1. If you activate your computer with Digital Editions anonymously, all the purchased or borrowed books afterwards belong to that computer. And if you activate the Digital Editions in same device with new Adobe ID without erasing anonymous activation, all the books will transfer to the new Adobe ID.
2. If you activate your computer with Digital Editions with an ID, all the purchased or borrowed books afterwards belong to that ID.
3. The books downloaded before activation will not be converted.
4. Books can be copied from one device to another device. If two devices are activated with the same ID, purchased books can be opened on the other device. If the other device is not activated or if it is activated with another ID, a pop up window will appear to ask for ID when opening the purchased books. Borrowed books cannot be opened on another computer regardless its activation status. It is because that the loan token is not copied.
5. Borrowed books and their loan tokens will be copied when transfer (not copy, this is an ADE feature) them between computer and device (e-reader).
6. If the permission limits the books to be viewed on only one device, the copied books will not be able to be opened.