Configure the session timeout value

Specify how long a login session or a Meeting instance can be idle before the server disconnects it.

Adobe Connect sessions include Adobe Connect Meeting and Adobe Connect Central. The session timeout specifies how long a session can be idle before the server disconnects it. When a session is disconnected, the user is redirected to the Adobe Connect Central login page.

The default session timeout value is 30 minutes. Account administrators can change this value in the Adobe Connect Central Administration tab. System administrators can also change the session timeout value in the custom.ini file. The value in Adobe Connect Central takes precedence over the value in the custom.ini file.

Follow these steps to configure the session timeout in the custom.ini file.

  1. In a text editor, open [root_install_dir]\custom.ini.

  2. Modify the following parameters and set it to the desired value, in minutes. The following example changes the session timeout to 60 minutes.


    The SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter controls the timeout values for Adobe Connect Central. The minimum and maximum permissible values (in minutes) for this parameter are 5 and 720. The default is 30 minutes. 

    The CONNECT_APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter controls the timeout values for the meeting session in the Adobe Connect application for desktop in Windows and Mac. The minimum and maximum permissible values (in minutes) for this parameter are 0 to 43,200 (30 days). The default is 4 days.

  3. Save the custom.ini file. Restart the application server and the meeting server.

For the timeout duration set above, you can close and reopen any number of sessions in the Adobe Connect application for desktop without having to re-enter your login credentials. This behavior is applicable to the application for both Windows and Mac.

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