Last updated on
Oct 27, 2023
Function | Description |
DirectoryExists | Determines whether a directory exists. |
FileExists | Determines whether a file exists. |
FileIsEOF | Determines whether ColdFusion has reached the end of a file while reading the file. |
IIf | Evaluates a Boolean conditional dynamic expression. |
IsArray | Determines whether a value is an array. |
IsBinary | Determines whether a value is stored as binary data. |
IsBoolean | Returns true when a value is converted to Boolean. |
IsClosure | Checks if an object is a closure. |
IsCustomFunction | Determines whether an object is a custom function. |
IsDate | Determines whether a string or object can be converted to a date/time value. |
IsDateObject | Determines whether a value is a date/time object. |
IsDDX | Determines whether a DDX file exists or if a string contains DDX instructions. |
IsDebugMode | Determines whether debugging output is enabled. |
IsDefined | Evaluates a string value to determine if the value named in the string exists. |
isFileObject | Determines whether a value is a file object. |
IsInstanceOf | Determines if an object is an instance of a ColdFusion component or interface. |
isIPv6 | Determines whether the host supports IPv6. |
IsJSON | Evaluates if a string is in a valid JSON format. |
isLocalHost | Determines if the specified IP address is the localhost. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. |
IsK2ServerABroker | Deprecated Function |
IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded | Deprecated Function |
IsK2ServerOnline | Deprecated Function |
IsLeapYear | Determines whether a year is a leap year. |
IsNull | Returns true if an object is null. |
IsNumeric | Returns true if a string is converted to a numeric value. |
IsNumericDate | Returns true if a real number is a representation of a date/time object. |
IsObject | Determines if a value is an object. |
IsPDFArchive | Determines if a PDF document is archived or not. |
IsPDFFile | Determines if a PDF file is valid. |
IsPDFObject | Determines if a value is a PDF object. |
IsQuery | Determines if a value is a query. |
IsSimpleValue | Determines the type of a value. |
IsStruct | Determines if a variable is a structure. |
IsUserInAnyRole | Determines if an authenticated user belongs to a role in a list of roles. |
IsValid | Determines if a value satisfies a validation or data type rule. |
IsWDDX | Determines if a value is a well-formed WDDX packet. |
IsXML | Determines if a string is a well-formed XML text. |
IsXmlAttribute | Determines if a function parameter is an XML DOM attribute node. |
IsXmlDoc | Determines if a function parameter is a ColdFusion XML document object. |
IsXmlElem | Determines if a function parameter is a an XML document object element. |
IsXmlNode | Determines if a function parameter is an XML document object node. |
IsXmlRoot | Determines if a function parameter is the root element of an XML document object. |
LSIsCurrency | Determines if a string is a valid representation of a currency amount in the current locale. |
LSIsDate | Determines if a string is a valid representation of a date/time value in the current locale. |
LSIsNumeric | Determines if a string is a valid representation of a number in the current locale. |
StructIsEmpty | Determines if a structure contains values. |
StructKeyExists | Determines if a key is present in a structure. |