.
FileUpload Uploads file to a directory on the server.
FileUploadAll Uploads all files sent to the page in an HTTP request to a directory on the server.
FileWrite Writes the entire content to the specified on-disk or in-memory file
FileWriteLine Appends the specified text to the file object.
GetCurrentTemplatePath Gets the path of the page that calls this function.
GetFileFromPath Extracts a filename from an absolute path.
GetFileInfo Returns information about on-disk or in-memory file.
GetProfileSections Gets all the sections of an initialization file.
GetProfileString Gets an initialization file entry.

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